Trump exposed his own plan. Watch this video this is EXACTLY what he’s going to do.
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This is exactly about war with Iran btw guys worth the watch it’s 1:30 long
He’s a Neocon
I’m going to import some lusty Iranian wenches and convert them to Christianity when the war starts. They will do ANYTHING to get ahold of a white uncircumcised cock.
Was he talking about himself in the future?
>Wait a minute
This isnt fucking trump this is a chump cgi clone delete dis op.
>Wrong he's talking about obongo
>Start a war to help with reelection
Classic. The "leadership" in power get to say that they are to busy fighting Israel's.... I mean America's enemies to have a change of power during a war so reelecting the administration currently is power is the wise choice. Not going to work for Trump as everyone except the Israeli special interest, Israel's neocon lapdogs, and Trump looking at slim chances of getting reelected wants another war in the Middle East.
Trump is truly a pile of goddamn shit. If Trump, Trump's kike family, Trump's entire administration, and the entire US Congress along with the cancerous media want to be the first to die in a war with Iran maybe it would not be a bad idea.
Looks like my Skyrim character. Kind of disgusting
ornage manbad
Bolton is our leader now. He calls the shots.
>medal of goodest goy boy
Orange man good Iran bad
Lol this
hitler did nothing wrong
Need to create a list of countries that are weaker and less effective then USA so USA can invade them...
good reasons to invade
And with oil
Yeah. I was prepared for the Israel cocksucking as that's unavoidable, but thought he was serious about dealing with immigration. Guess not.
Trump is the peace President. His strategy is to surround himself by crazy people frothing at the mouth for war to give himself a better position to negotiate from. He wants our enemies fearful and confused.
Who cares, as long hr as helps initiate the decline of human civilization I'm all for it.
Open borders. Good for business goy cheap labor
78d chess
As you have no doubt seen on Jow Forums in the past few hours that members of the Trump administration are saying that those concerned about immigration are a “pretty fringe” group that have not “been an important part of the president’s base. "
"The senior administration official disputed this assertion, telling POLITICO that immigration restrictionists are a “pretty fringe” group that have not “been an important part of the president’s base. "
"Inside Jared Kushner’s 2 missions impossible"
Yep. Fuck this country.
Spot on
wait. what happened to president kushner?
Literally not a fracture point, Trump’s actual base (not discord trannies paid to post here) are in favor of legal immigration.
Sadly true
>use your twitter/social media to pretend to be president
>wish on cursed monkey paw to become president for real
>it works
>but he has to face all the same kinds of issues that he pretended to be president for on social media in the 8 years prior
>makes the same mistakes and bad decisions he spent the last 8 years ridiculing
He is actually future Trump who traveled back in time to criticize himself.
Newfags still think it's about oil and not NWO and collapse of every Nation State as (((Christianity))) fights (((Islam))).
But it’s literally being built. This post does illustrate the Jewish anti-Teump shill to a tee though. Lie about everything and act shocked when the goyim don’t automatically believe your lies.
You’re just not effective, could you be on some psychiatric drugs preventing you from achieving full efficacy? Or are you just below average and have no excuse as to why?
Makes peace with NK
Stops escalating war in Syria
People still think he’s going to war with Iran.
Iran is going to snap to when they run out of pallets of cash Obama gave them
I'm not allowed to watch it they say. I bet they fear how based swebulls will be bumping the next election if this information be leaked.
I'm on to you.
The money given to Iran was already theirs.
Lol this
Imagine being JIDF
Imagine knowing Donald Trump is your greatest enemy
Imagine your only form of retaliation is shitposting on 4chin "LMAO COPE" as you post lies on the internet
Imagine the walls closing in, praying for a miracle, but then you remember you worship Satan and no miracles are coming
How I wish I could locate you and mine the salt next year. My sense is you will produce a fine quality salt that is very rare.
Well I don't think he's our greatest enemy.His existance bugs the political matrix.The curtain of bullshit starts to stink on all sides which in term redpills normies to an extent.
>retaliation is shitposting on 4chin
Meanwhile in reality kikes and leftists are crying themselves to sleep in fear for based hacker 4chins next campaign.
Wayne Albright
This is coming from a country that ran away like frightened little school girls after a subway attack!
You are welcome to join the kike cock sucking neocon Zionist and their desire for war on the front lines. Dying for Israel seems to be you guys' fetish.
Who dis nigga Albright?
Dying for Israel
A simple wire transfer wouldn’t have sufficed?
No this was bribery to allow the deep state to make Iran their next black site.
He gave Kim a photo OP that allowed Kim to stabilize his power. But it didn't effect NK in any way. Didn't they just shoot some missiles towards Japan?
I mean, it's a tough problem, granted, but he didn't do anything.
Short range missiles
Completely legal
Still harder
The Obama deal wasn’t even a real fucking treaty or a deal. It was more like a letter saying “ok this is what we’re going to do and what we’d like you to do... if you feel like it.”.
If this was propaganda put out by Trump solely to beniglfit Trump why is S Korea being so friendly.
>OP has 19 out of 56 posts
kys self bumping faggot
But wouldnt that also mean war with Saudi-Arabia?
Where’s the war in Syria?
Weren’t we supposed to go to war with NK or some shit like that? Wasn’t that supposed to happen months after Trump took office.
Seriously though, we can let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Hasn’t ANYONE noticed a change in how things are done over here since Trump took charge? Are you really all that blind?
Pre Trump International Crisis Pattern
1) uprising in foreign country (Libya for example)
2) US “intervention” (smuggle in weapons disguised as aid)
3) US troops arrive to support
4) overthrow legitimate government
5) install puppet government
6) fight “insurgents” forever
Current Trump International Crisis Pattern
1) uprising in country (Syria/Venezuela)
2) neocons (Pompeo/Bolton) bang war drums
3) “aid” (smuggled weapons) tries to enter the country (Rubio) but is blocked
4) support for illegitimate deep state backed puppet begins to falter
5) Trump calls for regime change and for democracy to prevail but doesn’t send troops and really giving support for the duly elected leader of said country by calling for democracy to prevail. Madurai WAS elected by the people like it or not.
6) still no troops or support sent to the region
7) which has yet to happen. Bolton and or Pompeo will be fired. They were used to demonstrate how the old guard worked compared to Trump.
syria's fucking destroyed, dipshit kike
>Watch this video this is EXACTLY what he’s going to do.
What? Negotiate, whats wrong with that?
There will be no war faggot! Iran will come to the table, watch!
Thanks to ISIS (Deep state).
Assad is still in power.
You mad schlomo?
republicans will never get elected again and the dems will be free to totally rape you
It's a deep fake you plebs
out of context what he says is that he won't be started war with Iran to get reelected like Obama tried.
he heavily emphasised on negotiation and alternatives
>discord trannies
can't wait till jidf drops this buzzword
>Obama wants to get reelected
>it was already his second term
God he's retarded...
It's from 2015 doofus
Bolton got BTFO in Venezuela
Haha, he's obviously lying the ENTIRE time. About Obama, about Iran, about his militantism. Everything he said is a lie and you can't figure out his actual opinion.
so? American presidency is limited to 2 terms.
he's retarded.
We are reaching honk levels that shouldn't even be possible.
what a tool
hear hear
chances are (they) want to draft your kids though
Trump looks like he's doing his best Scotty Kilmer impression in that video
How can you say this and then 5 years later order air strikes on Syria?
War with Iran has been a long time in the making. The entire plan of attack was laid out in a Wikileaks e-mail. Don't remember the exact order but it was Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran. I remember it very well because I thought to myself "this is bullshit but I'll remember it, and if the US goes to Iran I'll know this is all true". I really think this stuff is beyond Trump and he is powerless to stop it.
Lol now he ignores Saudi Arabia’s killing civilians for cash.
Trump is def involved. Every president wants at least 1 war that’s what people remember.
How you can you read that, see the guy do those things and not automatically assume there are hidden forces with complete control over all this. It was pretty obvious during Bush but Obongo made it absolutely clear that the presidency is a powerless joke. Trump is like a megaphone yelling in your ear the same obvious conclusion yet you braindead faggots still eat up the orange man bad propaganda.
War would require a 9/11 tier event, or greater. This is a new environment and people are far more aware of TPTB shenanigans.
they're preparing it, just wait.
america or israel will attack itself and blame it on Iran.
they tried to sink 3 oil container ships yesterday and failed.
>But it’s literally being built.
No it isn’t.
I think that for a draft we are talking something really extraordinary. Imagine shock & awe and boots on the ground in Iran.It seems alien to the zeitgeist.