Why are you racist white devils telling Indians how to poop?

Why are you racist white devils telling Indians how to poop?


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"During the routine summer village visits," Rastogi writes, "the toilet was the khet, the fields. One carried a tumbler of water [to wash]. Somehow it felt good, the wide open spaces, the twilight, and the feeling of having left the stuff far away from your house. Covered in mud or sometimes just left to dry. The scorching sun saw to that. And by the next day it was manure."

I'm sorry, you can poop anywhere you want.

Poo on her way to the designated shitting street

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>Sanitation is racism
I think we may have found our golden ticket to genocide without having to lift a finger

We are not telling them how to poop, we are telling them where to poop.

they still dont know how to take a shit? Well, lets tell them.

how about asians?
pretty sure japs don't shit in the streets

Asians are white. But only when I want them to be white. Okay?

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fuck wh*Toids. in india we have a term called "Kara Angrez" (Black Anglo) when an Indian acts too wh*Te, we call them that.

when a pajeet poos in loo, he gets called that and comes back to the street.

fuck white people.

You guys are fucked
What someone does with they own asshole ias none of your buisness!

shit where ever you want Pajeet

So everyone else can tell Indians how to poop, just not white people? Alright.

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>fuck White people
Stop using our language then, street shitter

How else will we communicate with you cumskins then? It's like communicating to chimps.

Indians know over 200 languages, while you cumskins know only ONE (1)...


Go refresh yourself and talk to some cows with your 200 languages.

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What's up with that
Y'all cowards
Don't even expose crap

Fuck yeah! Mind your own business cumskins. Don't put your nose in our shit.

>How else will we communicate with you
Spanish and French are also heavily used in the world

So poetic

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Sorry. Go ahead and poop how you want Indianbro.

It's not how, but where, you cow-worshipping thugee yoga hindi fucks.

shut up pajeet, go drink some cow piss and stink up a callcenter


>200 languages
>no words for toilet

>Know over 200 languages
Still dosent know how to use a toilet

fucking poonigger streetshitters.


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Lmao and where did that get you poojeet?

I'm close to dying send help

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If you're getting made fun of internationally because you can't shit properly it's your fault

>Know over 200
You don't, though.
Also, stop stealing our technological advancements you degenerate barbarians.

and we want indians to stay in their country guess we're all fucked for xmas huh nigger?


They are right technically. People can poop in their own way. You fucking tards should not judge.

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Why do white people have to poke their nose in our shit? Let us fulfill our destiny in peace.


suifuel for indian manlets, if you are pajeet born after 2001, and under 175cm you're officially a manlet. pic related this year's IAP for adults.

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>your brain on curry
Flush yourself

>be 175 cm poojeet manlet
>57 kg
>7 cm penis

Based. I'm going to kick out cumniggers from America

Destiny to be the shittiest country in the world?
I think you have already fore filled your destiny my friend.

>proud of shitting in the streets

even Abo's dont do this. You're all worthless cow fucking niggers who need to be cleansed

Why are plumbing and sanitation such difficult concepts for Pajeets?

Indian people are walking skidmarks brought to life.

>s...super power by 2020
>more cellphones than toilets
>people bathe in sewage
>worships cows

enjoy your "destiny", pajeet

>Toilets don't work when you have no water.
thatll show them

As soon as I read the word "poop" in the title, I literally felt my butthole pucker, a sign that I have to poop. These synchronicities are getting pretty crazy.

wait a sec hold up
if Indian rivers look like pic related wouldn't flushing make the water filthier??

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>when an Indian acts too wh*Te
why is it among non-whites everytime one person decides to study, get themself together or not be a piece of shit, the other shitskins shame them saying they're acting white

Do you really want to be dirt your whole life?

>telling these """""people""""" its a health hazard
>retards disregard and continue shitting where they please
its a microcosm of society desu

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Hope we dont have to smell any fingers either

Please refrain from acting like your race had any pride

You are literally the shit of the world

Indian shitposting is reaching unsafe levels. Holy kek

Do not drag Japan into this. There are more than enough Indian people here already.

Daily reminder the “poo in loo” meme was created by the UN.


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>blocks you path

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Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>Defending street shitters, goat/child rapists, or niggers

Why am I not surprised

You seriously think shitting outside on the ground like an animal without bothering to wipe your ass is a "destiny"?!

Somebody post the boo in the loo memes, please.

Is there a manual on how to shot in a toilet on any one of those 200 languages?

Also, 2nd generation Canadian born to Indian parents here, get fucked pajeet

This. They're idiots that worship animals and literally drink and bathe in sewage on purpose.

>destiny in piss

Serious question, why does the thought of becoming civilized bother you?

sounds pretty cool actually

This is what we call in hindi "Kara angrez" aka black Englishman. "get fucked pajeet" - you're a pajeet yourself, just because you were born in cuckada will not change that fact. Kek

poo meltdown!

>two different time periods.
Top kek

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"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin."

The Rig Veda thanks god for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rg.V. II.20.7, II 12.4

"Indra, the slayer of Vrittra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the Dasyu that sprang from a black womb." RgV. II 20.6

Indra - 10.96.8 - "At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress."

Indra - 1.9.3 - "O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening lauds, Present at these drink-offerings."

Indra - 1.100.18 - "He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Simyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters."

Indra - 1.101.1 - "SING, with oblation, praise to him who maketh glad, who with Rjisvan drove the dusky brood away. Fain for help, him the strong whose right hand wields the bolt, him girt by Maruts we invoke to be our Friend."

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Based Indians defecating on their own food

Actually I as a Nationalist would stop doing that. Indians have their own space and they are free to live according to their ways.
If we want to live without foreign influence then we must accept others do the same.
But there's nothing bad about giving advise, it should just be constructive criticism.
You can either describe to them the benefits of using toilets in an objective way or you can shame them and talk shit about them.
The second option doesn't lead to different nations living in harmony with each other.

>If you are poojeet you must poo in street
>Otherwise you're a race trader
Wipe your ass apu

Fuck off Hindu dindu, you're talking to a Sikh. Know your street shitting place.

>race trader



cringe. The Supreme Lord of the Hindu faith is now Krishna, and Krishna defeated Indra.

Krishnam in Sanskrit means black, and Krishna was black. Bascially aryans btfo by black bull again.

People need to stop visiting India, westerners like to go because they think they will have some cultural or spiritual experience. In reality you'll just see people shitting outside or masturbating outside. But you're point is right, civilizing the savage is dumb. As long as they arent shitting in the streets of western nations it's not really our concern.

Basically Indians worship African penis and brag about it endlessly.

delet this

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all 4 of the ways hes pooping in ur pic are still going into a toilet

A Dutch comic called Hans Teeuwen wrote a relevant song and it goes something like this: Pine tree pit, pine tree pit, you can poop while lying down but it's better when you sit! The moral of the story is that there is an objectively best way to poop.

>rg ved
Cringe and bluepilled
Krishna , Vishnu, Shiva have btfo'd Indra so many times. He also runs to Brahma for help Everytime. Also an inept war general. Which is why he needed first king muchkund then kartikeya to lead his forces

KEK amazing I had to cap that shit. That part of the book was hilarious. George spares noone.

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Absolutely agree shit where you want when you want Apoo's
Don't come crying for foreign aid when half of you drop dead from dysentery.

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>tfw been using an Indian toothpaste for a while now
Am I going to be okay?

As the closest-to-civilized East Asians, Japs are welcome to keep being Japs in grorious Nippon. But I'd prefer that they stay there.

Which one


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And yet the one language understood by nearly all Indians is English. Your pidgin English, a ghost of the Anglo empire, is the last remaining linchpin holding your nightmare nation together.

It's called Promise, made by Dabur company.


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