Is hitting your children regularly based and redpilled or the tool of low iq parents?

Is hitting your children regularly based and redpilled or the tool of low iq parents?

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It's low IQ, they should be taught how to act through logic and affection, like with a dog. But you need a little force for young kids. Time-outs don't always work for little monsters.

But it doesn't really matter because the schools will turn your kids into weirdos unless you prepare them for mind control defense against the dark arts

As someone who was beaten almost daily I'll tell you it only gave me a "slave mentality" and made me see myself as lesser and subservient to other men. This is why it turns so many kids gay. The father teaches them that the only way for them to survive and get through the day is to be subservient to another man or be punished. And that's exactly what faggots want later in life, coincidence? No. You should teach your kids to see themselves as better than everyone else so they can get the edge in life and live to a higher standard subservient to no one.

Tool of low iq parents who do not have the ability to properly raise a child. If those low iq parents stop beating their kids expect the worst to happen as that is their alternative to being a retarded low iq tard.

If you beat your kids you raise a slave. They'll keep that slave mentality their entire life. Raise them to be leaders instead.

if your child needs to be beaten, your child is a nigger

Only to teach them a single specific lesson: that you have the power to beat them into the ground if you want. This doesn't have to be taught by beating them, but at least by making them watch you beating someone else.

After that you're better off treating them reasonably and rationalizing with them. But then again this may only work with kids intelligent enough to be able to work things out, I dunno.

If your child is to young to reason with, then it's not going to learn from being hit.

If your child is old enough to reason, then you should be smart enough to do that.

There's literally no reason to hit a kid. It's always through stress or embarrassment or something.

It's low IQ.

Low IQ. My parents never beat me, they reasoned with me. And disciplined me in ways I didnt really get at the time. None of my siblings had tantrums in supermarkets or lashed out. We actually respected our parents.

Also what I'm getting from this thread is if you don't hit your kid they end up on Jow Forums so.. maybe I change my mind

Also my ID says kike.

Regularly? Fuck no.

Both. How the fuck else do you teach a retarded animal.

Those are low iq parents who bred low iq tards.

Entirely based on how you do it. I used to work with a contractor who managed to single dad 3 kids into 6 figure careers, one day my boss and I were talking about hitting kids because his son was a terrible little shit. He overheard and was like well let me tell you a secret, you do need to, but only once and it has to be completely terrifying for them but not physically harmful. You need to let them know that there are people out there who wouldn't blink to put them in a hospital bed or worse over little. You have to play at that monster so they'll know, and afterwards you have to pull the curtain and reveal why you played that part. Did it to all three of mine and they turned out great.
My boss did so and the difference in his son was night and day, and lasted for at least the 2 years after I continued to work for him
Told that story to my best friend and it worked on his kid.
Worked on mine as well.
It's not a parent's role to pamper a child, that is a joyful indulgence, its a parents role to prepare a child for the world.

My parents didn't beat me but my brother was a total bully. I now lash out at confrontation but never lay a hand on my kid. If my parents had been like that i would fear their authority, not respect it. I only feared my brother until i grew past it. Now he's just a powerless loser with issues. We always come to resent our oppressors but ultimately we should pity them.

Explain how

My father beat me every day and it didn't make me respect him, it did the opposite and I lost all respect for him.

>Not mkultraing them videos about humanities bloodlust.
>Compilation of gore and war videos
Just telling them to stop should do the trick if not stop spoiling them.

There's a difference between beating and disciplining with a smack here and there. Kids need boundaries and they need to be taught right from wrong. Used as a last resort and with warnings it's a good way to teach them of consequences. However beating them with fists, belts etc is going to do more harm than good. An open handed smack across the back of the legs should be enough to teach them that actions have consequences without damaging them. When they're old enough to understand they'll be grateful for the correction.

Low Iq. It damages their development. Same reason why properly training a dog is better than hitting a dog.

nah, it loses its value and makes the child weak and emotionally fragile

nothing wrong with a slap when they openly defy your decisions, though

Hitting anyone really is about you not being up to the task anymore

Only got a hiding when I really fucked up. But I generally knew what was coming. To be honest I knew I deserved it every single time. Some kids need it. But belting your kid because he spilt his happy meal in the car isn't justified. I mean the only time I ever got the strap for nothing is when dad showed me his gun that he kept in his night stand. He even said you did nothing wrong but you need to no you are not to ever touch this. Then explained why he had it. By the end of his talking to I realised what he ment. Then he took me out side and made me watch while he shot a tree. My dad was pretty good I'd raise my kids the same

Fucking your children regularly is based and redpilled, also high IQ.

Only time you should ever physically hit a child before puberty is to earn them of extreme danger. I.e. a snaking for running out into the street without looking.

low IQ. You can raise your kids to be based AF without ever raising a hand. Of course you need to setup the environment for that first. You need a good wife and steady income and you need to not be fucked up yourself.

To warn*

If I can't find a way to teach my kid proper values without beating them, then I'll just throw them in a river somewhere and try again.
>reason tempered with compassion
>love of good. hatred of evil
>alpha yet loving to those who deserve it

Letting your kids eat in the car. Degenerate

Damn it Mohammed

>Used as a last resort and with warnings it's a good way to teach them of consequences

I want my kid to be a double edged sword. Brutal as fuck to those who are evil. Compassionate to those who are good.

Naruto you can speak in your own language instead of broken English.

We are good at using Google translate.

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so... you're a faggot?

>Is it better to stand on the absolute left, or absolute right of an issue?
> I ask because I'm generally a retard and I can't think of balanced and individual courses of action at any given time, so I need to have those decisions made for me by strangers on the internet.

Jow Forums the thread.


I don't want to fuck dudes but I have a subservient mindset where I think they are my masters subconsciously.

If you are incapable of teaching a child proper behavior through conventional conditioning and have to resort to training them like a circus animal using the association to pain as a tool to break their agency and teach them to submit to authority, then not only are you a low IQ parent but your child, if regularly physically punished enough, will also submit to the society around them and become a mindless NPC, blissfully obedient, miserable, and without any thought disapproved of by their masters.

Also, either send your kids to private schooling or home school them. If you lack the skill to do either of these things practically, you should give every child you have up for adoption hoping that at least one will develop well in the hands of an actually capable human being.

So beat your kids if you want them to turn out a loser like me.

>But you need a little force for young kids
exactly. I raised a boy and girl. i only spanked the girl once and the boy I had to spank 3 or 4 times, both when they were about 4 yrs old. it was mostly theatrical, didn't physically hurt them at all. by the time they were six I could use logic and reason with them well enough that it has never been needed.

Is that a boy dressed like a girl?

Spanking is completely legitimate, because one has to learn to feel shame for their actions, and nothing induces more shame than a light but effective spanking.

Based and redpilled.
Never argue with women or children.

This girl doesn't need beating she just needs a real good dicking.

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My father beat me and thirty years later we still have a strained relationship. I turned out fine and enjoy a stable career but I'm emotionally indifferent to my parents and share nothing of substance with them.

Beating a child, who you ought to protect from all harm with your very life, is the ultimate betrayal of trust.

you leftypol cucks need to be beaten into men

hitting your kids is for drunks christcucks and lazy low iq mongs

Calm down, Muhammad

Ah, a radical centerist, I see. Sometimes the middle is right, but sometimes the extremes are too


but actually nobody gives a flying fuck here LOL. Don't be so serious when you shitpost.

>None of my siblings had tantrums in supermarkets or lashed out. We actually respected our parents.
I think that's genetic like IQ


This loli just needs a good and rough fuck, with hair pulling and some ass beating included, so she starts worshipping you. This is the true way of the patrician.

I thought abuse was normal for a long time. It’s not. It’s a cause of brain undevelopment. I couldn’t believe there were happy families out there with normal lives. It was so foreign to me. I made sure not to repeat the cycle and married a healthy woman despite my brain wanting more crazy.

Don’t fall into the cycle, there is hard science against physical abuse.

and training a child to be a slave rather than a leader is the ultimate betrayal of the human spirit


It's low IQ. There's nothing wrong with physical correction, but if you're needing to do it regularly then you're failing to teach your kid properly to start with. Same with those bleeding hearts that say never hit your child, and they end up with a whiny brat with no sense of respect or fear.

>you leftypol cucks need to be beaten into men
i'm 6'4 217 pounds of muscle but because of the severity of my daily beatdowns i'll never escape my slave mentality. you normies just don't fucking get it. beat your kids if you want them to grow up to be fucking losers.

Niggers do this. Negative reinforcement NEVER WORKS. Even with animals.
Stop acting & thinking like a nigger.
i will remind them today...

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If you want your kids to become faggots then beat them. 18 years from now I'll be fucking them in the ass and they will like it.

Don't hit your children as in punching, that is abuse.

Yelling, and disciplining with a group is however ok.

You are lesser. You are nothing compared to me, which is why your parents didn't love you

>the tool of low iq parents
Yes, but taking into account that we are talking about regularly. Doing so means that you don't have many other tools and you end up overusing that. It can happen that it stops doing the desired effect.
>This is why it turns so many kids gay.
Start looking for another explanation to why you are a faggot. Older generations were keen of using the belt for educational purposes and that didn't make them any more submissive or prone to stuffing cocks on their asses, on the contrary.

Our kids should respect us, not fear us. It's a last resort tool that can't be totally discarded because authority still has to be instilled. It seems to me that the western norm on how to do proper parenting is unbalanced towards reason, empathy, logic and all that stuff and kids have limited intellectual and emotional abilities.
Sometimes you will need to use the "because I'm your parent and I said so" reasoning, and the kid has to know that your authority is backed by physical force, and obey instead of "agreeing".

If children are behaving incorrectly, they've learned a poor example, and as a parent, that means you already fucked up. It's interesting, if you call people out on it, they get very defensive, very quickly. They know it's wrong, but they're too stupid to articulate that they understand it's wrong but that it makes them feel good when they do it so they'll do it anyway.

>Also what I'm getting from this thread
You're going get the gas from this thread in a minute, lad.

Personally, my kid didn't really start testing boundaries until he was 6 to give a setting. We were outside doing yard work and he decided it would be a good idea to sneak attack me with a rather hefty(for his size) stick after I had repeatedly told him not to, cracked me right in the knee while I was carrying a log knocking me off balance. I tossed the log and for some reason the thought "this is the time" crossed my mind as I fell. Rolled over onto fours and closed the 4 feet between us and scooped him by his collar and came up to standing. Snarling and baring my teeth I let out a guttural "Drop it". He immediately did and I quickly took him backwards towards a tree, I pressed against the tree with the back of my had to come to a sudden-ish stop and make sure he didn't actually hit his head and booped him into the tree. Still snarling and wild eyed I shouted "I told you STOP" dropped him a little in height and then let him drop the remaining foot and a half-ish to the ground. He ran off into the house and clung so close to my wife we thought he would never come off. He did about 10 mins later and while he was a little hesitant at first I called him over to me, explained that when he gets out into the real world not being a little shit is just as much for his protection as it is everyone else's, asked him if he was actually hurt or if I just spooked him, when he said he was just spooked I tussled his hair and was like I'm really sorry for that buddy, it's never a comfortable lesson to learn but its one you have to learn and better from me than someone that would hurt you. I asked if he understood, he said yes, I asked again if he was okay, he said yes, then I asked if he would want to go swordfight and we went and knocked sticks in the yard for about half an hour.
He's 11 now and if he resents me for it, he hides it well. We haven't really had any disciplinary problems with him since that took more than a talk or two to end.

>that id
nice try schlomo

In the wild world that could have meant not eating for a week if you were injured. It’s important kids learn hard lessons. Especially boys. Girls scar easily though, be careful.

>hitting your children regularly
if you have to do that you have failed into teach them discipline, i got the belt a few times by my father but only when i really fucked it up

This thread is filled with spoiled children. Spoiled like milk.

Mfw white families are being genicided.

I have an IQ of 137 and I beat my daughters mercilessly. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

>i'm 6'4 217 pounds of muscle
things that didnt happen

Something tells me you just enjoy it.

Do they call you daddy and beg you to stop.

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>kids have limited intellectual
Do you seriously think so? Do you not remember being a child and listening to people say completely ridiculous things? Emotionally less than stable, sure, but they're as intellectual as you are. What they're lacking is knowledge. And for that, they rely on you. If you don't furnish them with the knowledge they need to be functional human beings, and you just treat them like little morons, nothing better than pets, because they can't work yet, that's how they'll behave.

Don't you worry, user, they'll get the rodding they deserve. The big

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it's a good way to make your son want dick up his ass and make your daughter have daddy issues

It has been shown in twin studies that children who had been hit had lower IQ scores than those that hadn't.

No you don't.

based Jerome

>hitting your children
implying i'm fucking orc

yes the "mercilessly" gave it away, total creep
someone report him to fbi

Fine, you got me. I only have an IQ of 135. So I exaggerated a little.

Wrong agency, Raid can.

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>thread on hitting children
>most people in here say they were hit/beaten as a child
Lads... what if we're the psychologically damaged degenerates?

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>be retarded parent
>indoctrinate child into believing

>Do you not remember being a child and listening to people say completely ridiculous things? Emotionally less than stable, sure, but they're as intellectual as you are.
It's not about me or you as kids, it's about kids as a general rule. They have intellectual limitations, that is a fact. Sure there are some that may be more intelligent, emphatic and conscientious than others but we are not talking about each individual specific case. Sometimes a kid won't eat his veggies even after you make him a nutritional exposition for an hour, followed by a debate, a negotiation of how much has to eat and a bribe for him to do it. And you have to resort your authority that is backed by a threat of no vidya.
Sometimes a kid with run with scissors, play with fire, cross the street without looking or hit his younger brother after being warned not to, and explained why.
Kids are on a general rule, less intelligent than adults. And adults can be really fucking retarded sometimes, so go figure.

This. Raising a child takes nuance. If your kid isn't retarded then you should be able to convey your feelings toward them and explain why their behavior is unacceptable. At a lower level, they will experience fear with your reprimand and adjust their behavior so they avoid punishment, which corrects the behavior but not the underlying mindset. At a higher level they experience shame at having disappointed you. Sometimes a spank can reset their little minds and let them know you mean business. My sister absolutely cannot get her kids to act right. I watched them one evening and they were being hellacious. One was getting potato chips all over the carpet and when I asked him to clean them up he began stomping them in and laughing. I gave him a spank, he cried then tried tk hit me, I gave him another and told him to clean it up. A fucking miracle happened next, he cleaned the shit up and acted right the rest of the evening until my sister got home and he told on me.

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she's your own daughter how could you , disgusting freak

low IQ
just remember how blacks treat their young

now this is based parenting

Coward, spanking or whipping is not a beating. Is the perfect tool to shape boys into mens

This. Holy shit.

We might have found the real issue behind most Jow Forumsacks.

Do you consider yourself “normal”?

Depends on the child and the situation. Should only be a punishment used sparingly. It's not a first line punishment. If a kid fails to learn or change behavior after various other punishments, a good smack can actually work.

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that's not a child, look at it, that's a hollywood ho
those kikes cant think children without thinking sex and murder

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It doesn't work. As a kid, I refused to listen to anyone else and would rather do whatever I want instead so I was regularly beaten and had stuff taken away for that. Instead of changing my ways to conform to what my parents wanted, I retaliated. So when they hit me or took something away, I'd fight back. My parents pretty much gave up on trying to discipline me so nowadays they'll give me whatever I want and let me do whatever I want.

It would have been so much better for all of us if they'd just give in at the start instead of trying to make me change myself. Despite them doing whatever I say, I absolutely hate them with all my heart and wish they'd drop dead because I still remember them saying how much they hated me and tried to send me away. When I have kids, I'm spoiling the fuck outta them so that they won't ever go through this.

no wonder america has become stupid, we got
hit in our pig brains on 9/11.

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