What if I tell a Jew Holohoax is a hoax?

Suddenly an idea, the Jews may feel very lonely because nobody would say that right to their face. So what if I tell a Jew that I KNOW (((that thing))) is a hoax? Will he become a close friend of mine since we're now sharing a common secret?

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He will try to harm you later for saying it. Jews are the most vengeful people on this planet.


average jew doesnt care about holocaust

Do they watched "greatest story never told"?

Sure sure moshe. Thats why on American tv you show nazi this and nazi that just before you bomb and shoot kids you kike filth you!

ok bro there may be some info in this thread



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I bet they fucked later.

youre brain dead


Do it cunt!
You are the mythical shitposter race.

No they wont, they will alert every (((agency))) and (((social media))) platform and have your life ruined
Eat shit, filthy kike

>average jew doesnt care about holocaust
Look everyone! Yet another Jewish lie! The holohoax is more important than actual judaism to many modern heebs.

Sadly the average Jew believes it too. That’s how Israel manages to convince Jews that the average Iranian actually gives a fuck what they do with the West Bank

"""American""" kikes literally rate it as the number one thing that defines what it means to be Jewish, rat.

it's their entire identity tbqh

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tick tock kike


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This. Jew's are probably around as intelligent as Europeans as evidenced by this not buttblasted Israeli here.

You probably practise your work of cultural fiction because it's good for you and your people and I can't fault you for it really (assuming you're aware)

I don't get why you don't take a stand against the EU ruining Europe though.. we may not be the best of friends but what's coming is collapse and a violent dark age NOT some liberal techno utopia of buttseks and infinite drooling desires, satiated by some world order.. seems like bye bye for Israel if we're gone

It's a girl reacting to a sunburn. The rest is photoshopped in.

:( damn I thought it was a porno

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