Why are these poo people invading this board? How do we solve the Indian question...

Why are these poo people invading this board? How do we solve the Indian question? They are literal shitposters that hate white people and defend Israel at any given moment. Is genocide the only way?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what &aqs=chrome.0.69i59l2j69i65l2j69i59j69i57.1943j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Don't worry about them, they are going to solve your problem.


I am a white European man reincarnated in the wrong country and a white nationalist. AMA

Albino demons are going to save India?

fuck off wh*Toid

all niggers and shitskins should be exterminated

First off, fuck your bitch and the click you claim
Westside when we ride come equipped with game
You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife
We bust on Bad Boy Jow Forumslacks fucked for life
Plus Puffy tryin' ta see me weak hearts I rip
Biggie Smalls and Indian M.A.F.I.A. Some Pakistani bitches,
We keep on comin' while we runnin' for yo' jobs
Steady gunnin, keep on bustin at them fools, you know the rules
Lil' Chandra, go ask ya homie how I leave ya
Cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased
Lil' ‘Jeet, don't fuck around with real G's
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off the streets, so fuck Jews
I let them niggaz know it's on for life
So let the Westside ride tonight
Bad Boy murdered on wax and killed
Fuck wit' me and get yo' caps peeled, you know, see
Grab ya glocks, when you see Poopac
Call the cops, when you see Poopac, uh
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace
Nigga, I shit em' up

Just like the rapefugees. They're just coming back home to strengthen our cause. Fuck off poo people, we're full.

Dont shame your ancestors incel.

>defend Israel

But that’s ptg not Indians

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Gas the curryniggers race war now

cope. google.com/search?q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what &aqs=chrome.0.69i59l2j69i65l2j69i59j69i57.1943j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

indians don't care about kikes or muslims
they're friends
also if they ever get out of line, which monkey people like indians easily do, then just call them niggerlike ans ignore them
they cannot stand being ignored
they've been ignored for the last 6000 years and literally not a single civ has given a fuck about them
no wonder they've gotten so autistic

>The shit question
Well not with gas. They are immune.

Dear white american. maybe less time being fat and useless on the internet being mad, and more time trying to tame your woman.

maybe your birth rates wouldnt be in the "loo" & your race on the verge of extinction if you lot weren't so weak.

fuck off poo

>I am a Muslim

Didn't some company in india give cheap access to the internet? Thus we get all kinds of sub saharan iq tier poo niggers

>t. pajeet

>they are literal shitposters
Kek. No but really their posts are terrible on par with those of the T*rks. Or maybe even worse. They are not funny at all. Imagine being such a waste of air

Ban IP addresses from India.

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Dear Germany, Your white culture is being replaced at a very fast rate.

Europe has decided 3rd world muslims are more important than ethnic Germans, I understand you might be mad. but stop delaying the enviable & kill yourself please.

Thank you for your time.

I'm red Indian born in wrong country

I'll make sure whitoids and blackoids are sent back to Africa

Frankly I think we need Israel. They are our staging and deployment point for the inevitable war with Iran. Whatever else happens Israel is a strategic ally geographically.

Superpower by 2020

OP it gets even worse. Poo movies are showing up on my amazing prime movie programs.

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Which ones?

Indians hate Muslims btw.

>t. muslim
you always need to engage a baiting muslim though, they are so incredibly stupid they think you're weak if you don't respond
hey there muslim
you know that Muhammad was entirely bollocks right, all you need is jesus, not some Heathen walking around some sort of demonic black cube

just ignore their posts if theyre shitposting and let their threads die. indian threads are always bumped by everyone posting "poo in loo".

You know why we shitpost? Because we literally give zero fucks about any of your pretentious faggotry on this website where everybody thinks they’ve a valid opinion that needs to be broadcasted.

We have played the politics game for the past 5-fucking-thousand years, everything ideology that you can come up with has already had a similar variation at some point in Indian history. And despite our extremely callous attitude to life and everything in general, we’re still relevant enough to make people turn their heads all the time.

A German engineer works 15 hours a day, a Chinese sweatshop works 19 hours a day. An Indian? I can count on my fingers the number of times my father headed to the office in a month.

Nothing works, nobody cares and whenever some pretentious faggot like most people on this board comes up here with some “revolutionary” ideas, they become the butt of jokes within a week.

This is why we shitpost. Because we’ve seen so much that all of your pathetic little political ramblings sound like jokes to us.


POO. And you thought anyone is going to read that? Top kek. Good effor shitskin

shutup toothpaste
your grandkids will be called ahmed and muhammed soon

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5000 years and you brag about leaching off of other countries welfare and your ability to turn any area into a rotten polluted shit leap(literally)? This is why you are looked down upon.

india has the biggest muslim minority in the world though.


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Indians are literal niggers. I actually cheer when niggers murder, rape, and rob them.

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>He doesn't know

The shit skin from India s a filthy cross between a nigger and a Jew. Example. Go on Alaska cruise and they eat like chips and make stupid request for items that a normal human would not eat. The entire table was filled with Poos besides us. Last night dinner and everyone of those cock sucker Poos did not come to dinner. The wait staff makes their living off the tips. I could see the disappointment in their faces. Cementing the title of Jew or the niggers.

Japan is actually an Indian country. When the first settlers arrived in Japan, they were called the "Ainu", in Hindi, the word "Aina" means mirror, which is often used as a way to refer to self. Therefore, there seems to be a connection with the Ainu and the Indians. The even more prominent evidence that the Ancient Japanese were Indics is that the Y-DNA of the Ainu is similar to the Y-DNA of the Andaman islanders, who were the pre-historic ancestors of most modern day Indians. After the Mongloid races invaded Japan, the Ainu merged with the locals but some of the Ainu remained. The Ainu have very Indian looking features, large nose, eyes, as well as lots of hair.

Therefore, we may conclude that Japan is an Indian nation and that the Japanese are lost Indians. Indeed, the Japanese follow Buddhism, which is an Indian religion along with the fact that many Japanese manga and comics contain Indian religious Dharmic references. If it were not for India, Japan wouldn't have been so successful. Unfortunately, in the 1800s, the nefarious plans of the white subhuman race took over who began to subvert the Indic origins of the Japanese because they couldn't deal with the fact that the Asian waifus they lust so much after were created by INDIC BVLLS. This caused a massive whiteoid chimpout across the world leading to the enslavement of many African brethren.

Now, Japan and India have very good relations and the Japanese should once again go back to Dharmic culture rather than whiteboid westoid culture. The Westoid subhuman shrieks in anger as his nation becomes subservient to BLACK BVLLS. The futile resistance by the whiteboi takes shape in the form of snowflake nationalism and anti-immigration but this only excites us INDIC BVLLS, and our urge to penetrate firmer and harder into the pussies of Japanese women recreating the Great Nippon as it was before whitebois destroyed it.

Funny how indians think they are not subhumans. Here in thailand literally nobody respects them, they get cheated on prices, they are considered the shittiest turist ever, africa-tier. Not even the whores want to touch them.

>There is only one race: The human race.

I unironically think that Indians are in this weird place where they are not accepted by anyone. They are not white enough to be white, they are not Asian enough to be Asian, and they are not in the slightest bit sub-saharan African, but some Indian retards larp as them anyway. In addition they have been gradually getting losing ground to the mudslimes for over a thousand years. Most of them resent whites because they want to be white, and most hate niggers and Muslims. So they troll Jow Forums and mass emigrate to white countries in some weird attempt to become us, yet at the same time claiming they are better than us, yet they don't want to live in their own country with their own people.

yeah, lighter skin, hair, and eyes is definitely a result of massive amounts of albinism and not an adaptation due to living further north where the sun is out less so people need to absorb as much vitamin D as they can when they get the chance
that's why vietnamese and japanese have the same skin tone, the japanese who live further north are just as dark as the vietnamese who live in sunny jungles

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I've been here for WAY longer than you think, mutt.

i hate almost every first generation indian person i have met, they have no humility and a shit sense of humour.

Indians born in the UK seem ok.

>t. Mohamad bin Jamal Al londoni

i think we're going to get rangebanned like the Turks if we keeping posting like this

Your country is closer to white extinction

>t. pajeet the street shitter

Please hiroshimoot

We have VPNs (virulant poo networks) yknow.

Doesn't india have one of the worlds largest muslim populations?

Internet accessibility has broadened significantly in recent years in india. The demograph is now present and there is a lot of them.

thats what america does best. genocide. kill everyone

>t. Muhammad Bin Alexandria
how does it feel knowing that the greatest pyramids in your country were built by BLACK people who are closer to Indians??

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Tbh I don't think that has a lot of affect on the number of people who come here. Normies don't really know about chan culture.

It does. But our current prime minister is based and knows how to keep them in check.

You can hop ips, but you're that same nigger from yesterday.
There's the door.

>Not even the whores want to touch them.


India & Africa will keep populating while Whiteys birth rates are dropping to stagerring rates. 50 years and America will belong to us.

No wonder whitey so mad ?

people are leaving the cities and moving to shitty white small towns
just to be away from your kind and be with other whites
for every white you convert, a thousand will hate you

how long can you run until you reach ocean?

stfu nigger

(((POO PEOPLE))) yeah right.....

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>stfu nigger
why mad tho? its just the pendulum swinging back

Imagine the smell, you see one of the and you know curry and fecal feces comes next, avoid at all cost.

>Imagine the smell, you see one of the and you know curry and fecal feces comes next, avoid at all cost.
White woman are starting to get into scat porn. let that sink in for a bit.

Fuck off. Poos are based and a natural ally of the white man.

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Kek. Mutts and pajeets are poo bros tho.

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I hate indians more than I hate niggers. And I dont know why

Im not a degenerate like you dude, but free world, the worst lie of them all is lying to yourself negro.

It looks like most of them are shills, but it doesn't make the poo's less annoying pricks

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"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin."

"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin."

The Rig Veda thanks god for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rg.V. II.20.7, II 12.4

"Indra, the slayer of Vrittra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the Dasyu that sprang from a black womb." RgV. II 20.6

Indra - 10.96.8 - "At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress."

Indra - 1.9.3 - "O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening lauds, Present at these drink-offerings."

Indra - 1.100.18 - "He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Simyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters."

Indra - 1.101.1 - "SING, with oblation, praise to him who maketh glad, who with Rjisvan drove the dusky brood away. Fain for help, him the strong whose right hand wields the bolt, him girt by Maruts we invoke to be our Friend."

well they at least contribute original stuff and memes as opposed to the usual "slavniggers are whites not niggers" , "swedes are cucks" etc etc
i've never seen a slavnigger post anything original

india is the biggest shithole in the world

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your monkey god doesnt exists 50 iq poo

>invading this board
streetshitters are 10 different kinds of pathetic
they lurked (and shat up) flagless boards for years now and if you didnt notice you weren't paying attention because the desperate lowIQ streetshitter post is extremely easy to spot
trying to ape "whitey", learning how to post like "a westerner", same shit most turd worlders do really
and now after the addition of memeflags they feel like its the perfect chance to beg for (you)s from Jow Forums the most popular board

and this is where we come back to these subhumans being 10 kinds of pathetic
their ugly round-faced head-shaking ring-a-ding-ding mong shitskin compadres will shit up the board regardless of all the years some poo spent on /tv/ trying to learn english,
its absolutely hilarious, especially since it leads to some (you)beggars from the streetshitter lands shitting on their own for (you)s
now as to what YOU can do, to ruin some streetshitter's day?
its easy, remind him that he lives in a worthless shithole that deserves to get anthraxed and that he will NEVER have a hot WHITE gf LMAO
fuckin streetshitters lol

They're starting to get internet connections that are basically free thanks to Jio.

Superpower by 2020

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Count your days paki

India is far more developed than Pakistan. Kek. You can compare skin colour all day if that's what matters to you.

>India is developed

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>a photo on the internet decides development
Kek. The absolute state of pakis.
>>India is developed
When did I say that? I said it's more developed than Pakistan.

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