It's fucking unreal. Plain as fucking day what is going on but our governments just sit idly by and let it happen. That's probably being too kind, I'm betting they are actively involved and lining their pockets.
Ryan Davis
Once the election is over we can all just shitpost random crap for nothing other than keks. Might get a few funny memes ready.
>Is the Chinese invasion no such thing, how can you invade yourself? The Chinese are reviewing their immigration policy as in recent years too many white Europeans arrived, in some suburbs there are English signs publicly shown in front of shops, this is extremely offensive to Chinese culture. Sandly some cucked Chinese think multiculturalism is a good idea and actively pushing it.
Yeah theyre the ones that ushered in tye globohomo timeline
Angel Richardson
yeah just like brexit and trump
Zachary Reed
I fucken hope the chinks get overrun with poos
Daniel Morris
which boomers exploited the fuck out of
that's not really true anyway libs wanted to end wap in the 60s
Wyatt Wilson
>I'm betting they are actively involved and lining their pockets. Oh for fucking sure, mate. They barely even try to hide it. Shame that the majority of the population is either some form of non-white or just depressed apathetic whites, who vote for the most normie, media-fed crap possible. Drives me absolutely mad whenever I talk to people...and it's only worse when they get smug about "their" viewpoints.
Hold me, leaf, I'm about to fucking lose it. Rampant consumerism is killing us.
That's the silver lining to all of this stuff. Once us whites are gone, every other race is going to tear each other apart. I would give anything to see the world 300 years from now.
Best part of all is that (((they))) think they'll be able to control it. (((Fuckers))) are gonna get eaten alive.
yep cunts fuckin gloat about it, normies and the media selling their houses to chinks they're just not human they've become something else
Leo Moore
Same here, the people are apathetic. How is it only the burgers, of the former colonies, managed to not fall prey to this self destructive go along to get along indifferent attitude? We just sit here and take it. A new carbon tax went into effect and now we pay the equivalent of 8 USD/gallon for gas. Fml.
Noah Price
chinks will win i reckon
Asher Gray
Blacks keep the burgers in a forced constant awareness state. Keeps them more agitated, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as you can tell.
Daniel Mitchell
>they're just not human they've become something else Quite literally. You can look up how the brain actually changes shape after excessive liberalism and lefty shite. They are quite literally different humans than us.
you know, Australia shares allot with Egypt. We're both 99% desert and we're both heavily overpopulated
Hudson Wright
Cunce I just had an entire cup of milo powder How Aussie is that?
Kevin Hill
You can talk ---Why don't you show us your creativeness? Or is it the other shill that makes them and you cant use photoshop? You're just using all the templates he made for you?
Christopher Stewart
> Have a few hundred dollars to afford top-end escort with the body of a goddess. > Waste it on a fucking whale that you could have picked up from a bar for the cost of a few drinks.
So many fucking fat fetish simps.
Jacob Bell
>425-pound teacher suspended for sitting on student’s head and farting in his mouth
G o o k e d AHHH I'm so fucking wired who should I fap to I need a break from mal malloys pov stuff my poor dick and emotions can't take the fact I'll never breed with her and make Thicc Falcunt babies