This brave man BTFO of hysterical roasties virtue signalling about how virtuous they are for not being bothered over...

This brave man BTFO of hysterical roasties virtue signalling about how virtuous they are for not being bothered over multiple air raid noises waking them up at 4am to tell them some negress abducted her niglet.

Protip: You can't even turn them off in Canada even if you go into the setting on your phone.

Attached: amber alert.jpg_large.jpg (1242x1350, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Protip: You can't even turn them off in Canada even if you go into the setting on your phone.
Treudeu really learnt alot from his father Fidel

Based pete at it again

Attached: based pete.png (517x595, 87K)

Average femdroid virtue signaling over amber alerts. It's honestly more about lesbians finding an excuse to be vitriolic to anyone annoyned by these obnoxious alerts.

I wonder if anyone has died from an epileptic seizure or car crash due to these fucking things.

Attached: average virtue signaling roastie.png (310x353, 89K)

Ahh i see you are a gaymer.

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>aspiring editor

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I wouldnt mind them if they were better co-ordinated. What good is alarming people in bed with this information?

How many abducted children have been found through such an alert. I doubt it is worth the effort.
>Be me. Be in the US. Get Alert. Holy shit - WWIII is about to happen. Nah, abducted child. Whatever...

at least this ones self aware

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we have had like 4 so far, don't know if any has been found via someone giving a tip. All indian or blacks whose mom/dad took the kid. One has died, and at least two were misunderstandings.Pretty sure there were all just found in the home of the parent who abducted them making the alert pointless.

She sounds fat.

Xir wishes to become the next Premiere Pro.

I think I saw one from Toronto the other day and I'm in fucking hongcouver.

It is meant to exert control over the one aspect of people's lives that they previously had control over; getting a good nights sleep. When the authorities can disrupt your sleep at a whim, the public loses yet more autonomy.

Funny how there are no amber alerts for the various young victims of human trafficking in Canada however. Only children involved in custody disputes. I guess there was that honour killing several months back, but the kid was dead before the alert was even issued.

Fuck Ontario, glad that I am not from that pozzed and poxed shithole.

One day Western Canada will separate.

So was the mother in this case.

5'6" and 150 lbs...kek. Meanwhile also in Ontario

I will celebrate this little niggers death

>bisexual disaster

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Based as fuck man! Go leafy!

I get an alert like once a year on my phone. People here need to step up their abduction game.

At last i see the purpose of the amber alerts

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Why is the GTA such a shithole lads?
What can be done to fix it?

It's something like 40-60% success rate senpai.
It actually works

Nuke bramptledesh

Top kek

That success rate is no higher than when they don't do an Amber Alert.

Air raid sirens? What the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this a thing?

To back up my point >According to the 2014 Amber Alert Report, 186 Amber Alerts were issued in the US, involving 239 children. 60 (25%) were taken by strangers or people other than their legal guardians.
The majority of Amber Alerts are someone taking their kid when it's not their custody time and the kid is always safe all along and the kid turns up when the parent takes them back home. Amber Alerts are dumb virtue signaling bullshit and a waste of taxpayer money.

This is what the amber alert sounds like. It ignores the volume of your phone, it's so fucking obnoxious.

Makes it sound like the nukes are coming and it's just some non-white domestic issue every time.

wait...the Canadian government is making random unsolicited phone calls to every citizen in the country?

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This. It's always the kid taken when it's not in custody, and almost always it's just a misunderstanding. best of all IT'S ALWAYS NON-WHITES MY SLEEP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE LIFE OF SOME SHITSKIN INVADER

>the child must be at risk
Aka every day when you have a negress mother.

>strangers or not their legal guardians
Under the second part they summarize all the "abductions" by separated parents.

Yes, usually it's province wide. Hope it causes car accidents or seizures and shit and they get sued.

she could save a lot of time and just write "cliche"

Can the system be hacked? Can Amber Alert be used to make everyone hate niggers more?

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I think no later than 2 weeks ago some kid in France was found very quickly thanks to this.

If you are stupid enough to have a phone you deserve it.

Imagine being stupid enough to be Canadian

where do you think clive palmer got the idea

Holy fuckballs! So you have to power off your phone for it not to bother you? That sounds terrific!

A amber alert just flew over my house

Senpai noticed

Attached: oneofus.jpg (777x148, 12K)

Lol phonecucks. I'd be suing someone for this idiocy if I had one of those personal tracking/recording devices.
Like one guy above said, it goes off just plough into a dozen pedestrians and be set for life.

Pete’s gone off the deep end, poor bastard just couldn’t take this shit anymore

>just keep your phone off all the time bro, problem solved!

There are setting in the phone to disable amber alerts and the government sends them anyway,

Wtf I'd fucking rage, intrusive cunts shoving spam in my face

How do you guys deal with relationships, employment, etc?

Everytime I hear these come on someones phone I do the same thing. "DO DO DO NIGGER ALERT DO DO DO NIGGER ALERT DO DO DO"

Remove battery?


Shut up faggot. Anyone who doesn't have a smartphone these days is living in the fucking woods already.

Fuck off, pete.


Every time. These are the people defending amber alert (really just being mad at the 1/1000 tweets actually complaining about it)

Attached: EVERY FUCKING TIME.png (942x539, 297K)

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I never get these.

The funny thing is how unique these people think they are

Canadians CRAVE big brother government, they're pushing hard for mandatory vaccinations and rounding up any dissenters and shooting them in the head. When they lie in bed at night they smile, proud of their obedience to their superiors.

That gay shit exists here too, but it seems kinda arbitrary when they use it, which is almost never.

Only this year did they start spamming in in canada.

Wakey wakey cancuck, sleep is a privilege

I hope to god some sleepy truck driver ends up crashing and killing a dozen wage slaves today.

>He's not a wage slave.
How are we supposed to support DIVERSITY if you're not paying taxes?!

Diversity IS our GREATEST strength you fucking racists!

Part of the reason I hate this country. It's always like:


The signalling in this country has gotten out of control

One was some drink native woman stealing her kid from her husband, another was an actual one they found.

Like I get it it's important, but Jesus fuck why can't they have 2 different systems and sounds. 1 for a trial emergencies, and a softer, less annoying one for shit like this

Did I sleep through an amber alert this morning?

We need a setting to only provide amber alerts if the kid is white. It woke me up and I saw black, yelled fuck niggers and went back to sleep.

>You can't even turn them off in Canada even if you go into the setting on your phone.
Can confirm. I have quiet hours turned on and my phone still woke me up at five in the fucking morning.

>what about the children
What about my safety at the job I have to be well rested and alert at?

>Like I get it it's important
it's not important. Maybe I would keep it on if it played "celebrate good times come on" after one of the vermin was found dead.

this, we need our own tone so white people know it's a real emergency and some paki has taken little Becky

At least NEETs can roll over and go back to sleep, but that shit was like an early morning alarm for the wagies to get up at 5 AM.

> No sleeping in today wagie, the government says it's time to get up early

Just stay later for unpaid hours until you feel refreshed goy

>digimon fanatic

No idea those existed.

Given that none of the amber alerts featured white kids so far, it would be effectively like turning it off completely.

The mooslim hordes here to pay for our retirement ain't gonna pay for themselves after all. Someone's gotta work.

be on alert for yourselves today Jow Forums . They might of done this to disorient us for a happening later on.

I feel bad for your cucked country that you can't turn this shit off. Literally ever one in America did the first year it started.

That's what I've always wondered. What the fuck are people in bed supposed to do, run outside naked or in their PJs to search for the missing niglet?

I turned mine off after the very first time. Funny how I don't ever remember getting them at any time other than 3am.

holy shit Canada, I feel kinda bad for you, I turned that bullshit off years ago. kept the weather one on though because that one actually matters.

Why not just install a loud speaker in every home? Make it illegal to tamper with, then spam air raid sirens through it every time a nigger does something stupid after 11pm?
Makes about as much sense as the Amber Alert.

On the bright side, people are calling 911 over the amber alert waking them up and clogging up police resources.

That UN ranking was always just to trick niggers into flooding into countries. Meanwhile in Kenya you would be living with your nearest neighbour miles away. Canada is the absolute shittiest country for human beings to try living in.

yoly FUCK

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what even is this shit

Turn your phone off for the night and get an alarm clock for petes sake.

Goddamn Pete. Calm down! lol

Public redpill announcement about the dangers brownoids pose to their own kids.

what the fuck kind of phones are you faggots using?

how does it even work? who sends the "alarm"?

>goy you don't deserve to have the freedom to be awoken for actual personal emergencies or severe emergencies if you don't want to be notified that some shitskins mom picked up their kid when they don't have custody. Mom had a heart attack? Nukes on the way? just turn your phone off because amber alerts are just as important!

The canadian police.

You should obediently offer your asshole for the "DIVERSITY" to use it as a release valve for their sexual emergencies.

Do people not turn their phones off at night? I certainly do. This seems brit tier in it's government invasiveness though

iPhone 7