16-year-old Japanese girls will no longer be allowed to marry, age of legal adulthood moves to 18

Japanese government votes to amend laws, bringing down age of legal adulthood but raising marrying age for women and gender reassignment surgery.

The House of Councilors, the upper house of Japan’s National Diet, has approved a bill to lower the age of legal adulthood in Japan. The legislation was initially introduced in March, with the amendments to the civil code being formally ratified on June 13.

The revision is the first change to the age of legal adulthood in over a century. The previous law, established during the Meiji period (which ran from 1868 to 1912) set the start of legal adulthood at 20, but the new law will knock that down two years, to 18.

A primary impetus for the change is that while legal adulthood currently begins at 20, many people in Japan join the workforce at 18, immediately after graduating from high school. Lowering legal adulthood to 18 will allow them to enter into housing and financial contracts, such as apartment leases, bank loans, and credit card contracts, without proving parental consent, as lawmakers found such a requirement illogical for citizens who are financially independent.

However, the minimum age for purchasing/using alcohol and tobacco, as well as gambling at Japan’s pachinko parlors, horse tracks, and other betting institutions, will remain at 20.

In total, 22 sections of the civil code were amended, with the proposals winning broad support across Japan’s major political factions such as the Liberal Democratic, Komeito, and Japan Restoration parties. The changes aren’t all about lowering ages, either. Currently, women in Japan are allowed to marry at 16, two years earlier than men. Under the new ordinances, tough, it will be raised to 18, making the marriage age the same for both sexes.

Another change: individuals seeking gender reassignment surgery will be able to have such procedures done at 18, with no need for parental consent.

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Modern societies are too complex for career parliamentarians to administer.


Japan is an important example of a country that can be put into social decline through bad social policy WITHOUT multiculturalism.

Too bad their porn is still censored


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hey retard shut up


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I dont speak ching chong ching chong
But these japs can get a white dick in their mouth on vacation or something. Might even leave one with a half white baby to worship.

>16-year-old Japanese girls will no longer be allowed to marry
You faggots couldn't bag a teenager in Japan anyway, why do you care?

>Too bad their porn is still censored
Only if it's for domestic consumption.

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Does that upset you pedophile?

Based Abe, pedos gtfo


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No one wants a beta hapa. The only good hapa. come out of a white woman's womb.

The cult of feminism strikes again.


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This is what happens when you try to limit porn with dumb laws

Who wants to marry a 16 year old Japanese girl anyways?

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These videos are awful and Koreanized.

Moles are disgusting, especially right between the tits.


Attached: 2019-02-19 12.13.49 1982445074873054989_6016365143.webm (480x600, 1.23M)

Korea is the worst

>temporary workers
>raising age of consent.
Japan is falling for kike subversion. Pochi needs to be shot.

>Another change: individuals seeking gender reassignment surgery will be able to have such procedures done at 18, with no need for parental consent.
"Our birth rate is through the floor, what should we do about it?"
"Let's heighten the age of mariage, and make it easier for people to sterilize themselves ror"

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>Lowering legal adulthood to 18 will allow them to enter into housing and financial contracts, such as apartment leases, bank loans, and credit card contracts, without proving parental consent, as lawmakers found such a requirement illogical for citizens who are financially independent.
Haha nice!
>Another change: individuals seeking gender reassignment surgery will be able to have such procedures done at 18, with no need for parental consent.
Oh yes, YES!

One step closer to being America. I love it.

The argument aoc is the same as the argument for gun control.

Abe is in the pocket of the jews who run staffing agencies over there.


>pic related

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