I'm going to post two pictures.
Whatever argument you may have, these two pictures will destroy any of them.
I'm going to post two pictures.
Whatever argument you may have, these two pictures will destroy any of them.
Other urls found in this thread:
(((hitlers))) team got this
>far from the front lines
>safe and comfy
germanys team got this
>Commandant of Auschwitz being hung in public, for providing jews with safety and comfort while the rest of Europe burned and died
>hung over LIES
Where's (((hitler)))
Your whole argument is very cute.
>World communism tried to destroy Europe - Hitler failed to stop it - so Hitler was a kike
Much logic. You're still stuck in your endless sad loop of believing that the war against Europe started with the invasion of Poland in 1939 - it didn't Again, your whole argument is - Hitler started the war and lost - so he is a kike.
But Hitler didn't start the war. The jews and Stalin did. The western jews because Germany was freeing themselves from their influence, and Stalin and the eastern jews because they wanted a world takeover. The invasion of Poland only happened because of Stalin and the jews. And a total USSR invasion of Europe would have happened no matter if Hitler and the other anti-communist countries had attempted to pre-empt the attack or not. Less people died in total because of what Hitler did, than if he had done nothing.
This is very easy to prove by seeing how many Russian and other eastern European lives were lost in the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s after the judeo-soviets took full command. Massive genocides all around. Same thing in China.
>muh actions speak louder than words
Yes, and Hitler's actions led to fewer deaths than would have happened if he had done nothing.
You have no argument, just ultra-autism.
Provides jews with comfy camp, far from the front lines, as Europe burns and dies.
Native germans, get hung over lies.
That's my argument, you just bashed out a bunch of nonsense, off nothing I've said.
>if a policeman imprisons a criminal and some other criminal takes revenge by doing things to the family of the policeman then the policeman is real criminal and Hitler was a jew
This is 100% representative of the "logic" you use to build your argument.
> jrbooksonline.com
>French Protest against Polish Police Terrors.
>"A wave of terror is sweeping Poland at this very moment. The Press can hardly breathe a word because it is gagged. A police regime with all its horrors and its wild measures of oppression strangles the country. The prisons of the Republic to-day hold more than 3000 political criminals who are maltreated by their jailers, humiliated and beaten up with belts and sticks. The life they have to stand is such that in many prisons the inmates prefer death to the slow torture inflicted upon them."
>From: Protest against the terrorization of minorities in Poland submitted by French politicians and men of letters, 1924.
Jews owned the press then as they own it now. Which is why you haven't heard a word of it in your upbringing and which is why there are at least 2 major holohoax movies coming out of (((Hollywood))) each year. Hitler just wanted to protect his country from the communists who had killed millions of Europeans in neighboring countries, and were seeking to do the same to in his nation. In hindsight we can squabble about the details of Hitler's methods but his heart was in the right place.
thanks Rabbi, we'll make sure gas chambers are real next time
You're not addressing what's been posted, retard.
Then you bash out paragraphs, that have nothing to do with anything.
He provided jews with comfort and safety, then disappeared and let the native germans take them blame.
Then you go on about him wanting what was best for his country people
>pic related
>thumbs up for Le (((Fuher)))
>no counter argument
(you) are a retard.
(((hitler))) was on their side. Obviously
I'm not jewish.
((hitler))) didn't use gas chambers and his generals got hung over lies!!!
>hung in public
it's hanged, asshole. he isn't a T-shirt.
>He provided jews with comfort and safety, then disappeared and let the native germans take them blame.
Oh leafnigger. Being this retarded must hurt infinite.
they also had a gay club in Auschwitz.
everybody can post pictures. Is there any proof that they show what you claim they show?
Hitler was a faggot kike
>grammar is your only counter argument
wew lad
So the holocaust happened or didn't?
Which one is it??
He killed 6 garrillion jews, or put them in comfy camps??
the holocaust is fake, until these two pictures, then it's real.
>germoids, totally shit inferior white race
Too bad your grandparents weren't killed fighting for Le (((Fuher)))
Then your dumb ass would never exist
So he did kill 6 garrillion jews and the holocaust was real??
I'm not even bringing up how many native germans died, or how much gold he stole.
Or the fact the jews run and own everything, thanks to the holocaust guilt they've made the rest of the world bow down too.
I don't know but I think there's some space between killing 6 Million and not killing anybody but give them a nice Robinson Club vacation.
I remember you you made this thread before and you always act very agitated, upset and triggered and aggressive. Why?
>thanks to the holocaust guilt they've made the rest of the world bow down too.
nobody forced the world to do that. They did it because they wanted. They could as well have said shit happens. not our business, especially the allies.
White gult or Holocaust gilt is the fault of whites and Germans because they decide to deal with this matter that way.
>asking questions means you're "agitated", "upset" and "triggered"
Stop trying to shame me with kike talk.
>oy vey lad, you seem triggered! calm down!
>So the holocaust happened or didn't?
>Which one is it??
>He killed 6 garrillion jews, or put them in comfy camps??
The intention of the camps were not to give them a comfy life. These camps were intended to supply the industry with work force in order to produce war important supplies.
Your (((Hitler))) argumentation is entirely based on false projection.
Hence your entire thread is bullshit. Like the rest of the leafnigger hiding behind it.
>White gult or Holocaust gilt is the fault of whites and Germans because they decide to deal with this matter that way.
All thanks to (((hitler)))
Thanks for proving my point.
Justin, calm down.
Shlomo won't thank you, nor save your kiked nation for seething about Hitler.
I'd rather work, get paid, swim in the pool, play soccer and then fuck a whore
Over getting a hole in my head. Wouldn't (you)?
Fuck Justin, fuck the kikes, fuck (((shitler))) and especially fuck germoids.
How many times has your shit race of whites destroyed Europe??
>I'd rather work, get paid, swim in the pool, play soccer and then fuck a whore
So you rather wage cuck for kikemoney, waste your lifetime with swimming, playing stupid games and unmorally whore around, than care about your country and fellow white comrades?
Kike spotted.
You are literally worshipping sodom and gomorra.
No wonder leafniggers are considered memeflaggers.
>a microorganism, especially one which causes disease.
germans have GERM as most of their name
History can provide proof the GERMoids have been a blight on Europe for centuries to present day.
Leafnigger-Shitskin, we haven't destroyed it. Shitskins like you did and still do it.
They all DEAD!!!
How to do take care of your country, when you're DEAD??
How do you carry on your genetics, when you're DEAD??
>pic related
>piles of german corpses, who literally died for nothing.
Again, too bad one of them wasn't your grandfather
What is WW1
What is WW2?
That's just the past 100 years.
>All thanks to (((hitler)))
no, thanks to Western mental weakness and guilt masochism Stockholm Sydrome whatever. Why does China put muslims in camps without feeling bad about it because of the Holocaust for example?
Maybe the IQ of Westeners isn't as high as they think. It needs two parties to get exploited. One who does it and one who allows it.
>you mean like all the shitskins Merkel is inviting into (your) homeland, who have more rights, than native germans??
but you obviously are!! Most people who repeatedly use more than one punctuation mark on the internet are upset!!!!
We aren't talking about China bud.
(((hitler))) was a jew agent. It's all part of plan, bigger than your germ pea brain can comprehend.
>He who owns the youth, controls the future
Adolf "kike rat" (((Hitler)))
jews own the youth of today, from a scheme they started 100 years ago.
>using the English language and spelling properly, using proper grammar and punctuations, means "you're upset" !!
Any studies or proof of that?
How kike are you? Trying to shame and dumb people down.
>hur dur, don't use correct spelling and grammar! it means "you're upset"
dumb thread
We are still better off than you.
And we are about to send them home very soon.
While you still hail the Justin traitor and wave lgbt flags you leafnigger
>Okay, it'll go like this, we get someone to bad mouth us a lot, start a world war, he sends us to "death camps" where none of actually die, he gets close to 100 million goyim killed, he steals billions from neighbouring countries, then he disappears, we play the victim and own the world
(((hitler))) did nothing wrong, for the jews
>jews own the youth of today,
then they are too weak and low IQ to understand and deserve it because then the Jews are right about goyim being cattle and they would be cattle even if the Nazis had won.
>dumb reply
(you) don't know me, or anything about me.
Imagine me how ever you want, it just shows you're a mental retard who has no argument and needs to hurl childish insults in "defence"
(you) worship and defend the guy who was the biggest factor of this and think you aren't brainless cattle.
ashkeNAZI jew.
He even named his army and political party after them
As a big "ha ha fuck you dumb goyim!"
(((hitler))) and the jews, laughing at all of (you)
>He LOVED germans and germany SO MUCH, this was the final result
Sad as fuck, white people think of this guy as "hero" who did something beneficial for anyone, but the jews
>h-h-h-he hated communist too!!!
What is East Germany??
Can't form a revolution to stop that, when most men of fighting age, died 10 years ago, in a world war.
Except that most of them fought in WW1, you stupid kike
>(you) don't know me, or anything about me.
According to your comments, you MUST be retarded.
> it just shows you're a mental retard who has no argument and needs to hurl childish insults in "defence"
As if your "(((Hitler))) bullshit" would have any reasonable ground.
pure copeism
most jews fought in ww1? Is that what (you) are saying??
So what?
We are talking about WW2.
Don't change the subject to make a worthless point.
Try again germoid trash.
80,000,000 people died in WW2
Him and his nazi's STOLE 600 tonnes of gold from neighbouring European countries
He bombed numerous civilian cities in the Blitz
He didn't "exterminate" any jews. He put them in comfy camp
Due to his "masterful" "strategies" he LOST the war
germans take the blame for falling for his kikery
israel is created in 1948 cause (((hitler))) was SO MEAN to them
jews own and run:
news media
social media
tv industry
music industry
Bought many positions in US and EU government.
Do whatever mental gymnastics you like to justify all this.
germans LOST
(((hitler))) disappeared
jews have their own ethnostate and control the masses.
Anyone who isn't a mouth breathing retard can connect the dots.
(you) obviously can't.
your entire post is bullshit leafnigger.
How so germoid trash??
Cause (you) say so??
germoids WON WW2??
Hey everyone! germany actually WON WW2!
This guy says so!!
Where's (((hitlers))) body??
If (you) know, you should tell everyone else.
Hitler-Rothschild retired to Israel and is buried there.
We do know, his body was never found.
Hilarious that the jews that always come rushing to defend their Hitler Hoax always have to begin by supporting the Holohoax as their only supposed 'evidence' that (((Hitler))) was anything other than a Jewish political operator.
jews tho.
so dull.
>Western mental weakness and guilt masochism Stockholm Sydrome whatever
> IQ of Westeners isn't as high as they think
See how the Jew rushes to defend their most precious and effective HOAX: That (((Hitler))) was a 'white european' trying to save Europe.
Basically the whole of the Jewish Political Apparatus is based on this vicious HOAX
>then they are too weak and low IQ to understand and deserve it because then the Jews are right about goyim being cattle and they would be cattle even if the Nazis had won.
Spoken just like your jewish boy (((Hitler)))
they really did a number on the whites with that piece of shit.
He hasn't replied in over 10 minutes now.
Sad thing about dumb people, is when they believe in something, no amount of proof or facts will change their mind. They can't admit they are wrong and lash out like petulant children.
If whites ever want to be able to take pride in their race, ever again, they need to see this jew piece of shit, for what he actually is.
Just another part of their plan.
You're right. I don't know for sure. But I'm making a reasonable guess based on the fact that I KNOW for sure that Hitler was a jew working for the jewish Syndicate.
The most logical and safest place for him to 'disappear' to would be Israel - Their new bolt-hole.
I'm going to post two pictures.
Whatever argument you may have, these two pictures will destroy any of them.
seething this much over a single rowe'd comment.
unseen to this date but broken the record by a leafnigger.
Who would have thought.
Your entire bullshit thread goes out on telling everyone that a kid hit and killed by a car in a traffic accident was killed on purpose while not having any proof.
You connect dots that can't be connected a reasonable way. Your entire thread is shill idiocy.
half of the titanics passengers who drowned were never found. they still live leafnigger. Believe me. It's a huge plot to subvert you.
When will you flat earthers go to bed?
Look at your insult laced diatribe that can't actually argue anything, cause it's factual proof.
(you) resort to calling me names and try to create situations to disprove, factual history.
(you) are a kike or retard.
We aren't talking about the Titanic retard, stay on topic.
Not difficult.
He's the biggest jew trick pulled in 1000 years or so.
pic related
NO !
>when they believe in something, no amount of proof or facts will change their mind.
jews have a very strange relationship with 'belief'. Essentially, they make up whatever they think is 'good for jews' but then they sort of actually BELIEVE it (until they think it's useful to change it). Even though they know they made it up. It sort of holds the same 'aestetic' zero-point that 'truth' holds for most goyim. They have a different idea about 'truth' - similar to plain psychopaths.
>they need to see this jew piece of shit, for what he actually is
It's centrally important. What happened between 1910 and 1950 was a MASSIVE genocide against Europeans. And it completely blindsided them. They didn't understand who Ruled over them or the malicious intent they had. Nor the incredible cruelty.
I'm still wondering what part 'christianity' played in that naivity.
Same issue. You take a not found corpse as evidence of hitler still living after WW2 ended.
You really only connect the dots if it fits your retardness.
says i have no proof, still has no proof himself that Hitler lived o after WW2 ended.
Where is the fucking proof you idiot?
Tell me?
Living or dead
>his body was never found
So he loses and off's himself like a coward, germans take the blame
Or he snuck off.
>body never found
There is also plenty of declassified FBI files, tracking him after the war.
>b-b-b-but those are fake!! I say so
>He's the biggest jew trick pulled in 1000 years or so.
Certainly the most immediately important and easily exposed.
But the medieval 'plagues' (biological warfare), crusades, 30 years war, religious civil wars, and various wars and famines must run it close. Also the further back you go the harder it is to clearly see between the Jews and the Ruling Class (which have been symbiotic for centuries at least).
Pretty strong evidence.
>leaf faggot
there you go, i demolished your whole bullshit thread
((( "I've come to save you Europeans from those pesky Jewish Banksters so I'm going to conscript you all into the army...&c &c" )))
>cunning disguise
4 million jewes disappeared from Europe in the 1940s
But 4 million jewes appeared in USA in 1940s
Aka holohoax
Indeed. The numbers of jews (even the alleged numbers) of jews that are supposed to have 'disappeared' from Europe almost EXACTLY EQUALS the number of jews that rocked up in Palestine, Britain and America. No jews whatsoever were killed in any 'holocaust'.
The 'nazi' were a Zionist operation moving a population to their new Israel racket and EXTERMINATING Europans by the 10s of MILLIONS. Terminating those European gentic lines forever.
All lavishly funded by the bottomless pockets of the (Ruling) criminal Sydicate and supported by the jewish rank and file.
Once you know this it's fascinating to listen to jews lying about it. Very very strange.
Hollywood jews gloating over the GENOCIDE carried out against Europeans:
Remember: The idea that Germans were being 'antisemedic' to jews is a total jewish retroactive myth. Germans were just attacked because the (((Ruling Caste))) wanted to kill them as they found them inconvenient.
What a world we live in.
Spot the kike (((hitler))) shill
>it's (you)
has still no argument made
>Once you know this it's fascinating to listen to jews lying about it
Also it's sad that there's nothing we can do about it now