France is sliding into the abyss as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideals such as liberty and equality mean...

France is sliding into the abyss as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideals such as liberty and equality mean nothing in the face of a physical world that is now threatening to overwhelm them.

Soon they will be unable to compete intellectually and economically against other first world nations. Then begins the gradual descent of society into chaos as more primitive social forces attempt to assert their dominance.

Is it already too late?

Countries such as the UK cannot be far behind.

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Gee I wonder why.

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I am Czech but have worked in France and Germany. From my pov it is simply not bad enough. They could easily off all these people since they are only in the big cities by stopping the supply chains and starve the cities for two weeks. Done. If they dont do it a united Eastern European Front will eventually so it since we cannot allow this in out backyard. If you dont fix your country we will eventually but then its part of the east.


France will turn into Haiti or Rhodesia. Who would have foreseen that repeating the same mistakes would result in the same outcome? French IQ does not mean anything if it is never put to use.

I don't care anymore, whites are trash anyway, materialistic, shallow, individualistic. The new French society is lit. (yes I'm white)

France is actually the only country becoming a successful multicultural society

Its better to speak to Bohemian than it is to speak arab. We are part slav but we are not part arab.


The term is "3rd world".

Are you insane? Our economy depends on these nations. You must be a vpn nigger

Kys you gaybo. Its your own fault and the only thing it is is lit on fire. Your country is being outcompeted left and right. Nothing is lit there

We don't have an history of hate and sergregation with our black population, black and whites are friends here without any back thoughts like muh the N word and stuff. These are exclusively american things. Our society is not fragmented like yours around race due to slavery, civil war.

I have black friends who are as french as me and who like me being white.

Indeed. It will happen. We cannot allow it since basically all our wealth comes from your nations. I would personally enlist for that and so would everybody I know.

Lol. You have no dignity. I take your wife if you have one. Blacks are animals and must be treated as such. I was appaled by them while serving with them in the Middle East and if I would have got away with it I would have turned on them in a heartbeat.

France is the most beautiful country ever with the greatest history and we also rock in the modern world, we are world champion in football. France in comparison to China or USA is a little spec on the map, yet we still BTFO other countries in many fields.
Don't fool yourself, germans are depressed autists, Brits are degenerates.
France is still the most powerful European country.

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> Is friends with Blacks and calls Brits degenerates.
> Calls Germans depressed autists but "doesnt even care anymore"

You are a joke of a man

I've seen the movie Idiocracy. I know what happens next.

Other countries are just jelly, because while you were parking your black population we French gave them the opportunity to use their athletic qualities to the benefit of France and we BTFO'd everyone.

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Our economy doesn't dependent on France. We would be worse off if Germany fell apart.

We have no Black population and if there is anyone after the next economic crisis there wont be.

Its all interconnected bro

Congratulations the entire world views you as pussies your capital city is where Somali refugees communally shit, piss, and harass people on the street. You’re controlled by Brussels and gutless billionaires causing the ethnic Europeans to eventually become a minority in a european nation within the next century all in all you’re country is useless and a pawn for the global elite but yeah you da best

I mean I don't care anymore about muh preserve the white race. If white don't want to make kids it's their problem.
Maybe you should stop playing video games all day long and start having kids if you are so worried about whites becoming a minority, but you will not because you are a degenerate.

In 2020 we gonna BTFO everyone again with our successful multicultural team.

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Blacks are primarily physical creatures not cerebral. When they do try to do anything intellectual it turns into comedy

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Yeah, those Arabs are a blast. Lit, bro

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Only dumb americans see us as pussies. You still buy into the 2001 Irak war propaganda, you retard.
French are liked and respected everywhere, try saying you're French when you visit other countries and see how people get nice with you.

USA is far far worse than France in every point you've made.

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>France is sliding into the abyss as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideals such as liberty and equality mean nothing in the face of a physical world that is now threatening to overwhelm them.

Not like we ever had much of a say in the matter.. and that "liberty, equality" motto is of masonic origin. The french republic is anti-french at its core.

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Do you live in black area?

>be blue-pilled
>look up paper to disprove Jow Forumstards
>Conclusion: "This supports biological causation."


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>The new French society is lit.

>Basing your entire countries future on a nigger football team

What happens when they don't win the next world cup?

There are 1 billion black people on earth if you take the most intelligent black people it gives you maybe 100 million intellectually superior black individuals.

There are literally more black intelligent people than whites, just because of their sheer number.


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French culture has been raped in every sense of the word while the political structure is built on exploiting its own for the benefit of others.

The only hope lies withing the perception and actions of the people. They need something to believe that will heal cultural wounds.

Ive already chosen to put past perceptions of surrendering frogs aside in favour of remembering them for something more solid.

pic related. a cartoon about a couple of gauls that fought invaders rather than welcomed them.

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Cool, a face hugger

I have 2. I hate video games and this Japan crap posted by weaklings like you on here.

Still you will be rekt by us in RL. We can fight. And I want them French technology n shit. Fighting is the greatest honor in life and feasting on the enemy the greatest joy. I really miss my service time :(

Good, for when we do not wake up; western Europe is rightful eastern Europe clay.
Don't you ever forget that.

>Being proud of fighting for big corps and the demise of the USA

So proud boys !

If France was the size of the USA we would bully you easily.

>Is it already too late?
lol. Yes.
The damage is done already. We're just watching it inevitably play out.
What comes next is balkanisation and interethnic violence as the only net contributors stop contributing.

Fun fact: there are NO no-go zones in Moscow or even in whole Russia, afaik. Can you say the same?

Russia is far more dangerous than France in my opinion.
Also don't try to hide your massive muslim population who is exponentially growing, cuck.

it is never too late to change. time continues. and the past is left in the dust

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Answer my question.

>Appeal to ambiguity fallacy

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Has frog rabbi branched out into demoralizing and racemixing threads ?

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>I have black friends who are as french as me and who like me being white.

Do you even understand what is being said here? Once you mix your genes (intelligence) you will never get them back - it's basic Mendelian logic. France will become forever a third world country.

The no go zones are for the police (the boot lickers of corrupted governments) and media (the propaganda tool of said goverments)

>Blablabla France is drowning

Yeah, like every white countries in the world

My question was,do you live in a black majority neighborhood?

hes got a point mate. not saying russia dont have a similar problem but the thread is about what can be done for France. the no go zones set dangerous precedent. its an issue for all of us unfortunitaly

LIterally every country in 2019.
At least we make good use of our multucultural population which makes other countries jelly

If you cannot stop multiculturalism at least try to make the best out of it

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I grew up in a 'banlieu' yes.

ill bite but ill need to see some sauce about your claims for genes being linked to intelligence, specific to the reduction of intelligence due to interbreeding.

ill accept a summary

Emmanuel Macaroni needs to take his second passport and go back to Israel

Isn’t that comic belgian?

I think If you dont man Up every White must become a Slav to survive. Many Americans I knew got PTSD while we for the most part just got hyped or bored. I am not sure if it is genetical but whatever it is you need it.

France once again taking the weakling route. How do you want to present us the Key to your city?

>If you cannot stop multiculturalism

'Multiculturalism' is just a euphemism for the destruction of the human race.

Both Goscinny and Uderzo were French.

The l.i.n.k is in the image

You're correct, we shall see if we can learn from the Slavics.

So I can assume it was heavily non-white people who lived around you? Would you say your life would of been better if they were gone? As I'm safer, calmer can go out in nights, etc.

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Say the country of 'blacked' and the country fascinated by African American genitals.

Anglo-saxons are cucks and their women worship the blacks but the Latin countries such as France are not.

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nah dude. its french and about france. however bare in mind belgium is just france that had enough of exploitation and revolutions.

but they won world cup, so that's something

> chechens
> 20% muslim
> hiv infection rampant
> druggs everywhere
> oligarchs draining and raping the country even more than westen oligarchs
> 3rd world material conditions outside of cities

I would never want to go to Russia. Politicians there somehow accomplished there to be even more corrupt and destructive than western.

I am not American. You literally proclaimed race-mixing as a good idea. The average American isnt as cucked as you are. Just too sheltered.

Its just cool-aid. It doenst help you in any meaningful way

No because I grew up poor and the real rift is around money, I was never accepted by whites because I was poor.
Blacks don't ever want to know what you do in life they are only interested by you as a human.

They are also far more generous, share your meal with you and stuff, whites will let you die of hunger instead of sharing a bit of bread with you.

Modern whites will envy you, try to stab you in the back to take your wife or you position in the professional environnement.
Modern whites have no value besides money and social status.

Many blacks still have traditional values of brotherhood and stuff. I trust them more than a deceptive cold white psycho white.

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Right ill look into it myself further but that link doesnt support your claim about the cause.

It just plainly shows a decline in the flynn effect. So many things can make that happen. i dont doubt immigration is a leading factor but i im reluctant to get behind the claim that intelligence can be lost forever due to interbreeding.

i doubt by the time im done looking into it this thread will be active, another thread brother

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lucky bastard

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>they are interested by you as a human

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Lmao, this isn't what I meant and you know it.

That's all great, but how does it feel knowing that entire cities are being cleansed of people like you? How does it feel knowing that you aren't part of the future envisioned by your masters? How does it feel knowing that you have been told that you have no right for existence? How does it feel that ethnic French people have not controlled their country for over a hundred years?

Weakling. Couldnt compete and wasnt accepted. Hence must tear down what he cant have. I bet you are like this mongrel in the 300 movie. Unlike them I wouldnt make the grave mistake of letting inadequacy pass. You are a stereotype. Kys.

>yes I'm white
You sure about that, Tyrone?

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This is the endgoal.

Israel is the only nation on this earth who demands that all nogs practially sterilize themselves upon entry. Because Israel knows and Israel is in on the grand plan. At the end of this only one nation will be left standing at its a Jewish one.



you choke on your own shitty ideology

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They can all be identified by sight alone. This is what makes it so easy.

It's a pol fallacy, the only reason white are disappearing is literally because they aren't having kids.

Most of my white friends who are in couple refuse to have kids because they want to play their video games and drink beers and chill.
Meanwhile their gf beg them to have kids. It's you guys who are failing.
Most women want kids but struggle to find a guy who is willing to become a father.

I've seen it a lot of time, also couples with 1 kids and the wife is asking for more but the man refuses because it's too much of a hassle.

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They just want to fuck you dumb bitch

obvi it can be reclaimed
breeding high iq individuals generally creates higher iq progeny, but there is a return to the mean, albeit a slightly higher mean. Do this for 10000 years and you've got a new race.

>it's not that bad
>they are only concentrated in the cities
>which are 80+% of the population
>we just need to starve 80% of our population and we will be fine

>all whites are the same, all blacks are the same
>craving that hard for the bbc
Do you even live in 93? You can't be so biased, unless you are a parisian commie.

France has ALWAYS been a nation of immigrants. Prove me wrong.

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>Most women want kids
The majority of white thots don't.
I'm not saying that ALL white women are like that, but many definitely are.
We just need to find the good ones and put them in a dumpster.

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Compete with what? A bunch of judgmental assholes of a degenerate dying race?
I will rather stick with my bros in the hood

You don't even have proof of that you unironic retard.

>French are liked and respected everywhere


No. Literally don't know a single nation more hated by other Europeans than France

This is the arguments whites make against Jews.

Who will kill you for your retardation

>Oh no a black man who is a doctor is willing to live in a shihole village to help people.

How horrifying, stone him !!!

Ultimately this is not simply a question of IQ but of our fundamental nature. All of science, art and culture is a projection of our inner physical natures into the world. One can see by comparing European and African cultures how different they are.

Rushton is a good place to start as he gives a broader picture from which to investigate further.

.....sound almost like...i dare say it....Brazil

So, do other ethnicities lack the actual cognitive capacity to yield a higher IQ or can that be learned?

I am white!

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Rushton. cheers lad, ill get myself up to scratch

You hate us because you ain't us, fuckin loser of a non country.

Still angry for the world cup I see.

HAHAHAHA, my God, pathetic.

How old are you?

That is such a load of bullshit it's insane. Either that or France is just a different fucking place from the US.

>at any time when the woman gets bored of you she can child support RAPE you while riding infinite chad cocks in any western country
>the severity of the RAPE is directly correlated to how many children you have
>for some reason men don't feel safe having a bunch of children, likely after first hand seeing their dad get child support skull-fucked

really butters my popcorn user

I would never be able to live in a block community that's full of non-bulgarians. Or at least Europeans. I don't feel comfortable seeing brown children playing around in parks or brownies walking everywhere in the streets. If you can fit in with the lowest dregs of society you are probably trash. No offense.

>It's you guys who are failing.
>you guys
So you admit you're not white? Where are you *really* from?

he thinks blacks have values, he's either trolling or in a fucking fantasy land

Every women nearing 30's become crazy for a baby. Yet the man is in the sofa scratching his balls and playing his video games and don't want to hear about kids.

Stop denying the reality