Is climate change real or not?

Honestly I have no idea what to think at this point

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that's because you're a faggot

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its a money scam - like every religion.

The climate does change, lol. The sky isn't falling chicken little.

It's Rothschild scam = Standard Oil

= charge more for oil because "we're going to produce less of it".

= Yellow Vest protests

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probably real

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Ok second question. Is it humans fault?

For a part yes. But the way the climate crisis is handled is very similar to the energy crisis of the 70s, which is equally stupid.

Watch this video:

>same thread with same image within hours
Fuck off

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It has been changing for thousands of years, this is nothing new.

What they want you to believe is that it's man made, but in reality our impact is quite small.

Those who truly are polluting the environment are countries like China, so if you really want to save the environment, Europe and USA needs to bring back manufacturing there.

But liberals don't want that, they want to give more power to China even though they're killing the environment, and they want to punish you for it by taxing you to death while they themselves fly to Hawaii in private jets. Sick and delusional people who must not be given any power whatsoever.

partially but it's mostly a hoax/fear tactic. here's an axiom to help you in life: the government doesn't give a shit about you

Yeah. You gonna dump tons of CO2 into the atmosphere shit will go the fuck down.

Yes’m, it is FUCKING real, did you FUCKING hear what he FUCKING said you FUCKING dumb FUCKING redneck? It FUCKING exists and it’s going to FUCKING kill us all if we don’t FUCKING something in 12 years. I’m FUCKING serious, we have FUCKING 10 years to get this taken FUCKING care of. Can you even FUCKING imagine how FUCKING screwed we are in 8 years if we don’t FUCKING act now? The FUCKING clock is ticking and we better FUCKING close down all FUCKING coal plants before the FUCKING 6 years comes and goes. 4 FUCKING YEARS years, that’s all we have. 2 FUCKING YEARS.

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fuck that guy my threads better

It's a tax and real estate scam based off of statistical fallacies and garbage models.

Whenever the media presents two extremes with NO middle ground - in this case nuclear power with Chernobyl or global warming with everyone dead, you know the whole thing is a fake divide and conquer operation. They present just enough half arsed alarmist information to support both cases and then get people to fight about it. Same with the vaccine/anti vax, Israel/Palestine, rohingya/Buddhist, Pro/anti EU etc

The same people in all forms of media who are pushing the LGBTQ agenda, mass immigration and open borders agenda, gun confiscation and anti-2nd Amendment agenda, and nearly all of the other top leftist agenda policies of the day are the same people who are the main drivers of the global warming agenda. The same people who want to disarm you and open the borders to billions of 3rd worlders are many of the same people who tell you that driving cars and having children is dooming the planet to death via global warming.

Think about it for just one goddamn second.

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It certainly will be after the US nukes Iran a couple hundred times.

it's barely happening and it's not a big deal

less than a degree per century

Jesus Christ, user. Do we really only have one year left till we’re all dead?

We currently have 4 magnetic poles as we are in the advanced stages of a pole reversal, and, the Sun is going into a Grand Solar Minimum (mini ice age).

Man made CO2 is 2% of 2% - it has literally no affect on the climate. It's a (((scam))) to redistribute wealth. China and India wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the West sending their industry there due to CO2 taxation.

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Climate change would not be happening right now if Hitler won. Leftists have literally doomed humanity with their kiked political systems.
Let me off this roller coaster

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****China and India wouldn't exist as super powers if it wasn't for the West sending their industry there due to CO2 taxation.

Humans have helped accelerate the natural process. It would have happened eventually now it’s just happening sooner. Is climate change going to kill the planet? No. Is climate change going to kill off humanity? No. Will people overcome it? Yea probably. Will climate change kill some people? Yea probably from increased natural disasters. The only time when the world will for sure end is when the sun swallows it up in 7 billion years.

carbon dioxide puts fires out

the climate changes. it's hard to dispute that. also it's true that we are responsible for a lot of co2 that is making plants grow faster but also with less nutritional value. like I said, I don't think it's a real threat. I just take supplements. big whoop. it's okay to have a nuanced position. not everything has to be black and white

The current weather systems we are seeing are due to a Sun going into hibernation and the Jet Streams being massively out of wack due to changing magnetic pole positions. It has NOTHING to do with CO2.

Mate, climate change isn't even real. It's just a conspiracy theory

Basically this. Climate change is going to greatly increase the frequency of natural disasters, which means more happenings for us.
It is also going to fuck up the 3rd world killing millions which will probably result in mass migration that no one on earth has ever seen before.
There will probably be people being gunned down by heavy machine gun emplacements at the border at that point.

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why do you have 45+ images of bill nye saved on your computer?

6 months? Is there anything we can do?
I’m scared

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You seen the post, 6 FUCKING months is all we have left.

Dowry Industrial Index is up

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theres record amounts of co2 in the atmosphere but i find it funny that every natural disaster is now blamed on climate change. are people claiming there were no natural disasters before the recent high levels of co2?

absolute scam, famalam

That gif is so fucking comfy.

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Nobody knows for sure whether man affects climate or not. Nor does it matter.
What I do know for sure though:
>cutting down (rain)forests is bad
>having gasoline exhaust fumes in urban areas are bad
>forcing simple people to pay taxes for subsizing PV/wind is bad
>toxic waste of coal plants are bad
All these problems can and inevitably will be solved by next generation nuclear plants and small battery hybrid vehicles.

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you don't?

No there's not. There's been far more CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now and it has been much colder.

AGAIN, AGW CO2 is 2% of 2%!! It's negligible!

As much as people eco-fags hate to admit it Nuclear power is technically renewable.

The globe isn't even real, you actually think climate change is real? Fuck off.

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Everyone should have some Nye, user

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holy shit is this what heaven looks like?

>climate change is causing the natural disasters we face today
t. libtard that never opened a science book in his life.

Actually, you died five years ago.
no thank you

And that night, Tommy ate fried chicken in dinner.

Why should I care about the opinion on a fraud that isn't a real scientist and believes in gender being an spectrum let alone on someone being so condescending without showing any evidence in the subject other than telling me to "grow up listen and believe"?

I already do more for the environment than this faggot suggests.

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Why you gotta be like that, user?

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Nigger, unlike Bill Nye I have a degree in physics. My area is ocean acoustics, and don’t libtard me you faggot kike my professor was an actual communist and I fought that mother fucker every chance I could.

Trust Speedwalker, user.
He’s an avenger I think, not sure tho

You don’t hug dinner..
That’s a pet

Alright, dickwad. Explain how what libtards currently perceive as human induced climate change causes natural disasters.



Climate change is real and caused mainly by the sun and geothermal activity. We're actually heading into an ice age. That or the libtards are afraid the antarctic prison is going to melt out.

At most they had eggs for breakfast

Of course climate change is fucking real you retard, that was never even the question.
MAN MADE climate change is what people rightly doubt.

The ocean temperatures have increased, and i know that for sure because the speed of sound through the ocean is dependent upon pressure and temperature. Increased ocean temperatures makes it more likely for hurricanes to form since they can only form at certain temperatures.

According to Al Gore we're supposed to be living in waterworld for the last 10 years.

>dependent upon pressure and temperature
And salinity, specific gravity, bottom composition, natural and artificial particulates.
Dickoff larper

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Climate does change, I wouldn't have been here unless the glaciers over Sweden melted after the ice age. The glaciers have been melting constantly ever since, with a small derivative increase which is said to be manmade. The questions that need answering in this question is:

- How much has man effected the natural climate? I.e sea water levels and average temperature?

- What is the optimal sea water level and temperature?

- How much does it cost to mitigate the effects of a supposed amount of manmade propagated climate change, contra adapting to the change?

One of the benefits of an increase of CO2, which is certainly manmade, is that increased concentration (ppm) helps plant growth and has increased greening in the earth (measured with satellites).

You're insane if you think we are going to believe you ran sonar tests on this.

Wow good quick Wikipedia faggot. You’re actually a retard. Climate change isn’t going to kill us all, we don’t need some global government to fix it, carbon tax, no, but will it kill some, probably. Do people at NOAA want more government funding, yes. Just like every other government run scientist. At at the end of the day whether you believe me or not doesn’t matter because it’s true regardless. People asked a question and i answered it correctly.

I never said I ran tests, you said that

Then post the source who did.

Thank you! / thread

It is real. But it is not human made and a natural process that happened since forever. We had 2 iceages in thes 1600 years for example. So there is that

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It’s a national security measure in order to lessen its dependence on Persian oil. USA is loosing its hegemony over the world, and thus it needs to prevent being abused by oil exporting nations which might have close ties with China in the future.

that dude sucks ass compared to mr wizard

NOAA it’s well documented look it up yourself

From 0.03 to 0.04 is it?

You say this with such authority and yet very obviously have no reason to believe it other than you’ve been told it over and over again.

Of course climate change is real.
What do you think happened to Mammoths and sabretooth tigers... and 99.99% of all other species that has lived, and died out. Every individual type of lifeform that is currently on earth, is only 0.01% of the species that has ever lived. The climate is continually changing, and will continue to do so, forever.
The warming effect of CO2 is miniscule.
After the first 20 parts per million, the effect is quickly fading, and the tiny difference from 380 to todays value of just north of 400 would definitely not be measurable by todays methods.

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Post it if it's so well documented

>People asked a question and i answered it correctly.

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No, it’s what Britain looks like Fritz. Enjoy your multiculti modernist hellscape.

There's no solid proof mankind has large impact in it, that being said it's real and it will cause problems to everyone.

Yeah it's at 415 ppm now, 315 ppm in 1960.

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The climate has always been in a constant state of change. There has never been this "always sunshine, constant stability" state that these hysterics are painting for people

One more ugly truth: this planet hasnt had polar icecaps for over 90% of its existence. Having ice at the poles IS THE ANOMALY.

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Suck money out of the western world, to boost the third world. Chaos ensues. Wars, munitions, weapons, planes, tanks, rockets... yumm goes all the Elites and their royal puppets all over the place... The EU heads are pissing themselves with exitement about how much riches they have been promised, and the next step down, the leaders and parliaments of pretty much EVERY nation are wagging their tails obediently, so they can live out their later years with inflated pointless positions, and a comfy old age in a manor somewhere.
It's treason & insanity on an industrial scale.

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It’s real but there’s nothing we can feasibly do to prevent it getting worse without sacrificing economic stability world wide.

I’m not going to do research for you. If you’re interested look it up yourself. If you’re not then don’t. I don’t give two shits about whether you believe what I said or not.

>it’s well documented
>But, not well enough to post easily

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Swearing like this is a sign of low intelligence. Bill nye is a brainlet propped up by smarter people

Who cares? The first question is can you repair the world, take it away from clownworld, and make it worth living in again? If not, better to let it die. No world run by Jews is worth living in.

Gottem rekt 100% :oksign: :fire:

Tax the carbon

It sounds like youve already done the research so it shouldnt be too much more work. Otherwise I have to conclude you are full of shit.

Also, methane gas quickly oxidates to CO2 and H2O - the methane gas warnings are most definitely a climate hoax. Water vapour is the primary greenhouse gas, which overlaps somewhat with CO2.

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Tax the carbon nigger

Bill Nye needs to admit he's been rectally cumdumpstered just to prove he's not a hypocrite. If Bill hasn't taken the seed in his pooper, what business does he have telling others that they should?

>muh climate change
>EU and US reduced their footprint a whole lot over the decade and barely have any impact right now on the climate
>China, India and other shitholes are increasing their factory numbers and polluting the air and seas

Yeah okay conclude I’m full of shit. Do it yourself or don’t, again I don’t care.

You’re a retarded dipshit.

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