>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power
post these
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power
Leftists like to invert morality, project and view that anyone who is a victim is good, yet everyone is a victim even rapists and pedophiles.
to be fair, only black and brown rapists are victims. Not so much for Whites, unless they’re gay and rape a child
Pedophiles really need to be dropped off a cliff
>This post makes my feeling hurt therefore there should be a genocide
I wonder where life went wrong for you retards
>Defending pedophiles
Thats kinda sad because you know theyre only gay/trans and fucked up in general because they were raped. Child rapists should be publicly executed for the damage they cause to these people and to society as a whole.
kill everyone who thinks fucking children is ok
What's wrong with OP's pic? She's right...
they'll go to any lengths
which is why the only solution is to wipe them and their genes from this earth
>this post makes my feelings hurt
Imagine thinking this is what it’s about. Imagine thinking grown men have “feelings” in the first place. What a faggot
But I'm not defending pedophiles, I just don't think there should be a genocide. Your just looking for a justification for genocide anyways because your stuck in loserdom and you don't get the full scope of the shit you are actually saying.
>I wonder where life went wrong for you retards
unrionic given that it's mostly people molested as children who are gay pedophiles
You are defending pedos by being asspained that people want them gone. Never forget, absolutely no one but other pedos give a fuck about "pedo rights", in fact its one of the last excuses to enjoy psychopathy that normies have ;)
But its not about pedos though. I'm critizing the "and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power" posts that are posted with pictures of whatever the losers of Jow Forums claim to be degeneracy.
Well then.
pick one
The thing everyone seems to forget is that the vast majority of cp is self generated.
Why is there such a big push for paedophilia? Are there really that many people out there who want to fuck children?
>Holocaust didn't happen but it should have
What is the Jow Forumstard logic in this? Like what is the endgame.
A few articles on Salon.com is not a "big push". I agree it's reprehensible but can we stop pretending it's an epidemic.
This shit is disgusting. Please tell me this isn't real.
Tranny children suggesting children have the ability to consent and tranny children at gay bars getting dollars thrown at them and the existence of netflix says otherwise.
>the vast majority of cp is self generated
If we are talking about a Traci Lords looking but technically underage girl taking selfies that end up online then sure. All the perverted sicko crap of true childern, then no.
My issue with zero tolerance for CP is I don't think a random selfie shot of some girl, sent to some dude should ruin his life as if he is looking at 8 year old getting diddled.
I also have an issue with anything drawn/CGI etc that is claimed to fall into CP as no child was put at risk. It's not like a normal person sees some shadman drawning and decides to go fuck a kid.
>the existence of netflix says otherwise.
What's Netflix got to do with this?
My take.
Pedos see this modern LGBTQCVGHDG movements and wanna get into it. They see how batshit-crazy left it became and they want to push paedophilia into it. their rights and shit.
There's a doc Chickenhawk (1994) about NAMBLA people, look it up, it is actually the best doc about the mind of a pedo
The only reprimanded part about child pornography is that somewhere a child was raped
The idea that information itself is criminal and even having it is a serious crime is retarded and abusable
The child and rape part is also varying from country to country and culture to culture, in some places 13 is ok
I didn’t say anything should or shouldn’t have happened. I only said it didn’t
>white people shouldn’t breed
speaking of which...
Basically I mean selfies of real teenage girls that they send to boys and get put online. Plus all those videos of 14 year olds dancing in their panties and making out on omegle or stickam. Not saying its not morally dubious but noone is exactly being forced.
This person is right, sex with everyone above 11 yo should be allowed. There's no reason not to. The only thing that causes harm is the social stigma but not the sex itself which is just pleasurable.
Imagine walking into a pedo bashing thread and instead of bashing pedos you bitch about the people on the board which you have deliberately chosen to view
really gets the noggin joggin
Discord tranny detected
kek if you ever manage to have a daughter, I will "have sex" with her when she turns 11 and it can't possibly be harmful. Fucking based. Hope she likes being choked out.
Based Dutch pedophile.
Logicaly that is not wrong though.
child porn does not make you pedophile.
Pedophiles watching child porn has no time to rape children
>but muh damage done while making it!
damage was already DONE. Legalize exzisting cp and there will less child abuse.
When did pol became "but think of chillins" emotional imbecile?
pedos will be hanged by their tongue.
You dont need to be a Holocaust denier or even like Hitler to see something in those posts, though. The sentiment is simply that people like Hitler didnt exist in a vacuum. You can see it even today with right-wing parties. Why do people pretend like "radicalisation" is some solitary occurence that is divorced from reality? Leftists would do well to ask where the restlessness is coming from.
>You dont need to be a Holocaust denier or even like Hitler
How could someone not like Hitler?
I don’t know about pedophilia but 15-16 is a pretty ripe age (even if it’s technicaly legal at 16 in Euroland).
I don't want to see more of this cruel world
>I dont want people who would rape my child in a heartbeat off the earth
Um yeah sweetie, you are defending them
This thread is not putting me in a good mood, I must say.
Unironically this. Jow Forums has such double standards
Can we hurl them off a cliff with a catapult and use them as clay target substitutes? Never want to waste a good training opportunity, ya know.
fucking lost
Found the ped0
fully legal at age 14
Do you feminists have any single bit of reasoning for why CP should be illegal? Of course you don't, you were told it's a crime and accepted that anything the State outlaws must be bad
If i know who you were I literally would shoot you and feed you to my hogs and nobody would find you... or care.
Keep talking about this loudly in public places and see how life turns out for you.
Someone is upset
>not having a strong urge to protect children
well the bad news is you're defective
good news is that will all be fixed when the guillotines roll into your town
No, just a father with lots of land, guns and livestock.
You'd be surprised how many people there are like me. Fuck around and find out.
but CP hurts absolutely nobody.
It is simply adults showing "children" how to cast off the shackles of oppression and express themselves the way they deserve in this progressive society.
nice quads
I saw a think on a talk show once where two teens were dating and the girl sent her bf pics that she took and sent unsolicited. She got charged with production and distribution of cp and the guy got charged with possession of cp despite not asking for it and deleted it. Madness.
>damage was already DONE. Legalize exzisting cp and there will less child abuse.
By condoning existing child porn, you're encouraging new child porn to be made, which will result in new children being abused. Nobody likes to fap to the same video over and over. It all has to stay illegal.
Children do not have the legal capacity to make adult decisions. Whatever we mark as the age of majority, should also be the age of sexual consent.
>I saw a think on a talk show once where two teens were dating and the girl sent her bf pics that she took and sent unsolicited. She got charged with production and distribution of cp and the guy got charged with possession of cp despite not asking for it and deleted it. Madness.
That is pushing it too far. Are teenagers viewing child porn when they look in the mirror?
Ah, yes, you've fully explained why pictures should be illegal
>If we throw all children under the bus into the hands of degenerates maybe it will save women like me!
Women voting was a mistake
>By condoning existing child porn, you're encouraging new child porn to be made, which will result in new children being abused. Nobody likes to fap to the same video over and over. It all has to stay illegal.
>Possession implies demand.
>Demand will be satisfied with increased supply.
>Legalizing the possession of child porn is inviting more pedophiles to abuse more children and create more supply of child porn.
This is easy logic, and doesn't require one to adhere to feminism.
All pedos should be raped with a spikey stick
While drawings are a different matter, the process of getting actual child porn is damaging to children's developing minds. This is shown in the increase in deviant behavior in children who have been sexually molested at a young age. Because of how porn works, there will always be a desire for new porn, so more and more children would fall victim.
>fuck around and find out
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here mutt.
>man starts having sex with his daughter to make video of it
>man makes video of fucking his daughter because he's already fucking her
Of these two situations you really think the first one is the one that happens?
>the process of getting actual child porn is damaging to children's developing minds.
That is incorrect, a healthy sexual relationship does not "damage" girls. But that still does not justify pictures being illegal. Someone who saw a picture off the internet had no involvement with the creation of it.
The real reason CP is illegal is because sex with young girls is not bad for them and they can't let people see that or they won't believe the lie.
They voted for him?
We get it you are a pedo
You should be steralized. If you would have a kid, you'd without a doubt fuck them with no shame and ruin their lives. Actally hang yourself for the good of humanity and its future. No room in this world nor a reason for why you should exist here.
children cannot have healthy sexual relationships
they are pre-sexual humans.
gee i wonder, who could possibly behind this
kys Jew
I'm saying that if you really wanted to put your money where your cock hoovering mouth is, you'd come over here and start evangelizing your degenerate faggotry, but you'd quickly find out what a hot piece of copper jacketed lead would feel like entering your skull before being fed to livestock.
Instead, you'll sit in your gay little Islamic country while talking about how everyone should fuck kids. I'd happily give all my worldly possessions to gouge your eyes out with my fingers. You should think about if I'm just the only person who would do such a thing to you without a shred of remorse.
>>man starts having sex with his daughter to make video of it
>>man makes video of fucking his daughter because he's already fucking her
>Of these two situations you really think the first one is the one that happens?
I see your argument, and I am a libertarian/borderline-Anarchist, so I get the free market, let it be, approach. But, I cannot support it with child porn. Even if my argument - condoning existing porn is going to encourage the creation of new porn - only leads to a marginal increase in new supply that wouldn't have otherwise been generated anyway, then I think the law is worth it.
Pedophilia with prepubescent children is not a normal, or natural, sexual inclination. To allow adults who were molested as children to then molest new children, and create a future generation of adult pedophiles, is only perpetuating the problem. There's nothing wrong with saying it's wrong.
>Sexual child abuse, and child porn, is simply non-negotiable unacceptable.
I'm OK with sliding scales of punishment that consider age gaps, knowledge and intent. The law should distinguish possessing a British porno mag with a 17yr topless chick from possession of a video of a 6yr old engaged in sexual acts. Judges should have sentencing discretion.
18yr old high school senior girls shouldn't have to register as sex offenders for giving a blowjob to their 17yr old high school senior boyfriends. That only allows actual predators to hide in the crowd.
post twitter handler you burger.
>CP hurts absolutely nobody
You chomo freaks get put in prison and shanked by literal murderers and thieves.
Keep believing this.
You probably watch anime lol
>you don't get the full scope of the shit you are actually saying.
You're making this more complicated than it seems. You're useless to society and only cause problems therefore you should be genocided.
people asked the same about faggotry 20yrs ago pal
>He says as he watches season 3 of [x] anime
Anime pedo
Just shows that even murderers and rapists have more honor than Chester’s.
There are not many things that an “us or them” decision must be made. This is one of them. You are either against pedos and want them all removed from this earth, or you are for them. There isn’t a 3rd option.