if communism doesn't work, then how did it modernize peasant russia in 20 years, meanwhile africa still hasn't left the stone age after hundredths of years under capitalism
If communism doesn't work, then how did it modernize peasant russia in 20 years...
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If communism does work, how come the only modern country that adopts it is a complete shithole wasteland of bug people?
They don't have an average iq of 70
Gommunism doesn't work because it doesn't include McDonalds restaurants
Burger education in nutshell
African countries have extremely little market freedom. So they are terrible examples of capitalist countries
Pick one.
by starving the German farmers that the Tsar had given land to
Actually under Nikoli serfs were getting removed and they were in the middle of creating a middle class before Communism put a stop to it and kept most people in the poverty line until modern day Russia
Even now our middle class is still only about 15% of the population
Communism didn't modernize anything
It actively stopped anything from modernizing in fact due to economic trading restrictions
Worked wonders in Africa
niggers dont comprehend politics.
So capitalism or communism in africa as metric is useless
gommunism doesn't include any kinds of restaurants whatsoever.
>There's soup lines.
>And the most equal one in the in the collective gets the meaty bits.
Stalin's 5 year plans were pretty bad-ass, I'll give you that. It would've been interesting to see how the country shaped up if they never had to slug it out with the nazis
Communism is still shit tho
Massive portions of Africa were heavily socialist, if not communist. In addition, the unnatural borders drawn by colonists forced warring neighbors into common governments, which did not play out too well. There are countless factors, but this seems like it would be a major one. I would imagine it's pretty difficult to establish and run a business when you can be hacked to death by your neighbors ar any time.
>how did it modernize peasant russia in 20 years
Yeah they modernized Russia, but at the expense of millions of lives.
And you really can't use Africa as an example, because no matter what system you use, they'd still fuck it up somehow.
russians have an average iq of 97, though remember russia has many ethnicities, all of them have different averages.Also the cold is an important factor in how you deal with resources
>This level of historical revisionism
Who is filling your head with this capitalist nonsense.
Everyone knows the Soviet Union collapsed after they opened their second McDonalds. See we aren't dumb.
I mean, it was under monarchistic rule under the policies of Sergei Witte
Also can you not larp?
It's extremely embarrassing
You do realize how advanced the soviet union was in science, especially mathmatics and physics? The education in the soviet union was superb and pretty much part of the ideology. Claiming that they are nigger-tier is just non-sensical and dishonest.
if they were so smart then why didn't they have grocery stores?
checkmate commies
Do you think russia would have stopped Hitler with this weak cuck or his pathetic offspring as their leader instead of comrade Stalin?
Hitler would've never came to power if white guard managed to neutralize communists in tsardom
Do you think the USSR would have stopped Hitler with Trotsky leading them instead of Stalin?
This isn't a rhetorical question, I'm actually curious as to your response.
human abominations rise up communists rise churckas rise up
I'm not really sure. I think it's more than likely. Trotsky was a very capable leader and knew the importance of rapid industrialization and militarization.
Because Africans are fucking retarded.
Russians are also retarded, but they at least have some sense of greater good.
Hitler hated communism because of the amount of german communists who opposed him.
I mean Peter took Machuria and was prime to defeat japan in the Russo-Japanese war but after the battle of Port Arthur, American financing by Jacob Schiff of Well's Fargo due to Jewish persecution turned the war into a loss and let Russia become weak enough for communists to take over
But that being said are you actually saying Stalin is a good commander?
He let Hitler take 1/5th of all of Russia in weeks because he trusted Hitler
Not to mention he killed every single capable general that was part of the previous army and the only reason Russia won in the end was because the war took so long that they were able to train new recruits and copy german tactics
Stalin had nothing to do with the war winning, let alone he was actually a determent to it
Without even any government regular Russian soliders would have beaten Hitler
Let alone under a monarchistic government who was a dominant force in WW1
Do you know any history at all?
>Valuable opinion
Pick one faggot
communism focuses on economy and means on production, yet nothing about spirituality. It's the same form of capitalistic modern materialism, it should be rejected.
Africa had communism too, dipshit. How do you think Somalia got so fucked? USSR.
>the only reason Russia won in the end was because the war took so long that they were able to train new recruits and copy german tactics
>Without even any government regular Russian soliders would have beaten Hitler
Lmao. You are retarded, you are ignorant, you are delusional and you contradict yourself in your own posts. How old are you kiddo? Why are you letting neo-nazis fill your head with bs?
Oh come on, that's a pure bullshit argument. They had grocery stores and no food problems since like 1950.
And as a kid at school you literally got food for free. You got a voucher (i think it was wort 1,50 Rubles) and could exchange it for food in the cantine. That voucher could get you a lot more than you could realistically eat.
Starving population is just a silly meme
This. Its all bullshit
I hope ur joking.
>Oh come on, that's a pure bullshit argument.
Well, yeah, obviously. You were talking about their scientific education and I commented on their economy.
>They had grocery stores and no food problems since like 1950.
Heh, no. Grocery stores blew Boris Yeltsin's fuckin mind. In 1989.
>communist arguments
this is bullshit you're stupid pure lies I've never seen it it never happened
I'm not here to teach you idiots history and I'm phoneposting anyway. The claim that things like maskarovka were "copied from the germans" is a disqualifying statement anyway. It shows he has zero clue what he's saying.
>Deceptive measures include concealment, imitation with decoys and dummies, manoeuvres intended to deceive, denial, and disinformation. The 1944 Soviet Military Encyclopedia refers to "means of securing combat operations and the daily activities of forces; a complexity of measures, directed to mislead the enemy regarding the presence and disposition of forces..."[2] Later versions of the doctrine also include strategic, political, and diplomatic means including manipulation of "the facts", situation and perceptions to affect the media and opinion around the world, so as to achieve or facilitate tactical, strategic, national and international goals.
>denial, and disinformation
>manipulation of "the facts"
okay thanks for letting me know you are most likely spouting bullshit
It was a very effective tactic against the wehrmacht. What's your point?
that's not a tactic of battlefield formations it's just general equipment and personal concealment
stop bullshitting already you lying piece of shit
are you illiterate or something? it's pretty well-established that their education was superb, especially in the fields of mathmatics and physics.
And it blew some drunk guy's mind??We had stores all over the place,in fact i had one 30m away from my apartment that sold all kinds of food and beverages. And even bigger supermarkets existed, as an example Univermag. It's still standing there today, just as it did during the Soviet Union. And it wasn't the only one in my city
and misinformation by the high command, and propaganda, and military commanders creating the illusion that they are attacking from one side when they were attacking from another and fucking up the germans before they could figure out which side it's really coming from
you can just educate yourself on the importance of tactics like this in a country as vast and rural as russia, especially at a point in time when they only had access to 40% of their total population
>commies fight by lying and making shit up
you don't say
Hitler literally attack russia in the most cowardly way imagine.
and again
>denial, and disinformation
>manipulation of "the facts"
it's a war you retard. why wouldn't you want your enemy to be in the dark lmao?
I don't know maybe to fight a fast honorable war with as little lose of life as possible?
thank you for being so hilariously naive. it will make a difference when we finally decide we've had enough of your bullshit.
>20 years later
more like 10 of milions dead later amirite
>independent today
>actually believing this
we are not independent lmfao
seems no surprise to me that communist is a tyrannical maniac with genocidal tendencies
jews really did a great job of causing a massive dysgenics in Russia
>doesnt know that stalin was preparing for an invasion before hitler and that hitler knew of it and that barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike
>blocks your path
Communism works better than the now days cuckpitalism
yeah with all those black markets it was sure not bowed to be destroyed from the inside
I doubt this guy is legit but most people agree Stalin would have attacked Hitler anyway if Hitler had done nothing. The allies were also at one point considering bombing the soviet union and declaring war just to cut off german access to the oil which would have been a total clusterfuck.
It works for a bit. Being a dictature it allows to make quick changes like what happened in Russia but as it goes on it begins to die slowly
>I doubt this guy is legit but most people agree Stalin would have attacked Hitler anyway if Hitler had done nothing.
if you ever read his books you can see that he looks at WW2 not as a historian but as a spy
through his books he doesnt pull shit out of his ass and uses public documents and daries of generals
Hitlers main platform was stopping the spread and threat of Bolshevism.
communism never works...it's the nigger of political ideology. why do want to be a nigger?
At no point in the last 150 years have the average wealth of Russians exceeded the average wealth of America’s niggers.
To commies, that means workinh harder than niggers to be worse off than niggers.
Russia had been modernizing since Peter the Great was Czar in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
Communism outright destroyed much of Russia’s history and iconography along with murdering millions of its own people. If it were not for communism but instead, Russia would have probably been today’s dominant super power. Instead, the whole country got set back half a century.
Nigger IQ
Also some examples
I was too lazy to add them all
>be Russia
>have nigh infinite natural ressources
>manage to industrialize
>still have to starve millions of people to death to do so
they collapsed nearly half a century after fighting with nazis I think it’s pretty safe to say that’s not why they collapsed
They didn't really collapse for economic reasons
Wheres that soviet Union now comrade numbnuts?
Half of Africa was under comunista rule on the 20th century retard
>the soviet union collapsed because the big bag of cash ran out. It'll never happen to america because we print our own cash
Who are you quoting?
How did the indusrial revolution modernize England in 20 years under capitalism then? Maybe it has something to do with aptitude of people instead of politics.
Nah, mate, is was America. The Americans were shitting in your pants, not you. Check for them under your bed btw.