Why are North Europeans so naive?

Why are North Europeans so naive?

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Insignificant experience with other people combined with a relatively high quality of life.

The less White the less I trust hahaha Im not gonna give not even one euro to a gipsy or a negro but if a spaniard needs help I evaluate the situation to see if I can trust him and help him

North Europeans gay lol

It's called social trust, the more homogenous and wealthy your nation is, the higher your trust concerning others.

No wonder French don't trust each others, it's half African, there are Muslims and so on. The Balkan has a genozidal war every few decades, would you trust these people?

I talked to a Western chick studying law the other day.Poor thing won't last a day.

Good enough.

Due to the hard winters, you had to trust others. A matter of life and death. If someone bullshitted others, he / she was killed.

In southern climate, people didn't have this need, so they never developed any meaningful reason to not bullshit others. Therefore, they are ALL liars, thieves, traitors, backstabbers and only worthy of an oven, to heat out houses.

*our houses

It's the other way around faggot. A homogenous highly intelligent people will have a natural trust for eachother.

Just kys.

>He doesn't what a high-trust society is
This has absolutely nothing to do with being naive

higher incidence of autism

>trust is bad
fuck off
also based finns

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Then why is Greece dark red and Sweden blue?
Greeks are wealthier than Swedes.

Countries like Lithuania have harsh winters too.
Your theory is not accurate.

It's interesting to notice how that map is so similar to the one of perceived corruption rates. Usually I tend to evaluate these things on the basis of race, intelligence and poverty, but I think it might actually be cultural.

Attached: europe-map-corruption-perception-index.jpg (1052x744, 157K)

Because you can generally trust people that aren't niggers or obviously trying to fuck you over?
If they speak proper German/Vienna dialect they're probably not too bad.
Unless they're disgusting junkies.

I think we can all agree that Greeks are more intelligent than the Danes.
Your society failed while Greece is growing.

what is wrong with Brits and Lithuanians?

They aren't.

It's not bad, but it's naive to trust strangers.

They also had communism, we did not.

We are trusting because of our genes and because it's still the case that the average countryman is trustworthy. It won't last because the foreigners lie and cheat.

It's not cultural, just tied to wealth. The Balkans is cut off from the European center and the EU harms the Russian economy.

Because they were never exposed to the joys of a multicultural society like people from South and Eastern Europe were.

a very childish behaviour

>Insignificant experience with other people
Exactly. They lived on the periphery of the oikumene for millennia, in deep reliance on each other to survive the harsh winters.
This leaves them utterly unequipped psychologically to deal with inter-ethnic competitions. Sad.

Greece had no communism and harsh winters.

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High trust society man. People have values and honour. I never steal anything nor do I ever con anybody, precisely because I want to live virtuous. Basically always people also instantly give me their trust.

Countries are shit because people feel you are a fool for trusting anybody you don't know well, so they take advantage of anybody who does.

wake up. time is now. have a wonderful morning!

How do you explain Greece then?

>Greece had no communism
Somebody needs to do some basic research...

Nice source. This is one says you are wrong.


why are fins fucking based compared to the rest of scandis

>People have values and honour.
Blue countries are the most degenerate and evil in Europe.

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Wrong. Europe in general is pretty damn great overall, and that is exactly why everybody wants to move here, especially blue countries.


Greece was about to become the new Switzerland before the economic crisis.

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because they formed high trust societies because of the ethnic homogeneity of these countries.

You dumb cunt. Sweden is satanic insanity compared to a healthy nation like Hungary.

i don't believe that.

Blue countries are known for paying welfare to immigrants, but most Europeans know that southern Europe is the best part of the continent.

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Fucking christ Sweden, they had basically won the game in the 90's. They had made a utopia.

Then they went and fucked it up because "gotta fight racism n' shit!".

Then how do you explain Greece?

>foreigners lie and cheat
Everyone lies and cheats if the gains outweigh the risks. It's a miracle how your country managed to survive this long without learning this.

greece has been confronted to the Turkish invasion menace for centuries.
northern countries have been sheltered from most conflicts, and like in nature, when a prey have no natural predator, it doesn't develop any self preservation mechanism.

Most bestiality videos in Europe come from Holland, Germany and Denmark.

Being 99% white has its benefits


Yes, but all-in-all Sweden is still pretty great.

You seem be wrong about everything:


there's a difference between trusting strangers and recognizing that most of the people in your country are\are not trustworthy.
i imagine part of the reason finns are like this is that they serve in the army together

The number goes down as immigrants come in, just so you know.

They're not homogeneous. There are assumptions of trust here I need to suspend when I go to southern Europe. Denmark 20 years ago was the friendliest, most secure place on earth even though everyone was constantly drunk. The hardcore criminal gangs of the time are now considered wholesome in comparison to what's going on because of immigration. Attitudes are changing fast, besides obvious changes in behavior you can also just see it in the faces of people.

This would explain mistrust against foreigners, but most people in Greece are Greeks and the few Turks live in one single region.

That's the thing, we do not do that. It's not naive to trust a stranger when he is trustworthy 9+/10 times. It's one of the reasons why Sweden and other high-trust nations used to do so well.

Southern Europe just had a bad decade, but the economies are growing again and things go back to normal. We should ignore this decade and look at the past/future years instead.

We are much more honest than south Europeans so we can trust each other, but we make the mistake of trusting south Europeans and Arabs and niggers too who are dishonest and deceiving.

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Greeks do too, yet Greece is based and redpilled.

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People who are too used to being on top don't think they will ever be anywhere else, so they stop being competitive and make it their new mission to help others get where they are.
By the time the realization hits that they've been supplanted by those who they supported it will be too late to do anything.

Wrong. Our people are so controlled by the government it's stupid crazy. We live boring lives, eat boring food, buy boring clothes and it's all run by the government. Thats the reason we're still considered (((rich))) countries

>most of the people in your country are\are not trustworthy.
you must be well aware about that, kike.
yes, but they have been confronted to that "other" element, they know "the foreigner" is not like them, he's don't act like them, and can be a menace, so they developed a sort of immune system.
northerners have never been confronted to any of this, so they haven't developed any mistrust of "the other", which lead to the fact that they're totally cucked today.
it's self domestication.

Conscription keeps people from becoming basedboys

Southern Europe has stagnated for some reason.

Southern Euros are awesome dude. Why the hate?

Greece is more safe than Denmark.


see, Greece is at the bottom

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why use that flag though, greekbro? fuck the EU.

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Youre just cucked faggots, south is based, thats why theres no muslims

Sweden does well because it's surrounded by big countries. Imagine what Greece would do if it was located next to Sweden.

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why is basedboys changed to basedboys lmao

your map is not related to trust

Söyboy is filtered.

Because we're civilized enough that we don't need to be wary of other citizens behaving like subhumans.

Too bad (((they))) are trying to demolish this.

Greece has the lowest drug consumption in Europe, Norway is on the top.

Attached: drugs.png (960x684, 197K)

That's ridiculous. Sweden is located at a corner of the world and the only thing we have that is of value is the people.

And there are plenty countries smaller countries located near biggers ones which do not do well.

This is based on your assumption though. We need scientific evidence for this.

Germany is the reason

In which they will fail miserably.
>Finland is unconquerable by any means, and there are only two: direct or indirect.

What tf are you talking about? Where did I say I hate south Europeans? I said they are untrustworthy which is proof'd by their corruption and the wallet experiment for example.
Brainlet memeflaggot, imagine my shock.


Yeah I could agree with that.
Now they have to deal with an imported population that fucking hates their guts, this is always the case. You give people a life from the shithole they came from, then they just hate you for it. It sucks that it is this way but the only worse thing to do is keep repeating it.

Fuck the USA and their constant wars.

And all those poorer countries located near Germany? Mexico which is near the US? All the countries near Brazil?

look at this map

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You are proving my point. Why am I even trying to argue with memeflag?

It's not white enough, full of mutts, relies on tourism and borders multiple threats. After just a few years of heavy tourism in Iceland everyone is paranoid that some tourist is going to shit on their lawn.

Poland and Czechia become wealthier because of Germany. But Germany is taking over their markets while Italy is a strong competitor.

Some years ago I've read how the German media hurt the Italian economy by scaring off investors with bashing Italy.

This thread is about Europe. I don't know or care about shitskins.

Of course the memeflag would ignore examples which do not fit his bait bullshit. I'm done.

You wrote that Sweden is located at a corner of the world but forgot to mention that its next to the only relevant part of the world.

Other countries don't do well because blue countries in OP are keeping down others. Russia would be a wealthy country if the EU didn't harm them all the time.

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High trust societies. We aren't medniggers that will cheat or steal in every possible occasion.

i'm not pulling that out of my hat, that theory is not that obscure.

But we don't use Euro and the curency course is super fluent.

For example, ruble is underrated for 70% as Forbes says. And this is Kremlin's economic policy.

Only GDP PPP shows you reality.

Attached: K5XNe7j.jpg (1920x1827, 392K)

Attached: gdp-ppp-ranking.png (531x415, 25K)

Greeks are pure and white


The Greek economy relies on shipping goods around the planet.

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Russia, you dumb fuck. Getting DPed by Sweden and Russia breeds a healthy sense of cynicism.

It's all about a high white population density.

>all-in-all Sweden is still pretty great
I was about to call it a ticking bomb, but it's already on fire for MANY of your countrymen.

There are more niggers in Finland than in Greece.

Historical experience, idiot. Genetic and cultural tendencies cultivated by centuries of struggle.

Yeah you kinda need money to buy drugs

ok i will read this later

If I go to Greece and behave as I would in Iceland I would get robbed. Therefore it has too many niggers or nigger blood. QED.