ITT: we have a serious discussion on the disparity between black and White IQ scores. Why are black scores so low? It’s almost as if they can’t...compete
ITT: we have a serious discussion on the disparity between black and White IQ scores. Why are black scores so low...
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>Why so low?
In the United States, culture is the main reason. Still, an intelligent black person is still more valuable than the majority of white people.
So what you’re saying is it’s genetic and this guy who claims it’s cultural is full of shit and can’t compete?
I'm saying that an intelligent black person who pulls their own weight and raises a respectable family is more valuable than pic related. And there are a TON of white people who fit that description in this country. Is that really something to take pride in?
That being said there's an even higher percentage of blacks who fit the description of pic related and they're retarded too. My point is, I judge the individual, not an entire ethnic group; if I were to judge entire ethnic groups they all pretty much suck.
tl;dr: niggers are dumb
No, it's not. But the problem is that there's a greater chance that those wastes of skin in your pic will accidentally produce a competent and productive adult than that intelligent black person. Most blacks are easily swayed by emotional arguments and have difficulty judging anything deeper than at face value, making them good ideological weapons. Take a genius black guy's kid, show him rappers throwing around money and having girls twerk on their faces, and that kid will almost certainly forget all about higher callings and happily throw his life away.
because blacks are half a million years behind whites in evolution and barely classify as human beings.
Watch this for 27 minutes. It is what you want
Take a genius black guy's kid, show him rappers throwing around money and having girls twerk on their faces,
Exactly my original point. Culture problem.
>the top ten percent of blacks are more intelligent that fifty percent of whites
>an intelligent black person is still more valuable
Valuable to whom? For what? I mean maybe as a museum curiosity. "Come see the pure African nigger who can do math!"
>>the top ten percent of blacks are more intelligent that fifty percent of whites
And almost all of them have a white ancestor within three generations.
>Why are black scores so low?
Because winter didn't kill off all the ones who couldn't plan ahead.
>Still, an intelligent black person is still more valuable
Certainly rarer.
What it means is that the smart ones are the ones who should be having lots of kids. Especially the smart black men. An 130 IQ black guy could easily have dozens of children.
But no, instead we have gangsters having dozens of children.
That's going to work out just great.
I'm a farmer. I breed livestock.
Humans (black or white) are no different, we are just animals and you get the characteristics you breed for. To make smarter kids, women have to choose smarter mates.
That isn't what we are doing societally anywhere, black or white. Quite the reverse.
Collage professors???