How the Greek Philosophy was adapted from Indian Philosophy

>How the Greek Philosophy was adapted from Indian Philosophy

Don't you know that the ancient Greek philosophers borrowed heavily from ancient Indian thought? Why are Europeans always stealing the ideas of other cultures and taking credit for themselves?

Attached: 1557518361267.png (884x453, 175K)

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So the Egyptians stole their culture from Indians and then plato went to Egyptian mystery schools and got taught Indian knowledge?
Wow, never knew that.

Agriculture came from India because fertilizer is poo.


there's nothing new under the sun

unless everything was as it wasn't

that would be different

Attached: edward_burnays.jpg (300x360, 7K)

to be fair early Greek also stole from Egyptians, the concept of polytheism,math and philosophy in which the Egyptians themselves stole it from Mesopotamians.
the point is indien fren is that The one that claims it first is the one whose knowledge is preserved is the one that matters, which is why i use arabic numbers not 'indian'

I read the Bhagavad Gita and it blew me away. Everything I like about Plato, Aurelius, Buddha, Jesus and Oncle A is contained in there but it makes them rest look like kids who stumbled on some of the big boy toys but didn't quite know how to play with them properly.

ive been noticing a rise in indian shitposting. there is some truth to the claim of philosophy being shared. now look where that got you. the europeans that stole your ideas used them instead of shoving them into a thousand year old fanfic that street shitters fanboy over.

>stole it from Mesopotamians.
Bible fag doesn't know about the Vinca

Attached: Vinca writing.png (809x1276, 270K)

>I read the Bhagavad Gita and it blew me away.
What parts? It seems like a bunch of mythology to me. What's your secret knowledge?

The fact that you used such a crass, infantile analogy merely shows that you've read none of what you just listed.

The Vedas came into India from the North, and an Indian historian has shown that the descriptions and astrological alignments point to the origin of the Vedas being in the Artic circle. Essentially everyone is We Wuzing everyone else. We can prove that ancient Sumeria and Egypt where white, and the Artic circle sure as fuck isn't Poo coloured.


>everyone is We Wuzing everyone else
It's a bit like Germanic cows arguing with Indian cows over who is the original Auroch, none of you are. The biggest we wuzzers are still the kikes and none of the ancients that did anything of note were niggers or nigger mutts.

however, The concept of drawing pictures to communicate doesn't mean that Egyptians were inspired by it, more over the first Egyptians were Mesopotamians who settled on the Nile river from the fertile crescent(the cradle of civilization) .

Let's just say death to wh*toids. Death to cumskins, pigskins, and cuckskins.


shut up you retard. indians were nothing but savages until alexander showed up and brought you the light of civilization. bhodisatvas, realistic depictions of buddha, algebra, geometry, and zen were all derived from greek influence.

Develop a philosophy that will guide you to poo in the loo first pajeet

>The aforementioned Greek philosopher is majorly known for developing the theory of metempsychosis – a concept which states that our inner soul is an immortal being and merely enters a new body upon death.

No one says Pythagoras invented the idea of reincarnation, and kikeipedia doesn't mention anything about him or his predecessors stealing the idea from poos.

>Added to the metaphysical philosophies, Pythagoras was also inspired and influenced by the Indian Philosophers for developing the renowned Pythagoras’ Theorem of Triangles. Before even the birth of the Greek Philosopher, what is known today as the Pythagorean Triples was already stated and proven algebraically within the Baudhayana Sutras – an ancient scripture written in the 8th-century BCE.

Wrong. The poos only stated the theorem and in fact had no concept of mathematical proof in the first place. The original discovery (not proof) of the theorem is much older and comes from Babylon.

>Baudhayana, an Indian Vedic Mathematician and the author of the Baudhayana Sutras, was also the first to ever use and calculate the accurate value of π (pi). The aforementioned is yet another example of a development that is credited to another Greek Philosopher, Archimedes.

Archimedes developed a procedure to calculate pi to arbitrary precision long before anyone else in the world. 100 years after Archimedes, Indians still thought pi was about 3.16

Attached: wrong.gif (480x287, 1.21M)



implying farming started there


reminder that aryans taught you proper religion. reminder Dharma is Perennial
idk if this vid has sources, but he has them scattered in his other videos

Smart. Blue eyes had made an appearance at the time of Atlantis, but they were mostly brown-eyed with olive skin. This is why Sonchis of Sais (the Egyptian) told Solon the Greek that the Atlanteans appeared Greek. They were the type of people you’d expect around that period of the ice age.

Attached: 4A637510-D8B5-4E1D-A4AE-1138AA861BDC.jpg (690x388, 29K)

Vinca is Finnish i.e. Asian. It's rather easy to understand if your native langue is Finnish. The word Vinca for example comes from vinkua which means to squeak in modern Finnish. The Latin (another Finnish language) word lingua is a cognate of this word. Compare the first person present form, vingun. Through dissimilation vingua (pronounced wingwa) became lingua.

awful blog post

It takes random Indo-Aryan religious passages and tries to torture them into somehow being related to Ancient Greek ideas. This is pathetic even for a "we wuz" post.

based and antiquitypilled

fuck does that have to do with it?
it probably started somewhere in china

>Vinca symbols


The swastika is a wheel spinning on its axis, and the Vinca symbols predate wheels (and even horse domestication). They also predate Slavs and IE languages in general.

Attached: Dv28EpuX0AUZJb_.jpg (602x603, 72K)

India was invaded by the white proto+Scythians, confirmed by genetics and anthropology. The Greeks came from the same group of proto-Scythians. Poos were just lucky to be invaded by advanced whites.

Did you know the times of India is full of shit like the rest of your country?

because mesopotamia is not the cradle of civilization
although there were many interesting anf powerful empires situated there
Ur is only the oldest currently known city

Who are the best gymnosophists? What to read?

>Vinca are Finish
No, Romania before it got Islamed. See Bosnian Pyramid.
>The concept of drawing pictures to communicate doesn't mean that Egyptians were inspired by it,

They did more than that. They have an entire civilization. Look it up on youtube to see all the artifacts. It's where all the yingyang Hindu-Aryan cultures come from. I should of made some memes for it

Attached: red yingyang.png (2000x2000, 79K)

The "bunch of mythology" feeling is what I experience reading the Eddas. The Gita does have some mythology but I see much more philosophy (and rich succinct philosophy at that) than mythology in it. I don't think there's any special secret. In my experience it required a little effort to overcome the culture barrier with all the Indian names and epithets (I had the same issue with the Eddas) and to understand the plot context, as the Gita is an extract from a massive epic (which dwarfs the Illiad+Odyssey combined) right before the main battle. It's a gentle read after you get past those minor hurdles at the start. Briefly here are some of the aspects of those philosophers that I see manifest in the Gita, often in superior form:
It has his idealism, caste system and the philosopher kings concept.
The performance of duty without attachment is a major theme in the gita. As is emotional temperence, quieting the mind and finding sanctuary within oneself. What Aurelius calls logos is dharma.
Again non-attachment to the material world and the non-existence of the ego. Except the gita doesn't take this in the direction of radical nihilism that many (but not all) Buddhists seem to take.
Compassion and respect for all living things and restraint from violence - but not taken to the extreme of radical pacifist universalism that is so pervasive in modern christianity. Encouragement of acts of charity. Devotion to the supreme being as the path to liberation. Avatar concept.
>Oncle A
This one is a bit too much to go into here, but the parts about ruthless restoration of natural order during times of decadence.
>Also Aristotle
The Gita espouses a virtue ethics similar to Aristotle and the later stoics. Chapter 16 of the Gita deals with this and is a quick and easy read

So how come India is not the mightiest country by now?

I got this book titled "ŚRĪMAD BHĀGAVATAM Ensimmäinen Laulu "Luominen""=(First Song "Creation") for free. Is it a good sample of gymnosophistry?

Its not 2020 duh

Kek, it's actually the other way around.


i use the term cradle of civilization just to describe the area, in reality there where multiple cradles of civilization all around the world that grew independently of each other

Attached: Map_of_the_cradles_of_civilisation_1600x.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

This book also has the text in poo runes and transcription

Attached: 20190514_124837.jpg (766x1362, 494K)

that's because you are a lard headed murican

eddas and other mythological stories have lessons of higher mysteries and the divine, but yes, they are not a philosophy for human conduct.

You haven't even worked out the sewer system yet, even after we taught it you with crayons.

Attached: Indian.jpg (271x186, 15K)

How come 6000 year old country is still place where people shit in street and swim in river that causes aids if you happen to have any kind of cut?

Third worlders always make me laugh. They're so pathetic

Plato never advocated a caste system. Aurel's logic has nothing to do with the right way of living (dharma). Etc etc

You shit skins are just trying to take credit by making false analogies. Pathetic!

That is true, the ancient Greek philosophers were heavily influenced by oriental schools of thought, hence the saying Lux ex oriente.
There's no reason to downplay the other schools of thought that had a great influence on Greek philosophers, most of them went to Egypt to get enlightened.
Actually we had agriculture in the Ponto-Carpatho-Danubian basin long before it was developed in the Middle East.
>i use arabic numbers not 'indian'
But Indians developed their numerals long before Arabs invaded India and adopted the numerals.
This doesn't mean that before that Arabs or Europeans didn't know what numbers and mathematics are.
No relation between the paleolithic cultures of Europe and Mesopotamia. The Vinca script was not preserved and did not morph into other scripts, whereas the Greek Alphabet indeed comes from the Middle East via the Phoenician influence.
We also had agriculture, the plow and the wheel in this region before they were developed in Mesopotamia, that's why several advanced cultures emerged, like Cucuteni.
It actually means that European cultures were able to form their own written / glyph scripts without influence from the Middle East or India.
That's a huge load of bullshit and Alexander followed in the footsteps of mythological heroes like Dionysus who invaded Northern India.
Too salty.
>kikeipedia doesn't mention anything about him or his predecessors stealing the idea from poos.
Kikepedia will soon say that Pythagoras was a Jew.
>Archimedes developed a procedure to calculate pi to arbitrary precision long before anyone else in the world
The Egyptians calculated pi and phi long before the Greeks. They are incorporated in the measurements of the Great Pyramid. Let's not forget that the post-Helladic Greeks migrated from the East.
Wrongfully confounded with proto-European peoples.

I didn't mean to belittle the Eddas. It's just that I find the deeper meaning and philosophy within the mythology harder to penetrate. Especially because we only have fragments of the European pagan tradition remaining. It's such a shame about all that was destroyed. I believe that the rich philosophy I see in the Gita also existed in ancient Europe, but has simply been shattered and mostly lost. The Lithuanians have held onto their traditions the longest. They were both the last to succumb to the Christians and have the oldest IE language. And what is the central concept found in the remnants of their religion? "Darna", which my Balt friend best translates as "harmony". This is the same as dharma in the Gita and the logos in Hellenic and Roman philosophy.

>Again non-attachment to the material world and the non-existence of the ego.
Stopped reading there. You have no idea what you're talking about and are spewing Gnostic bullshit.

Ego death has nothing to do with Buddha or Gita, you fucking New Age (((Gnostic))) pleb.

Attached: natural law dharma brahma ego death.png (1558x359, 248K)

that map is missing the volga basin, where indo-euros originate from and the rhine, which although as of yet unproven, ought to have been a very interesting sight when doggerland hadn't yet sunk

First thing in the morning, what do I see? A pile of shit staring at me. I close my eyes, I step away. No matter where I go, there’s no getting away. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo?

I step out on the street. What do I smell? Shit that’s stinky to high hell. I hold my breath, I step away. But everywhere I go, there’s no getting away.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.

Shit, not shit, this shit, that shit. Let’s see now. Let me check. Happy birthday. Happy birthday.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.

>The Vinca script was not preserved and did not morph into other scripts,

Attached: Viking Calander veddic writing.jpg (500x1314, 491K)

>Greek Alphabet indeed comes from the Middle East via the Phoenician influence.
Kike lies

Attached: 5300BC Romania Tartaria amulet retouched script.png (266x327, 19K)

India was probably great before the abbos mixed in and now you are all niggers

I was using it in terms of sarcasm to show him that who invented what doesn't matter only one who preserve that knowledge and share it do fren.
>This doesn't mean that before that Arabs or Europeans didn't know what numbers and mathematics are.
>It actually means that European cultures were able to form their own written / glyph scripts without influence from the Middle East or India.
never said anything to insinuate otherwise

Ancient Indians were virtuous people.
You however are nothing like them.

interesting indeed!

>borrowed heavily
Nah, the early Greek philosophy was absolute garbage, the actually useful stuff was also surrounded by garbage but created through debate in Greece.

Stop stealing our stuff, Whitoids

>India was invaded by the white proto+Scythians, confirmed by genetics and anthropology
>The Greeks came from the same group of proto-Scythians
False, the Helladics were related to the Scythians, the Greeks migrated at a later time.
>Poos were just lucky to be invaded by advanced whites.
*more advanced and white is a meme invented by Jews.
I would argue that there were many instances of civilizations being developed in various places and at various times, we can't deny the fact that the current civilization emerged from Mesopotamia.
>No, Romania before it got Islamed.
That's just bunk, we were never even part of the Ottoman Empire and Bosnia is not in Romania.
>It's where all the yingyang Hindu-Aryan cultures come from.
There was an unified culture stretching from Europe to China, but that doesn't mean it emerged here. More research is needed.
How come the Middle Eastern countries are not the mightiest now?
That is correct.
It wasn't so long ago when you were technologically impaired and had to subsist on handouts from other European nations.
The only thing that made Switzerland great was Nazis sending you gold and money for safe keeping only for you to keep everything after they were defeated.

Illiterate whitoid, Plato wrote about a caste system in the Republic

No point we wuz kangzing. We may have been an advanced civilization in the past, but it's C U R R E N T Y E A R. We've got more pressing issues at hand and none of those can be solved by dwelling in the past.

>So the Egyptians stole their culture from Indians

Attached: 51IZuI8XJ8L._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (354x499, 42K)

the Vinca are a celtic tribe I know that writting style its very common with celts.

and yes they did live in germany well before modern germans

>muh relativism
fuck off

Mesopotamia, egypt and kin where allies so we shared technogy because that's what you do when your the only ones in town.

>I read the Bhagavad Gita and it blew me away.
Because of the smell, right

>more advanced and white is a meme invented by Jews.

"I am Lord Indra, slayer of the black womb"
"Lord Indra, waxed in yellow beard and red hair, I will drive the black womb to the sea"

Attached: india origins aryans.jpg (1280x913, 233K)

The runic script was developed many thousands of years apart from the Vinca script and I can only see a couple of signs that resemble the Vinca ones, which can be attributed to coincidence.
The runes are more related to Greek and Latin Alphabets than to the Vinca script.
The Vinca script is related to Linear A which was used around the same time, but has no relation with Linear B from which the Greek Alphabet is formed.

>the Vinca are a celtic tribe
Vinca were like 5000yrs before Celts though

Attached: celt empire map 700bc.jpg (952x2344, 1.03M)

Stop shilling fake news poo,you are the ones that stole
Sage in all fields

It makes me sick that Whites built their civilization using Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Persian, and Chinese wisdom, and then accuse those groups of "stealing" modern European ideas. They're the biggest hypocrites the world has ever see

K. Now please go pay your debnts, Mr. Cuckaduckolous

>The runic script was developed many thousands of years apart from the Vinca script

Vinca = 5000BC (Dinubian culture)

Attached: aryan language.jpg (1262x986, 154K)

>It makes me sick that Whites built their civilization using
lol, salty Jarawas

Attached: 4700BC Europe salt.png (1958x1656, 240K)

Does it matter now? It doesn't look like w*ite people will be around for long.


(ik it's late sorry)

>Does it matter now? It doesn't look like w*ite people will be around for long.
Your ancestor

Attached: pygmie jawara india origins.jpg (344x373, 48K)

>Ego death has nothing to do with Buddha or Gita
Buddhists and hindus are the ones dissolving the ego, faggot?

And coincidentally, also w*ite people after a hundred years.

my ancestor were BLACKS. no wonder i like rap and listen to 2Pac.

Why do you guys always skip a letter in white? No one will tell me.

They're just trying to be cool and edgy

>slayer of the black womb
Slayer of obstacles, there is no mention of this black womb you speak of.
>waxed in yellow beard and red hair
At no point did I contest the appearance of the proto-Europeans that invaded Europe, I contest the fact that there was no such bullshit as black or white during those times.

I care about the historical truth which must be determined, not about the skin color of the ancients, not about We Wuzzing even if the Vinca-Turdas culture developed in Romania too and certainly not about contesting the Hindu civilization which is to be admired.

From my knowledge, the ones who invaded India were proto-Europeans and the local mythological hero / deity which is associated with the invasion of India is Dionysus.

>Buddhists and hindus are the ones dissolving the ego
No, "ego death" is gnostic-western version of Buddhism-Hindu-Zen.

The real version is not narrating religous stories, or your past and future, and being present. Like this cat. That's Nirvana or removing the illusions. Ego death = real death no larping bullshit. You need your ego.

Attached: cat buddah wtf.jpg (792x581, 65K)

No, they really say that you have to dissolve your ego.

>there is no mention of this black womb you speak of.
Yeah there is. The entire Veddas are a fucking race war.

Indians know this.

Attached: vedas aryan poo indra.jpg (988x1838, 1.33M)

>No, they really say that you have to dissolve your ego.

Ego death is gnostic infiltration of the teachings. The only reason Asians say this is because they think that's how Westerners understand it.

This is how you "disolve your ego"

Attached: brownie suicide heaven.png (1000x1423, 505K)

Cats are good teachers.

Fake translation. It doesn’t say that in sanskrit

From the poo scriptures by a poo commentator.

You try to associate Indo-European Languages with a proto-European script and that is a fallacy.
These languages didn't even exist in 5000 BC and they are the result of Eastern cultures that entered Europe at a later stage.

And now that you have a hindu website explaining to you, that indeed, poo religion asks of you to dissolve the ego and that this is a pretty cool thing, I will ask you the following question:

Provide the gnostic scripture verse that has a similar teaching of ego dissolution.
Have fun going through all the gnostic gospels seeking this, senpai.

Attached: 2f0bzq.jpg (1590x1056, 84K)

Blacks (Bantu Africans) and your real ancestors (AASI/Onge Aboriginal Dravidians) are more genetically far apart than any two other racial groups on the planet, so no, you can't even claim to be a nigger. You're even lower than that.

Pic related is some pure Abbos. I bet they look real familiar and family-like to you.

Attached: images(10).jpg (770x376, 48K)

Based and redpilled. At least niggers how to poo into the loo lol


Still no mention of the black womb you speak of.
I never denied that the proto-Europeans had a different aspect than the Indians, it's only normal, but attributing the whole invasion of India to skin color is just plain dumb.
The swarthy skin which Indra hates is a reference to the different aspect of Indians, and it's only normal for one to hate his enemy.
If the proto-Europeans who invaded the Indus Valley were so opposed to the swarthy skin, how come that Alexander met swarthy peoples there during his invasion?
Only you mutts are tricked by the Jew meme of white vs black and try to cling to any physical appearance mention, trying to overlook the actual reasons for invasions and war, namely the gathering of wealth and expansion of territories.

You didn't even read what they wrote. There is like 30 different versions of "ego" there, and two translations for it, and they're spewing (((Gnosticism))). I tried to find the source of the website, who they are, it's all hidden.

go listen to Alan Watts from the 70s or find some real language scholars you fucking blogger-zoomer.

Attached: jew buddha.png (300x480, 71K)