Daily reminder that taking refugees will help for your economy.
The German people are smart enought know this fact, and that's why Merkel became their leader. Germany will be an economic super power within a decade
Daily reminder that taking refugees will help for your economy.
The German people are smart enought know this fact, and that's why Merkel became their leader. Germany will be an economic super power within a decade
Other urls found in this thread:
>they are starting to help
now? after years of crime and being protected by the police in social media?
also proof that they are actually helping?
also also stop making this thread retard
Economy = money = banks.
We knew that from start. More debt means banks can't go away.
>destroy shit
>shit needs to be repaired
I wish Hitler was still alive
Says the third world slave shithole lol. Your whores will literally fuck me for free if I lie to them that I could give them a green card. You will never be Westerners
He won't do shit even if he got resurrected in the current year let alone being JFKed
>3rd worlders being flooded in while the governments and media claim anyone is opposition is racist and bigoted
>The government justifies their agenda by saying the 3rd worlders are being used by the government and corporations to work to aid the economy
One second the government and media are claiming you are racist to not want millions of 3rd worlders then they claim they are using the millions of 3rd worlders are a labor force for the corporations
My only political and social desire is that every policy be focused as brutally murdering every member of the traitorous government, corporate media propagandist, and greed ridden corporate leadership and their families. Kill them all
Good. What Germany needs is 11 million more.
>import people
>some get jobs
>all lf them go into debt quickly
>"The economy is booming, goys!"
Just correlate immigration in Germany with SUV sales
Italy will help German economy by sending to them all our precious 'fugees.
Italy is very generous. Go Germany go, we cheer for you.
Too bad you are not the legislator. You are just a faggot incel pretending to be edgy on a chink fake cartoon photoshop image forum in your sad room
Yep, that's true.
As every refugee needs 2 babysitters, those people have to be employed and paid.
And this raises the GDP.
An even without smashing windows.
You niggers are making it more obvious every day.
Good, hope they become an economic beast by accepting ALL refugees
Umm, sweetie, aren't you forgetting something?
Growing the economy is like throwing oil into the hellfire of climate change.
Haha a single word was enough to trigger you. Go back to your safe space, incel :)
millions of new mouths to feed is going to increase consumption and consumerism, no shit. It really isn't worth it though.
>Daily reminder that taking refugees will help for your economy.
Good goy. The economy is the only thing that matters, you know. If the economy downsized and became more sustainable how would Uncle Shekelberg be able to live off the labor of others? We need infinite growth forever!
they aren't though
also, selling your culture for an economic boost is never worth it
What culture? Drinking some shit beer with ding dong looking sausages?
>People spending money helps the economy
what a grand revelation,Give that man a Nobel prize!
I wouldn't expect a mutt to understand culture
>burger projection
Exposing the cancerous policies triggered you but rather than rebut the topic you go to personal attacks and using the spamming shill term of the week incel. You keep saying incel and the EU mass immigration policy will keep being exposed for the cancerous policy it is.
> 4 years of huge negatives
> M-maybe the positives will start soon
Iran war got you covered, bud.
What culture do you practice daily other than drinking and fighting with other huligans like all Europoors do?
I can't even point out your shithole country on a map. Literally nobody cares about you people
how does saying "incel" in a snarky tone, make importing millions of shitskins and sticking them on welfare a good idea?
Gee, calm down autist. I didn't know the word incel could provoke you that hard lol
Because it's fun when you incels get overly mad at things you don't have any control of.
Atleast our main culture activity isn't school shootings.
I've never been in a school shooting, hardly a "main activity". Faggot
I bet they are still a net-drain on the economy like elsewhere in Europe. Can't be much else considering their average IQs are in the 80s and they have no worthwhile skills.
you do understand calling him incel does not disprove his arguments, right?
And yet we still don’t want them here. When your capitalist Ponzi scheme collapses, I hope merkel is still alive to have her head mounted on a pike.
So why she dont choose refugees according to their skills and IQ? There are a lot of smart poos and brazilians with high IQ who could help Germany.
But nooo... She only want the black ones.
No shit.
Trading some annoying little bastards for gun rights is fair enough.
Cheap labor
Captive customers for food/clothes/ apartment rent/ etc.
More debt slaves
Just ignore the jew.
Barely half of them have some kind of job.
Bringing in lazy low IQ people is like the broken windows fallacy.
>get gibs or "jobs" by the government
>have jobs created to exclusively take care of you
>geeh, this refugees really are helping the economy
the worst thing is all of europe will become like this eventually, i'm just waiting for the next big "refugee crisis"
pol memes aside, how are things in sweden really?
Let me guess, no fucking numbers?
An economic downturn is on the horizon, housing bubble is about burst, the welfare state is crumbling, sexcrimes have tripled in 3 years, and so on. This country has no future.
Good morning Jew.
Too bad you are not a man but a gay boy with a gaping orifice leaking commie ideas
You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet.
>no fucking numbers?
And where's the web archive?
It's like the article's some sort of bait... for clicks.
Nigger detected
This is what boomers believe. As despicable folks as kikes
If ever increasing consumption is success then yes
>muh economy (cheap labour to push wages down for normies)
Anyone who unironically puts the economy above the protection and the very existence of their people deserves the rope
schlomo/miriam, you are impressive in your overconfident shitposting, you even grasped some of the slang here...well done, but it's still pathetic because you stick out like a nigger in snow and everyone knows what you are.
This liberals eating their own propaganda always make me laugh.
You read the liberal rags, li,e the New Yorker you would think the camps are peaceful communes
Also this. Tell me about this "economy". Is it in my back pocket? Can I draw from it?
Who cares if your schools are ruined and over run with crowds of people who haven’t read a book, who cares if your police force has to turn it self into a military to keep order, who cares if your streets and parks get Balkanized, the "economy " went up a few points.
There is a bull market for rape kits in Berlin.....
basic gestalt
promote degeneracy> led to low childbirth >led to economic collapse>led to importing shitskin>led to replace white genes
Germany: 91%—or 1.98 million—“Refugees” Still on Welfare, Three Years later
Immigrant crime in Germany 2012-2015
Immigrant crime in Germany 2012-2015
-669,408 refugees in germany in 2016
-Crimes Committed by Refugees
Refugee reality: Germany admits 75% face long-term unemployment and life on benefits
There are few immigrants in German’s university-track high schools.
there are many more offenses than statistics shows
immigrants and crime
Germany’s choice to accept migrants will cost at least $11 billion.
>take loans to buy shit
>shitstorm if you bankrupt a refugee getting money back
>state pays loans
look mum im helping!
30% of ‘Syrian’ immigrants to Germany are fraudulent.
Only 1 in 10 Muslims migrants arriving in Germany is employable.
German study links increased crime rate to migrant arrivals
Liberal source indirectly admits that there is truth to Refugee Sex offense reports
Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports?
Half of Turks in Germany Do Not Work, Majority 'Not Interested in a Job’
euro migrant fact sheet
Even refugees with a university degree have an IQ of only 93
Merkel Admits 'No-Go' Zones Exist in Germany
i usually reserve the rope for violent criminals & sadists but in wartime the rope should perhaps be given out more freely, and conspiring against the existence of the aryan race is a war-worthy act..
I see what you did there
One of the most cringe things I've ever read.
That guy is an idiot, the German economy is not doing well at all. It's going to enter a recession if it can't get its car exports up. GDP growth is predicted at 0.5% for 2019--awful. And if economic crisis comes, which economists are predicting will arrive in the near future (late 2020 at the latest), you now have a massive underclass of obnoxious, foreign and violent young brown men with no prospects to deal with.
Just wain until the refugees figure out that whites can't legally defend themselves from non whites. That's when the rich white neighborhoods start getting raided and the Jewish Media covers it up or justifies it as reparations.
It’s a puff piece. I don’t know who’s pushing this crap. Just search for Germany’s economy and see what comes up for you.
I did yesterday when I saw this same thread. Most of it, isn’t positive.
> A refugee who came at the age of 18 has to work if minimum wage 77 years to create a surplus able to support the benefits claims of the older germans
this will totaly work out
It will when they start killing old germans to redistribute pensions
Um sweetie the refugees do the jobs that regular Germans won't do. The economy can't survive without them. Cool it with the racism mmkay?
Here's another
That was the worst bait i have seen this month.
The place now is infested with Allah-worshipping cockroaches, but "muh economy." Glad to see a few (((bankers))) can make a buck and the Jews can destroy the best race of Europe. It's all for them.
They aren't even refugees. They are the shit the Jews are directing into Europe to harm us. Fuck this jewshit terminology "refugees".
Last time i checked Germany is entering a recession
nice try
>citizens have to pay more taxes
>more tax money goes to social workers
>more money goes to construction workers to build housing
>more money goes to their shithole countries via remittances so bankers collect transaction fees
>more chinese plastic shit is purchased so more VAT
wtf I love GDP and hate my country now!
Bad tranny! Mods please arrest this disgusting sack of flesh
The GDP rose by 3%, because the elites got to make a few frivolous goods with cheaper labor. This is progress, goy.
No one receives an economic boost from these parasites.
If you have 10 people sharing $20 and then you add 10 more people and they share $35, the economy grew, but everyone is getting less.
These are the most parasitic and worthless scum on the planet coming in. They are only a burden, nothing else. They are only brought in like a neighbor releasing cockroaches into your house. The "muh economy" is a smokescreen. Guaranteed your quality of life will go down as your cities become unlivable. Your schools will deteriorate as they demand 10 times the resources to *attempt* to bring them up to German standards.
Germany is ruled by its enemies. The racial enemies of the Deutsche Volk are in charge and their only goal is to destroy them.
They say it openly. Pic related.
Funny, the Jew stops when called out
Shaking under your yarmulke.
We'll join you, Italy. We wish only the best for Germany, and to that end have decided to pack up the 100,000 refugees who came here since 2015 and send them to Germany. May they bring Hans all the economic growth he wants!
Is this actually true though? They keep importing refugees here in Canada under the same pretense and im curious if it actually works? Its hard to verify actual economic growth since there are so many factors at work. Companies may report higher growth but it may just be a a few billionaires dumping money into some kind of PoC fund, or gains from the jobs that help refugees transition.
Like I know full well there are talented people out there who have successfully immigrated and done more than ill ever do. I know a few iranian and ukranian and lebanese people growing up and their parents who were very smart people. Engineers and the like. But this was long before the kind of immigration and programs we have now. They earned their way in.
>Germany will be an economic super power within a decade
I lost
> taking refugees will help (for) your economy.
It's true. Sales of home security equipment, and personal defense measures have skyrocketed. Police overtime is enriching the uniformed professionals, courts are bursting with business and bottom cream for raped children is a booming business.
The housing thing is a bigger part of it than most people realize.
Pretty much all of Western Europe has a natural population decline, which means that if immigration was limited/eliminated, house prices would be dropping right now. But tens of millions of boomers (plus several hundred thousand politically influential professional investors and developers) have 'invested' in real estate in the last 20-30 years, and they are expecting house prices to keep rising indefinitely. The government can't let a natural price drop in the housing market happen, because then both the most active voters and the most generous political donors would go bust. In order to avoid that fate, according to the government, immigration has to be structurally high to keep the population growing and the house prices rising.
tl;dr: We're all being thrown under the bus to keep politicians, baby boomers and professional investors/real estate developers happy.
fuck off you cunt. they cost us Blillions of Euros for housing and health care alone
Chill German dude