Is there any point in voting? FPÖ wants to ban free speech by removing user posting and the rest of the parties are just as cucked.
Do I throw away my vote sheet or what?
Is there any point in voting? FPÖ wants to ban free speech by removing user posting and the rest of the parties are just as cucked.
Do I throw away my vote sheet or what?
The solution to government at this point is violent brutal eradication of every elected official. Who you vote for does not matter.
Yeah. It's funny that so many right-wing Austrians support Internet surveillance. And at the end, right wingers getting prosecuted for Internet "hate speech".
vota Othmar Karas. Legit guy and (Kurz') ÖVP hates him, same with the FPÖ.
Karas is pro Europe in a EUROPE STRONK way, not the gay Green or Socialist way.
Set a statement, vote for Karas and btfo Kurz and his blue fascist brainlets.
Shilling bc you obviously don't know a thing about EU elections/politics, don't take it personally though.
>Karas is pro Europe
I don't get it. Why are people here pro Europe?
You know this means the abolition of Austria and the creation of an globalist "European state" aka a Second USA?
Karas is 100% United States of Europe, so no way
i dont think FPÖ is for banning free speech, just for posting with real names
that would also include the leftist scum and hurt them way more
Karas would be the best EU-politician hands down.
I really hate the "you have to go and vote" rhetoric FPÖ is spouting (all the others too kind of). You don´t.
I'll vote spö or Green to accelerate the process taking place right now where everything goes to shit and then leave the country and move to a based one.
If you don't vote FPÖ then you are fucking nuts. Karas is a Jew
Karas is 100% Globohomo.
I don't want a "stronk" EU.
I want the EU as a free trade zone with freedom of movement but never as a political union.
Lisbon was an error.
that's actually a good point your making
made my cross at fpö like I intended to do already :^)
Thinking about voting for NEOS Austria needs no neutrality, EU army and finally the strong europe to fuck over murries and the russians
you know what to vote for
Free movement is also anti humanity. You hurt yourself with cheap labour and multiculturalism AND you hurt the other European countries from Eastern Europe by draining their workforce.
Countries like Romania, Croatia and Poland have effectively been depopulated.
It should all be reverted and we should help them return to their homelands.
But I'm not against free movement for vacations and stuff like that. That's fine to me.
You belong on a rope
Countries like Romania and Croatia have now decided to settle 1 million Pakistanis there by 2022 as a result.
Can you imagine going to your next vacation in Croatia and seeing only street shitter Islamists there?
Actually the Maastricht-EU of the 90s worked quite well.
Limited scope, toothless parliament.
Now the parliament is filled with literal retards that are too dumb for national politics and those people make decisions that affect almost a whole continent.
take back your greasy royalty, we dont want them here.
Nazis were muslim lovers.
Fuck off Mohammed
The chance to Romanov' them passed in 1919.
This unironically. Multiculturalism and open borders ruined non-Western countries.
I'm not so sure about that. The idea of Gastarbeiter was born in the 60s and since then the immigration was relentless while they birth rates were suppressed through indoctrination.
I believe they had this goal in mind right after the end of WW2, maybe even before that.
But how do you even come up with the idea that you need Gastarbeiter? Why can't our own people do the job?
Why do we have to give their jobs to cheaper labour and make them as a result accept lower pay?
I'm not shitting on Gastarbeiter, I'm just saying that this idea has hurt everyone in the process except for Globalists.
no we didnt , thats Romania .
Mate, your country has lost 1/4 of your population and that's even before 2022, by which date you will be allowed to freely work everywhere in the EU.
It will become even worse by then. And there are plans to settle Pakis in your country by your elite.
At first this was seen as a timed contract.
Somwhere between 1970 and 1990 it changed to permanent immigration including the whole extended family.
kek, no there arent and we arent cucked like westerners to allow that in the first place.
Hear the SPÖ speaking:
We need more taxes on industrial machines cause the automation takes all the jobs.
Also SPÖ we need more migrants cause of los brith rates
Just full of shit
The Croat is right, Romania is planning to settle Pakis, not Croatia
It was trickery from the beginning. They never had the intention to create conditions for them to return home.
And no one ever needs foreign labour except if you plan to crash your own birth rate and replace the native population.
It's pure evil if this is done as a government plan in this way. Nothing against the reality that there will always be some migration back and forth by individuals making their own choice, but this was all designed by the Globalist elite to create a massive stream of people who come in.
get a fucking grip you nigger
FPÖ didn't propose the censorship (it was Kurz), nor does the censorship impact anything BUT the mainstream media like Der Standard comments and all that bullshit nobody cares about
vote FPÖ to strengthen Salvinis alliance, Salvini will start shooting down the refugee boats along with the NGO boats within the next 5 years, but he needs the backup from other countries
Karas is a nigger globalist who is in the same boat as Merkel and Macron, who want to destroy Europe by replacing our people with niggers with aids and sandniggers who rape your sister and daughter
Schieder is a faggot who will increase immigration further and support welfare for rapefugees
Gamon is the embodiment of a globol homo
Kogler will force Europe to build green energy so we will lose the competition with China and the US, also Kogler supports bringing in more and more niggers
Nah, our parties are all cucked
We just need a new hitler, thats basically the only thing that could really change something
say whatever you would like to
The worst thing is, they took in illiterate peasants in an age where automation was already looming on the horizon.
Eh it affects pretty much any social media.
Seems like you are right on this point but if this system is kept going they will fill the Eastern European countries with foreigners too, including Croatia.
They will have no way to defend themselves with their drained population of young people and reliance on remittances from EU countries and funds from the EU directly.
They will force them to accept sooner or later.
It's irrelevant what they are, they should instead help Austrians raise their own next generation.
A government that doesn't see this as its purpose is a foreign occupation force who views the locals as enemies.
that being said, they are importing workers from bosnia, serbia, ukraine and Phillipines in tourism already.
i hope they dont stay here tho
Imagine your father encouraged you to not have your own children and instead adopt a black babie and raise it as your own.
He must be either mentally ill or wish you ruin.
This is how dysfunctional our governments have been for decades.
Don't be a fucking retard. Karas doesn't give a shit, he wants his MEP salary and will vote for whatever Weber wants him to.
This isn't the national election, just vote for them as they're part of Salvini's alliance.
what social media is owned by Austrians? none that are relevant, that is your answer
do you really think Austria will force you to register to use Jow Forums? they don't have the power to do anything
>Die Pflicht gilt für alle Dienste, die in Österreich mehr als 100.000 registrierte Nutzer haben oder deren im Vorjahr in Österreich erzielter Umsatz 500.000 Euro übersteigt. Das bedeutet, dass künftig alle Nutzer bei Youtube oder Facebook ihre Adresse und ihren echten Namen angeben müssen. Facebook schreibt bereits bisher in seinen Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass Nutzer ihren echten Namen angeben. Nun soll der Konzern die rechtliche Auflage dazu bekommen. Facebook wollte den österreichischen Vorstoß auf Anfrage von nicht kommentieren.
you know what the social media sites will ask you to do when they detect an Austrian IP? "you are only allowed to enter your real name" "click yes if you agree to this"
do you think there will be some guy checking every registration online? cmon... nothing is going to change, the only thing they could do is force isps to block social media sites, but that won't happen
It's the internal logic of the global system itself that causes these developments everywhere.
The system itself needs to be changed fundamentally.
UK and US poaches German and Austrian medical physicians and nurses, Germany and Austria poaches Eastern European doctors and nurses, Eastern Europe will have to poach third world doctors and nurses.
The whole system is fucked up. Why can't doctors and nurses stay where they are and help their own community.
Why do I have to accept some Arab doctor in my hospital when I broke my leg a few years ago? Why can't there be an Austrian doctor?
They probably will force the national providers to implement DNS-based filtering of non-compliant media.
I don't think they'll build a Chinese-style firewall.
thats the modern globalist capitalism that we need to get rid off.
Voting for less taxes.
Fuck poor people
>do you really think Austria will force you to register to use Jow Forums? they don't have the power to do anything
Austria has not; the EU has.
The EU law is above the Austrian law my friend, in virtually all aspects of the law; any law student can confirm this.
It will mean that anytime you register on Facebook or whatelse, you are obliged to give your real name.
The system is collapsing. It has bloated and overheated beyond recovery ... what we see today are two things: the left pushing further along their (((globalist))) master's agenda, slipping into an almost religious hysteria and frenzy at the prospect of the collapse they are very well aware of but do diligently deny (THAT is some doublethink), instead lying to themselves about some emerging utopia after the world has been laid to ashes ... and a 'right wing', (((old money))) funded reactionary fraction trying to apply an endless stream of hotfixes to a dead and sinking ship. The only justification for this scheduled apocalypse has ever been to increase the global flow of money beyond any limits ... as the (((parasites))) do suckle off this stream like a fat tick stuck in our very flesh. The current wave of enforced immigration is nothing but a last ditch effort to keep the money stream flowing by creating a gibs/state-funded artificial Unterschicht of consumers. In the end, this effort will be futile ... but the prospect of the (((parasites))) is not long-term anymore as even their caste has already been gripped by the very decline they have induced.
so the EU will watch over Austrians laws and check for everyone who registers to Facebook, just because Austria decided to make this law in their country, hmmm, sounds a bit dumb don't you think?
explain to me how you think they will implement a Klarnamenpflicht, create an online license for every Austrian that has to be used to access social media sites? or only allow verified Austrians to access social media sites? are you seriously believing this?
this law is about Austrian newspaper comment sections and Austrian websites like to overlook Austrian based extremists, this law isn't about restricting access to youtube, twitter and facebook, that's just what the retarded media wants you to believe to create panic
Maybe also Twitter and Facebook as they are relevant. But mainly local platforms where they have jurisdiction.
Maybe it is time to use something like dissenter.
Btfo Kurz by voting for his own party. What's the next step in your master plan?
>that would also include the leftist scum and hurt them way more
Dream on. Having right wing opinions is shamed in society, so you think forcing people to lose the protection of their anonymity will hurt the left more than the right? The racist Nazi right?
Whats the problem with the US in your opinion?
The US grew organically. When a new territory was ready to join the union it did.
And it was always (at least until quite recently) clear that the core were the 13 Anglo colonies.
Europe on the other hand has lived with several distinct cultures for millennia.
So the EU mixing all states into one pot is what you mean? Perhaps with law, but culturally, no matter how many migrants (be it actually for work or gibs), I dont see their communities mixing. Turks are gonna turk, arabs may do as much as go to a shisha bar, yugos keep within their community, so do hungarians, slovaks dont even want to have anything to do with other slovaks in Austria. Then you have the native populace which is of course plentyful of virtue signalling SJWs that just wont admit whats happening around them, or dont care (bread and circus). A majority still lives in their ivory towers, however and disregard migrants collectively as plebians (and oftentimes for good reason), but dont see how their economy would collapse if all migrants just up and left from one day to another, which will ofc. never happen. So the wheels keep on spinning, the noose tightens, but everybody either doesnt give a shit, has left the country, or doesnt know a plausible way out.
The constant barrage of human filth, however, the market has adjusted, prices of goods go up, while salaries stagnate or even decline (less work hours, less pay, less deductions for the employers). Combine that with increased demand for housing, and you have astronomical prices for real estate. Ive heard from migrants that live here for 30 years, that the situation now is worse than even 5-10 years ago. This is the very reason the state doesnt support natives in breeding, like the other user said, there is just no, or less money in it, than just letting in thousands of new hungry mouths that need shelter and a leased german vehicle to flash, every month.
I was writing about politics, not communities.
The great strength of Europe always was its diversity (no, not brown people, but multipolarity).
Single countries would take wrong turns occasionally, but chances were high, that some other country would get it right and the others could later follow in its footsteps.
Take for example Columbus who had to ask several kings to finance his journey until he finally found one. Had there been a single European king, chances are that he would have been BTFO the first and only time.
Karas? Seriously? I vote FPÖ despite everything. (Am Austrian, only sitting in Deutschland right now).
>Whats the problem with the US in your opinion?
We're full of niggers, drug use, and poverty, despite being the richest (on paper) country on earth. Whites in the US will be a hated minority in two decades tops.
The fact that any European wants to emulate the US is baffling to me.
Look at this and explain to me how voting fpövp doesnt make you an absolute retard cuck
all that did was make me more angry about the Green retards, I seriously hope they all get murdered by niggers