The Nazis hated the idea of feeding mental illness and sexual mutilation just like normal people today. Share this with your friends and family so they can learn that our Uncle was right
Ebil Nazis hated trannies
I don´t think I even need to read this article, was it running Hirschfeld out of the country, and closing the Institut für Sexuellwisseschaft?
yea the nazis were stopping the fraud and butchery
Why those evil nazis stop the goys from chopping off their dicks
>sexual reassignment surgery is science
>eugenics is not science
I didn't even look at his name but it never fails, every. single. time.
This is just going to make people like nazis
Based nazis
every fucking time
>Sex reassignment surgery had an earlier life, in an unexpected time and place: 1920s Germany. Several doctors there performed such surgeries using analog technology and organic hormones. They worked under a new paradigm: What if they could make someone’s body fit their mind instead of forcing their mind to fit their body?
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
Its all so tiresome
You would have to think that the only thing that this article achieved was making people more sympathetic towards the Nazis.
Well they got my vote. Trannys and other fags should all be shot.
T. Former lib
Wtf? I love Nazis now! #GasTheKikesRaceWarNow
Mmm, progress.
>And all of a sudden people started becoming Nazis again
Funny, it seems like tranny "science" got derailed specifically because of the Nazi party. It's almost as if Berlin had the highest concentration of degenerate Jews or something.
It's almost as if he was trying to show-off his Jewish features in this pic.
This made me laugh so loud it woke up my kids
trannies are insane people that belong in gulags. round them up already and throw some chips ahoy at them.
they cannot be this dumb
I swear this is a conspiracy where kikes willingly let themselves come across as the perpetrators...but fucking why would you do this?
If they actually were the perpetrators, they wouldn't be so obvious. I don't get it...why would you be so open that you're a jew pushing some jew issue?
>The NSDAP set (((sexual sciences))) back decades
Imagine what the world would look like had they not done that heroic deed.
Jewish hubris.
What comes out of a kike's mouth is always the direct opposite of reality.
Nazis prefer their women with feminine benises and don't want them to chop it off
I've never been more grateful to Hitler than for delaying the onset of tranny insanity by 70 years.
To claim that turning a psychotic paraphile into a male eunuch is "science" takes a double serving of gefilte fish.
1. (((Kohn)))
2. 2016
But you probably already knew that.
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with dead socialists and fucking trannies? Serious question,.
>why did the Nazis shoah our “clinic” where we were busy convincing them to let us cut their dicks off
The part of the brain that permits self awareness in jews is missing. Asking why they lack self awareness is like asking why an elephant lacks gills. It simply isn't part of their biology.
Progressive bathroom laws. Misgendering laws. Mob "justice" for those who don't worship transexuals. Etc.
What's funny is snake is actually blonde but he does his hair during the intro to not look like likwid
>defending the Weimar Republic
Yikes. That's not gonna work out well.
Oh no not the trannies. I'm so saddened...
Weimar problems require Weimar solutions
The (((nose))) knows
eat shit and die worthless nazi cuck
Found the tranny
No it isn’t, he has the dominant genes for brown hair. He cut his hair so it wasn’t long like Liquid’s who received the recessive genes for blonde hair.