>be leaf, dreaming of basking in waterfalls of maple syrup
>phone explodes with alarm noises signaling the end of the world
>did america finally invade us??
>did they nuke us??
>did canadian 9/11 just happen??
>if only I told my family I loved them before I went to sleep and woke up to the apocalypse
>see pic attached
>black male, black female
>nigs nigging
>can’t fall back asleep
>on Jow Forums knowing I’ll be exhausted all day at work tomorrow over some ape domestic dispute
>diversity is our strength
it’s not bad enough that they contribute nothing to society, they have to make it harder for the rest of us to?
Amber Alert
I was already up but yeah, shit sucks
Just turn off your damn phone at night.
You can disable those, yaknow
>bought phone online unlocked
>set alerts to off
I dont care about some kid being used as a legal cudgel in a custody battle or whatever shit it is.
tell me when there's a fucking meteor or a bomb or some real shit.
a damn shame
had a feeling there’d be some other late night leafs here. the last like 4 alerts have all been non-whites. it’s like everyone in detroit getting an alert when someone in the hood gets shot. at this point I just scan for if the name is tyreese or shaquaynla and if not I look for the race and just don’t bother reading the rest.
when the actual apocalypse happens I’ll be too tired of this shit to even look at the alert on my phone.
Good point
but I want to know when north korea launches missiles at us or some shit. actual emergencies that have some relevance to me instead of blacks doing black shit. this kid will probably rob me or demand reparations when they’re older.
Hey, a negroid emergency is a nice break from the last 4-6 Pakistani alerts. Why do brownoids abduct their children so much anyway?
So disable all but extreme alerts?
BBC alert
Why the flying fuck was this sent out province wide?
How is this relevant to us many many hours away from this location?
Why did the entire province need a wakeupcall for niggers being niggers?
Why I say? Why?
>why do animals act like animals
the only satisfying part is looking at twitter and leddit and seeing the normies pissed they got woken up and no one will say it out loud but you can tell someone is dying to point out that all of these alerts that are getting more and more annoying have been poos and blacks having domestic disputes
>phone too old to connect to LTE
>never get these alerts
and I'm never upgrading either
Weren't the last 3 mohammeds?
Can you disable nigs too?
They're born intellectually disabled to begin with.
ya. of course when they advertise amber alert they’ll show white men abducting white children from a park instead of a little shitskin kid escaping being raped every night by her father and his buddies the police won’t go near because they don’t want to offend anyone.
people in that area live for this shit, they'll throw each other under the bus for the excitement of the gossip value
based leaf
It's black-on-black crime, report to your local zoo please.
>ontario outside the browner toronto area