This is a common scene across urban and suburban environments in the UK.
When will we finally receive the sufficient policing we need to make sure these people are rehabilitated and put back on the right path. No doubt it is because of the hardline ostracisation that many Pakistani communities in this country feel that fuels these kind of attacks.
Vicious Tory cuts have left many councils without the ability to even provide basic youth clubs for these people to congregate in, and thus they head to the streets to vent rage against a society that they believe hates them.
We cannot fight hate with hate and I deeply hope the lads in this video find it in themselves to realise what they have done is wrong and for the victim to forgive them.
English lad brutally beaten by Paki Gang
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>English lad brutally beaten by Paki Gang
And taxpayers paid for this. They paid to import those people, and they pay them welfare. In clown world Europe, this happens everywhere
they deserve it for Dresden
this is the future the anglos fought for
Nobody cares mate, he just had it coming.
I get so angry sometimes. If the next Hitler popped up I would vote for him everytime.
Power of grey Turk wolves.....
Sadistic Khaned
>as you sow, so shall you reap.
0% compassion for the descendants of the judeo-allies is the right amount of compassion
Since your people unironically believe this (proof: what your people vote), your people deserve to suffer in the horrible manner of the video.
The same goes for my people and every people that bends the knee to foreigners and traitors.
Root cause of the problem is so severe democracy can not heal itself from this.
It is caused by evolutionarily deficient mind of a woman being allowed to participate in governing of society.
We are on an unavoidable path towards ethnic religious civil wars.
>asian gang
you deserve it, call these subhumans what they are, asians are tiny yellow ppl, not gypoids
Haha fucking weak ass wh*toids getting rekt
There is plenty of money supplied to the police force to enable them to fight crime much more effectively than they do. However, they deliberately allow crime to remain unaddressed as a way of justifying their claim that their funding should be increased. It's a standard tactic from nearly all modern government departments: do a bad job, but claim that you need more money in order to do a better job. Of course, no amount of money is ever enough - and so the cycle continues. It's a scam, and the general public are the chumps.
They probably pay for the pakis lawyers as well.
I agree, the British deserve everything they get for preventing the emergence of the Third Reich. Fuck 'em.
If he wasn't one of us, now he is.
Good. Maybe finally the eternal anglo will get what it deserves.
I enjoy seeing the pencil necked wh*toids get beaten up, they dont dare to fight back
What do I care some Anglo Saxon faggot got his shit kicked in
You faggots are 2nd only to jews in your treachery and backstabbing
Doesn't even look like an english boy, looks like the ones who is being beaten up by, you anglos are starting to label them as englishmen, my fucking sides.
Or just sell him iron.
>that they believe hates them
and rightly so
Pakistan is in Asia, your referring to east Asians.
in america? that "pencil neck" whiteoid? might be a REDneck and put two rounds in your chest center mass, just saying. so... "attack ME at your own risk"
part and parcelled.
I'm betting he made the mistake of relaxing. He didn't look like he stood a chance, someone with more heart would have fought back. They were barely committed. Pakis are the worst fighters on the planet, it's why they rely on attacking in groups. Nobody has ever been beaten up by A paki.
start forming white gangs
don't be afraid of the police eithet
Until this poor boy
Its incidents like this that earn Pakistamis respect from me.
The perfidious angloid imperialist has bitten off more than they can chew and its biting them hard on their pasty white asses .lmfao
Why are you telling us teafaggot?
Just enjoy the rape when you can's resist it.
Okey mutilated peepee mongrel
white men need to start grouping up
I meant no one has been beaten up by one on its own. And someone fitter and with more heart would have held that group off. They're weak.
About a month or so ago I was walking home from the library at 2am on Saturday and a gang of Pakis in a car started driving alongside me, shouting shit like 'fuck you you white motherfucker' and a bunch of other racially charged shit. I looked them in the eye and started laughing because the best they could come up with was 'white [generic insult]' which was so uninventive. At least call me a cumskin, you know? So that apparently pissed them off and the driver hit the brakes on the car. I decided I didn't want to get jumped by four Pakis on a Saturday so I immediately turned into a main road. Whatever.
Welcome to the UK.
London btw.
True. They were only two and they looked weak and slow
Fuck yourself faggot, you’re the kunts that fucked everything up in Europe, you’ll get whats coming for you, you traiterous fucking bastards, go lick winston ‘’Jew dog’’ churchill’s asshole
Poor white kid gets jumped by asian kids and you're all emotional
I see this stuff all the time next over in Leeds. Except it's a bunch of degenerate white kids jumping other (probably degenerate) white kids.
This isn't worth crying over
so did russia and america by that logic, we were and still are in the hands of the jews, i want to fix it
this. at least fight back like a man.
What's the problem to beat up some Brits for fun, is it rude?
Do something with your countries folks, can't even go to watch european culture turists attractions because you imported so much non white subhumans.
>There is plenty of money supplied to the police force to enable them
tracking down mean tweets is serious business
>pooland doing anything but taking it up the ass from kikes
>Do something with your countries folks, can't even go to watch european culture turists attractions because you imported so much non white subhumans.
based poles, holy fuck.
Based my ass
youre more likely to receive policing for writing this post than those pakis are for beating that kid up
>Based my ass
coming from a yank thats losing your country to niggers. stay useless faggot, get taken over without resistence.
>english lad
>black hair
Coming from some white turd getting cleansed from s afreeka...if not a nigger
>Coming from some white turd getting cleansed from s afreeka...if not a nigger
We are killing our white invaders, and producing enough to take over your white land.
know the funny part? you pussies cant and aren't doing anything about it LOL. the end of the white race is near, stay useless.
Go kill yourself right now
Same he looked like another paki. Anyone have proof he was White English?
Did you miss threads yesterday when we said fuck off to jews trying to rob us, memeflag faggot?
this why i fucking dont like minorities
>this why i fucking dont like minorities
whites will be a minority in britian in 15 years. LoL
are you really a kaffer from south africa?
>stay useless
you're only alive because whites pay taxes.
you have the nerve to call anyone else useless?
>you're only alive because whites pay taxes.
>you have the nerve to call anyone else useless?
All i hear is wa wa wa life is so unfair because we are being replaced in our homelands.
how does it feel? reperations soon for you white boy.
we dont want brazil, is a hole. America & Europe will be ours soon
pretty stupid to even go outside unarmed anymore
lol dude you know what ima do now?
ima drive past a squatter camp eating a burger and just have a squizz at how utterly useless, filthy and pathetic you kaffers are.
So you're an SJW retard that thinks this is part and parcel for the course. Why the fuck are you posting here? If you've already accepted that your country is lost why bother making this fucking post? These people aren't gonna become good British citizens, they are there to kill you and out breed you.
Its all a fucking meme,while in reality the exact opposite is happening
I should know I live in this shithole (pooland)
>lol dude you know what ima do now?
>ima drive past a squatter camp eating a burger and just have a squizz at how utterly useless, filthy and pathetic you kaffers are.
lol know what we gonna do this weekend? kill more white farmers & kill more suburben whities. enjoy your burger fatty
>kill more white farmers
woah cool guy
you're missing the point
the kikes+masons paid for pakis ( carefully selected out of all the world's population as the most hostile to civilised nations ) to come to britain to prey on the public : mostly to sex slave the indigenous white girls, but also to sell drugs. The police (aka mob) now control and protect pakis gangs as frontmen for criminal activity and skim the profits ( both cash and child vagoo ).
similar to what was done hundreds of years ago when the brit aristocracy paid to import criminal kikes to prey on the general population.
Know what we're gonna do? Deport all our niggers and their nigger problems to SA, then we're gonna build a giant wall around the continent and cut off air travel and all the niggers can now battle it out to the death which will be live stream'd via a youtube satellite in space. Then we're gonna up the Ebola because it's funny to watch niggers suffer
its literally all you're good for kaffer.
you'll get yours eventually
>woah cool guy
yes we eradicate our invaders, unlike you pussies
>Know what we're gonna do?
you'll do nothing. you'll keep doing what youre doing now, cry on the internet while you are being taken over. pathetic weak white people.
Maybe he shouldnt live in a faggot country without guns
pisses me off when you boer rats use the word kafir
kafir means infidel and that's what you are you fucking cockroach. in fact, go on over to the UK so some pakis can kick your head in while calling you a kafir
anglos shoulda shoved you all into concentration camps
>its literally all you're good for kaffer.
>you'll get yours eventually
getting rid of invaders? yes, we are good at that :)
>Literally hell on earth
>Be around for 1,000s of years yet can't make a civilization
>Muh white ppl are keep da black man down
I guess I'm seeing what it's like to have a double digit iq
>>Literally hell on earth
>>Be around for 1,000s of years yet can't make a civilization
>>Muh white ppl are keep da black man down
>I guess I'm seeing what it's like to have a double digit iq
All i hear is, WAAAA our birth rates, we got 15 years before we are a minority in our own country, why did our race have to suck so much.. waaaaa
Enjoy starving sootmop.
>Says the nigger living in the shittest part of the world
>Literally use pully systems to power your shit country cause you can't into nuclear fission
>Da wyt man be bixnooding us down muh guy
He tried to warn you. You should've listen.
I fucking hate Paki's. This is the only time you ever seen them get brave, when they outnumber someone 10-1. They won't even look you in the eye if it's equal numbers.
and all I see is a double digit iq
>Enjoy starving sootmop.
wont starve, we are taking from the hard working white people, we are getting money from America while we are taking over their country. its actually hilerious.
Yup. Bored as shit every last one of them. I've been working on some of it!
Major issues is currently!:
In well to do English towns outside of major cities, there is the image of peacefulness. But behind the scenes of many council estates, which are almost fortresses at times against police tactics, there are gangs (in the most basic sense though; like groups of mates who like to get high in a lounge watching tv, games, smoking etc; a few sell drugs, people come by and sit). These gangs sell to disenfranchised bored kids, take them under their wing, tech them all this childless stupidity about society, the man, etc. Some true, some not... You're child belongs to this new, middle ages, stranger now. They'll sell drugs, easy; bumpedthey'll hang out more and more, play games, smoke, wassell, be loud about; like a Family... Now they'll dislike real family, believe in newfriend family. This is where it goes haywire: kids get caught dealing, real dealer isolated, family flips out, friendFamily will take care of kid/shut him up. Now your kid hates you.
So... Now there's an army of them, by not funding shit for them the 'enemy' in our society just had a recruitment boom. We knew ALL of this before any of the cuts. The documentation expired it's limited record time and was destroyed, for no apparent reason and escalated to be done quietly, immediately.
If the youth are ignored someone will have them. Don't forget.
>and all I see is a double digit iq
15 years minority man. all that high IQ and you cant even keep your race relevant or alive.
we can exterminate a mosque
White British willing disarmed themselves, willingly let these people take over their country, and have willingly let these people gang rape their daughters. There will be no new Hitler to vote for to stop this. Brits want this.
>we can exterminate a mosque
you wont exterminate anything, youll sit on the internet and cry.
You have guns and still do nothing, you dumb fucking faggot
OK noguns dhimmi
Why do you find enjoyment in other people's suffering? What caused you to become this way.
Blanket ideology retarded Brit. Shut up mate, stop being a flaming retard. It's a gang you massive twat. It'll be like any gang. Rugby lads? They tear up town weekly and luck the crap out of random folks at times.
If you want to blame a race try to not sound so fucking spastic next time :D
And willingly provided millions of underaged lolis for their dicks.
Apathetic bongs are the most vile and perverted people to behold, their circus is the most depraved and thus the most entertaining of all.