Redpill me on this creep, user. He scares me...

Redpill me on this creep, user. He scares me. I feel like e would be capable of stabbing the family dog to death with a big knife from the kitchen drawer.

Attached: A_GREEN.jpg (300x168, 8K)

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Why does he scare you and why do you think he is a creep? He seems like one of the few upstanding people from the videos I've watched. He is right about everything. One of the few left on YouTube willing to call out The Jews. So what's your problem with him?

Strange that you think he would be capable of psychopathic behavior like animal mutilation. I get the opposite vibe that he has high moral consciousness.

Adam Green is probably one of the most redpilled, based Youtubers out there. He knows his shit, is very decent at production, and is well spoken.

Adam Green rocks, my man. Not a creep at all.

Hi Alex

Attached: alex jones 5.jpg (587x499, 63K)

He is also clearly jewish and has visited Israel before Moshe

What's with the Amish hair and beard? Do you think he's kissed a girl?

>He is also clearly jewish

Attached: bobby fisher chess master jew.jpg (850x400, 84K)

Why should I care if he has? Isn't that kind of a roastie argument to judge someone on whether they can get in your putrid holes or not?

I don't really want to argue with you I'm just curious what your reasoning is so I'm gonna shut up and just read but not post.

Adam Green is a man who stares into the abyss everyday, somebody has to and he's taken that burden
>in times of universal deceit speaking truth is a revolutionary act

A man who fights against the greatest evil the world has ever known.
Also understands the motivation behind RAT israehellis and their jewish diaspora scum RAT offspring which is talmudic satanic prophecy.

>I feel like e would be capable of stabbing the family dog to death with a big knife from the kitchen drawer
It would fall on the man of the house to put down the family dog, yes.

but you have no moral fibre?

>clearly jewish
t. subversive ratfaced Jude

Attached: 1556966102313.jpg (1024x699, 115K)

Everybody needs to be capable of stabbing their dog to death. They can't really suicide when they need to so if your dog gets fucked up bad enough, you gotta help them end their pain.

Youre just bullying wealthy 5ft3 people with small hats to steal all their money.. If jews were 6ft ogres with a population of 4 billion you'd be kissing their hairy sandnigger asses.. You're a bully and a coward with a pathetic puny cock.. Suck more pagan catholic cock you pedophile apologist scumbucket.. /pol needs to be thrown into a work brigade

Sacred kike?

He seems jewy as fuck
crpyto sensors overloading

No way his real name isnt Greenberg

He probably went through celibate hell and heavy metal cultural initiation during the teen years without taking all the drugs the goths consumed. Its a phase that we grow out of eventually.


berg is a european surname for town. Tim Berg aka avicii. for example. goldberg is greedy. greenberg speaks for the trees and sees past the fabrications of red vs blue when dealing with devils and lucifers.

Hit the bricks mossad

The day of the rake can't come soon enough.

this is why mossad and theirt sayanim shills are trying to discredit kmn
dancing israelis exposed


>He scares me

He has the effect on jews and their friends