Is Farming a High I.Q. Pursuit?

I'm not the smartest guy, but I'm thinking of moving out of the city in the next 10 yeas, once I have enough money saved, and buying 10 acres, or more. I'd like to start some kind of small farm. What do I need to know to get started? I'm an office worker, and don't know shit about riding a tractor.

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Define "small farm". It requires a broad general knowledge that usually took until adulthood to learn. Mechanic, gardener, carpenter, landscaper, dealing with animals. Not to mention you won't have time to sit on Jow Forums. Do you have a trade you can do from your farm to sustain it like ChuckE2009?


yet most "small farmers" laugh at kids these days and how fucked they are because they can't wipe their own asses. how much small engine repair have you done?

high iq pursuits are things like philosophy, art etc.
can a nigger farm? yes. can a nigger be the next kierkegaard? no. there you have it

>can a nigger farm? yes.
How many black farmers have you seen?

also why do you post a pic of chucke2009 when you ask about something regarding high iq? chucke2009 is pretty stupid. he actually took the memes serious and thinks tarrant the idiot is some sort of hero. even though all tarrant did is killing some old men, women and children who have nothing to do with the replacement. they are simply tools used by them to replace whites. those shitskins he killed didnt even know anything about what they are being used for, they just lived their lives. fucking idiotic.

I’m going to do the same thing. Probably won’t make as much money as I do office cucking, but at least I’ll be free.

Hans, a high IQ is most dependent on good breeding and nutritious food, 2 things can no longer be obtained in the cities.

your a silly no nothing shrill shill fag and taking photos or butt painting does not require a high IQ no matter what your liberal comrades say. Funny how a queer thinks he knows anything about the manly arts having spent days sitting on a knee grow boner instead of a tractor. Niggers can not farm by the way sweetie not unless directed by the massa

Get ready to work your ass off. I tried “farming” 400 square feet after reading a book about how to do it that fascinated me. 400 sq ft kicked my ass, I wouldn’t even want to think about 10 acres. No wonder our ancestors were such a surly bunch.

im not talking about taking photos or butt painting im talking about art. butt painting and taking photos has nothing to do with art.

Farming a high IQ is a high IQ pursuit.

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Have you met farmers? Have you met people in rural areas? They are usually not very bright, but are intelligent enough and have learned enough practical skills. The ones that actually studied agriculture or make their own wine/more sophisticated products are the intelligent ones.
So if you give yourself 10 years then take the time to make money and learn what you need to learn.

They got up before dawn and severe injuries from chainsaws/etc are not uncommon. Kiss the internet goodbye if you plan on making any kind of money from it.

Start gardening

t. rural retard

First of all, you don’t ride a tractor. You DRIVE a tractor.

>can a nigger farm? yes.

Didn't they try that in Zimbabwe, didn't go so well.

wow you are also a moslem apologist i th8ink we have the winner of the most stupid ost deviant leftist alive! you are certainly in the running. You obviously know nothing about islam other than that your mohamad dildo is your fave. Are there other things that you are clueless about that you can lecture others on? You are the reason that revolutions are so fun. Hunting fairies will so so fun and the dismemberment mmmm

>can a nigger farm?

No. Literally no, you fucking retard. This isn't "funny haha le racist meme". They fucking are incapable of growing fuck all when left alone you absolute fucking mongoloid.

Read this

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mind and body need to be strong

you cant even write comprehensible english sentences despite being american? why the fuck would i take your retard opinion serious? fucking faggot
>your a silly no nothing shrill shill fag and taking photos or butt painting does not require a high IQ no matter what your liberal comrades say.

This. I don't think you are allowed to be a farmer in the US unless some big corporation fucks you 24/7 in the arse for protection.

Early mornings and hard work user. Good luck.

>can a nigger farm?
they actually cannot farm you fucking idiot, why do you think theres no civilization in africa and we have to constantly send them food or they'll starve

You just confirmed your low IQ. Congrats. Here's your plough.

coping low iq farmers

yes please tell me again how niggers can sustain themselves so that I may laugh at you

you can teach any low iq moron how to farm including niggers. you cant make a philosopher out of a nigger or a low iq farm coping spastic such as yourself.

>including niggers

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cope harder

A kraut once told me theres a phrase that goes the dumbest farmers grow the biggest potatoes. Bavaria then came up in the conversation

>Still can't post evidence of niggers successfully farming.

How low IQ do you have to be to lose a debate on fucking Jow Forums to a farmer?

Probably some leftist antifa faggot. These city dwelling fags are a fucking pest here.

Dumb fucking burger

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Sauce on nutritious food/IQ correlation?

I'm a hikikomori NEET and I already took the farmerpill.
The only thing that can save the huwhite race is for it to become self-sufficient.

t. urban metrosexual who has one skill to pay all his bills and thinks he's somehow smarter

the brain is made of cholesterol

you ignored the question, come on you could at least try to not be a blatant retard

No one here is coping more than you.

>you can teach any low iq moron how to farm
you know this how?

99/100 people won’t beleive you. Most of them will be libtards.

holy shit all these ahmeds really brought german iq down

tell me why exactly it matters whether i have seen a nigger farmer or not? how am i supposed to see one in germany anyway? niggers are somewhat a rarity here.

Farming has become so cheap and commercialized there's no hope for an upstart to be profitable.

You'd need thousands, not tens, of acres to have any chance. And tens of millions in equipment.

You can look into micro greens. Pretty faggy meme, and requires you be near enough hipster liberals that will overpay for salad....but that's the closest you'll get to "farming"; growing basically fungus in a closet and competing with all the spics that already do it for 10/hr net.

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when the collapse happens which is very soon the smartest place to be will be away from a city with a small farm around fellow whites.

>get land
>plant seeds
>milk cows
>feed animals
>butcher animals
>harvest food
>plant seeds again
>feed animals
>butcher animals
>milk cows
>harvest eggs
holy shit man you really need a high iq for this lmao

That's a lot of knowledge to absorb, you need to understand botany, anatomy, many skills like pickling and storage... so are you going to answer my question about how many black farmers you have seen?

im going to answer your stupid question once you have told me why it matters how many ive seen personally.

lol city fucks always get mad when you point out how they only have one basic skill for their work and otherwise can literally barely wipe their own ass otherwise

you're the one who said blacks could farm. you've been caught.

nah youre pretty much proving my point by posting these stupid replies. coping low iq farmer

>oversimplifying this much
assmad knows no bounds

poor food = brain damage. The brain is an organ like any other, look at what happens to a child's growth and social/intellectual development when poorly fed.

Meh, he removed his woke videos or are set to private/unlisted, both where he reads the manifesto and other where he says his youtube channel will be deleted.

>claims blacks can farm
>asks why it matters if he can back up his claim
most farmers probably have 30+ IQ points over you

The latter got mass reported and was put in limited state.

>backing up claim = seeing a possible exception with your own eyes
see how stupid you are?

buy some niggers to do the work for you

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Both were put in limited state, first being one is his warning about his channel being deleted. Now both videos are gone.

admitting you have no idea what you're talking about kek

Its hilarious anytime farming is brought up here. You guys shamelessly mythologize farming so much its pathetic.

"It's a time if extremism, or extinction." - ChuckE2009

Attached: It's a Time of Extremism, or Extinction.jpg (1032x848, 119K)

>ask german if he has seen a black farmer
>0.006% of germanys population is black
>german says no = haha black farmers dont exist haha german guy is stupid xddd
>german says yes = oh fuck german guy has seen 1 black farmer :(( that certainly isnt an exception so there are many black farmers :(( german guy is right :(
god youre stupid

Do you see any black farmers in Africa?

Below 85 IQ, you can't even teach people how to drive a car responsibly, let alone farm in the modern world.

>Meh, he removed his woke videos or are set to private/unlisted, both where he reads the manifesto and other where he says his youtube channel will be deleted.
Yeah. Goy Talk is shilling his stuff now. I saw clips of the video he put into private. He's pretty well spoken, and he can do shit. Quite a combination.

thanos was killed because of farming

You can do chickens pigs goats and rabbits on an acre and just trade some of the meat for their feed.

>office worker
>implying there's hope for you

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>Below 85 IQ, you can't even teach people how to drive a car responsibly, let alone farm in the modern world.
Isn't that also why the Japanese are so fuckin' smart? Rice farming is not only back breaking work, it takes planning to prepare the fields, flood them, etc., and of course storage of the rice and monitoring temperatures, etc. Niggers simply cannot do all of that.

i hate you germans. i really do.

Farming takes more than IQ, it also takes experience. If you don't know how, you'll need to know somebody that does. One mistake and you'll lose your whole crop or whole herd. If you're serious, I suggest buying land, leasing it to a farmer and learning from him. Small towns and family farming has been in decline in the USA for decades, farming incomes are stagnant for decades, and suicide rates are through the roof. Depending on what you want to grow, the equipment you'll need to have is expensive, so either you'll need deep pockets or you'll need to learn how to fix old shit breaking down constantly. Also, you'll need to make sure you know your water rights before you purchase any land. Once you have a farm with animals, you'll never be able to walk away from it even for a day. That's about all I got. Maybe you can buy into an existing farm which needs the injection of capital and so you can learn from experienced people but you'll most likely be losing money in the long run. That's an idea, too.

>rare to see niggers in Germany

kek! Nice one Fritz. You cunts are filled to the brim with niggers. I've been there. Merkin loves them

How many of those things have you actually done yourself? I know for a fact you don't pick your own asparagus, you scrawny german welfare nigger.

>Farming takes more than IQ, it also takes experience. If you don't know how, you'll need to know somebody that does. One mistake and you'll lose your whole crop or whole herd. If you're serious, I suggest buying land, leasing it to a farmer and learning from him. Small towns and family farming has been in decline in the USA for decades, farming incomes are stagnant for decades, and suicide rates are through the roof. Depending on what you want to grow, the equipment you'll need to have is expensive, so either you'll need deep pockets or you'll need to learn how to fix old shit breaking down constantly. Also, you'll need to make sure you know your water rights before you purchase any land. Once you have a farm with animals, you'll never be able to walk away from it even for a day. That's about all I got. Maybe you can buy into an existing farm which needs the injection of capital and so you can learn from experienced people but you'll most likely be losing money in the long run. That's an idea, too.
Shit. I can't do that. I'm a pencil pusher. Maybe I can do what you said about leasing some land to farm. I don't know. I need to re-think this. The older I get, the less I want to be near people or in the city. Maybe I don't need to farm, but I can work online from home and do some gardening - grow vegetables, etc.

Farming is highly multidisciplinary. Just take a look at vid related. The list of things that you'll need to be able to do is very long, and at the end of it all, the pay is rather shit.

Post nigger farmer or be confirmed BTFO

Not saying it's not hard work
but the memeflag is an obvious demoralization shill
kikes desperately want you to stay inside your 4 by 4 appartement and never ever do anything like getting your own place, or your own land, or farming your own food. You need imported chink pork made with filippo onions and shit, that's way better go- guy...
seriously if you can get a farm, fucking go for it. Niggers can't farm, just look at Zimbabwe

Depends. Here in rural MN the smart and rich kids were always the kids of farmers.

They are super welfare queens though. Although they didn't really own small farms. One piece of equipment was usually worth double of most peoples homes.

In Canada you can make a killing farming because the government fixes the pricing.

OP you can't make money farming, and even if you could 10 acres is laughable.

You can't compete with large operations, you are up against places that slaughter 3-10k hogs a day YES that many. You are up against corps that own 100,000's of acres and have teams of 4-5 guys hauling hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment all over working the land in shifts.

I live on a small farm, but it's a hobby and my real job supports it.

Chickens are net loss no matter how you cut it. Maybe you can break even if you are lucky on hogs. Cows sure you can make some long term small profit but you also need heaps of good pasture.

Plants? Not a fucking chance in a hell it's anything but a money pit, you'll make more puttin all your land into CRP because you don't need any equipment, deal with any shitty laws etc... just pure profit.

And this isn't some gay hippy whining shit about the plight of small farmers. There's a reason you can buy canned veggies for under 50 cents, fresh anything you can imagine for pennies. Whole chickens butchered and bagged for under 5 bucks etc...

Yes. Small farming requires you to be an agronomist, mechanic, carpenter, veterinarian, climatologists, accountant, and marketing consultant all in one. I don’t say that to discourage you, but making a living off ten acres is an Olympian feat.

If you decide to do it, pay off all your debts and bank some savings first. And while you do that investigate high end food products and their markets. Then practice growing and selling them.

The only way 10 acres earns you a living is if you farm high value commodities under intense growing conditions. That means all organic, heirlooms and exotics. Possibly grown in greenhouses.

If it’s at all possible, I would buy the farm and start part-timing it before you quit your full time job.

Now dont go and tell everything on making $$$$.

Africa has nigger ...............................ers.

You sound like you want to homestead or a cabin more than actually farm for a living. I knew a guy who split a farm with his Dad, who retired. He continues working his j-o-b while his Dad fucks around playing with his little tractor and front end loader all day. I don't think they're making any money. I have another friend who bought 100 acres of land in the foothills, no good for farming, but he just dropped a trailer on it, built a roof to keep the snow off, and he goes there every weekend for camping and hunting. Keep your job, save hard, and start looking at X acres 2-6 hours away from your workplace. If you're lucky enough to live near water, nice. Just look for something not too far from a powerline, and you can check the local laws for sinking a well. If you've never hunted before, it's a hell of a lot easier than farming, you don't talk whatsoever, and it's a lot easier if you have your own land to do it on.

>The only way 10 acres earns you a living is if you farm high value commodities under intense growing conditions.

Art and photography....... jusst another money laundering scheme for the jeus.

The ones that actually studied agriculture or make their own wine/more sophisticated products are the intelligent ones.
... wow get outa here city fag.

Yeah....butt that depends on how big she is.

Does anyone have a link for ChuckE2009's website with his manifesto?

Why do U think they have to FOLLOW THE WHITE MAN EVERYWHERE.....fucking dummazz.

Mfw your neighbor is gay and lets you mow your lawn.

Start out small, user. Grow herbs and veggies. See how it goes, then work up to chickens, and eventually goats. Learn about permaculture and self sufficiency. Good luck, and God bless.
You're glowing. Kys.

White man gives tractor plow seed...... nigger sells for some 20in whells for his cart.

Yeah...mfw twotter employees work.

No any retard can do it but it is a noble pursuit go for it