Real men don't ask....we STRIKE! Let's see your warmemes, lads.
Operation #SexStrike
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Based. Only pussies have to work their way for sex. Real men see a fine pussy and take that shit
the real strike is to stop liking selfies on Instagram
Roasties would shrivel up and die without the constant validation
Men are too thirsty to stop validating, giving attention, simping, and orbiting women.
The only thing that could somewhat bring some balance into the sexual market place is if affordable sexbots à la blade runner would hit the mainstream market.
Until then it’s only going to get worse and worse.
Ok incel
Your wife’s boyfriend is asking you to go buy some condoms for him tonight.
Women have zero reson to exist once we have sexbots and artificial wombs. We have infinite reasons to exterminate them though. Think about this: women are literally a subhuMAN version of men.
t. Mudslime
Anyone see Red Ice's latest interview with Mark Collette?
He kept on going on about how Sargon's tweets about rape were "distasteful" or some shit. Came across as a pompous cunt.
He's right tho. His tweets were retarded. He still thinks he's in his little yt echo chambers trying to pander to the anti sjw crowd in a childish impotent manner. Basically just Sargon being Sargon so at least he stays true to himself I'll give him that.
He's entirely right. Go make a fake tinder with a fat girl. Youll still get hundreds of matches
This is gay.
A true aloha tales what he wants, when he wants.
Consent is for fags.
Here for the youngfags.
>Implying a sex strike impacts the life of the average Jow Forums user.
Civilization is a contract between alpha and beta men: the l alpha male (king, noblemen) may tax the beta but the beta gets exclusive sexual access to a woman.
This arrangement worked for millenia and beta men were contributing to society.
Que the sexual revolution in the 1960s: women started to only fuck (what they FELT: women only feel, they dont think) the top 20%. Pic related.
Women also started cucking and divorcing their men leading to 50% of boys growing up never seeing a male role model in their entire childhood.
The result is twofold: red pill and blue pill.
Red pill is MGTOW: seek self actualization and NEVER let women lead you to act outside of your interest. Retire early, go reproduce in a poor white country where your money goes a long way.
Blue pill: keep accepting women's bullshit no matter what because its the only way to get pussy and kids. (ironically, things would get better if this group did not exist to always accept the shitty offer women give)
Even Lysistrata was pure fantasy.
Those faggot Greeks probably preferred male buttholes, anyway.
Real thread
Please do not follow Hungarian threads.
Real thread on the topic is here
Lol, that’s beautiful.