Why do white people do this?

Why do white people do this?

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Why do you shit in the street pajeet?

They secretly want to kill niggurs,but white women want retard nigger slave for bbc.

The animals in flint will just destroy the system again. At least it's a little better than the shit and corpse infested water in your shithole

Because thay church is worth more than every nigger in Michigan combined.

That 55 million got embezzled and nothing done. At the end of the day, we are still mistakemly expecting niggers to get their shit together

because people in flint can simply move 20 miles to the south and have clean water. problem solved.

>a beautiful work of art monument to history and culture
>dumb apes who want free shit while simultaneously shitting on the people who are giving them said free shit
I wonder which I should fund?

Because fuck niggers. Western Europe's history is far more worth preserving than niggers

>give Flint $55 million
>water still isn't clean

Can someone please explain why Flint is such a lefty maymay?

Because it’s the nigger’s fault that flint has terrible water.

>millennials, POC, and SJW: why cant you give 55 million to flint
>also millennials, POC, and SJW: I just saw avengers for the 3rd time! --- dude it made $2 billion worldwide, epic!
kys street shitting shitskin

>why dont white people waste money on niggers when they can maintain a historical building

simple. we arnt niggers

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>church accidentally burns down
>niggers failing to run a city and unable to provide the most basic necessity to its citizens

Flint has been pissing money down the drain for years, they don't deserve another cent because they are so god damn fucking corrupt.

They get heaps and it just vanishes and people ask where it went and you get "lol we dunno fuck drumph!".

Based Russian!

this tbqh pham

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How is that not obvious..

And why does an Indian care about some gay local American utilities problem?! xD

Why can't black people manage their money? Why can't black people fund their own necessities? Why are all blacks mental midgets?

something about a pipeline going over "indian" reservation
or was that another place

Flint was given $100m to replace the pipes

>Uses proxy flag to call me a cuck.

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Why would we give af about some degenerate Burger city? We got a degenerate French capital to care for, baka.

>priceless architecture with history
>welfare niggers want tap water
Just use bottled water you fags.
Buy some filters you fags

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>white people please save us

>People in flint not having clean water
Then fucking move.
>We can't move
Poor fucking niggers. Natural selection is important.

This, niggers stole the money. What a surprise

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Wow let's give land to people that unironically dance around campfires. We should really care if their culture continues to ecist

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Because they became poor through centuries of systematic racism by whites against your own people. It's time we recognise the systematic genocide of black people and give them money to fix problems that the white man and his even corporations created. We can't live in a society where a black person can't get basic necessities like water to drink

>we cant move
Like hell they cant, buy a bus ticket and pack your suitcases. Or buy a bike with cart

>$1B for a Christcuck indoctrination center
>$55M for the niggers in Flint that the city, state, and federal government refuse to pay for
Both are a waste of money


Why is it so hard to clean Flints water?

Notre Dame produces actual value worth reinvesting into.

>explain why Flint is such a lefty maymay?
Those poor negros got poisoned by ebil whypipo
Whypipo dont care bout negros
All whypipo are slobbering and gibbering demons who kill kangz n queens all the time
>what actually happened
niggers ran the show
niggers used all money to line their pockets and welfare "fo dey peeples n sheeeeiiit"
Entire water system is deteriorated beyond repair and improper (hazardous) chemicals are used to clean water
Start drinking river water
Same shit happens
Niggers get govt neetbux to fix water system
Nigger mayor gives herself a raise to 4x her current salary
Nigger mayor then shifts work to negro company
Negro company digs holes all over flint at 3-6k a pop
"Fuck you for doing this white people!"
"White people please help"

>55 mil
Try 600 mil in total support for Flint

The animals in Flint are not worth saving. They are destroyers of civilizations but builders of nothing. Notre Dame Cathedral on the other hand is a masterpiece of western civilization.

Why are you shitting in the street.

You're comparing the private sector to the public sector. Poo in loo.

Would be easier and a lot more cost effective to just let them starve.

>That 55 million got embezzled and nothing done.
This, this goverment is retarded.

Because the previous six gorillion dollars that were sent to Flint ended up in the mayors pocket.

>wypipo help us!!!!! ;(

>implying flint didnt wastes millions of aid money

Whites were not just handed everything on a silver platter. We had to build everything ourselves in some of the most unforgiving places on Earth. Where as blacks were given a nice continent with tons of resources and a nice climate. Yet they built nothing of their own. It isn't systematic racism, it is called blacks are inferior.

At least I have clean streets

you don't even begin to recognize this issue is far more nuance than the simple jpg you posted

These people aren't the same people. the "White People" you're referring to in the first part are all rich elites, and there are tons of them who originate from europe, not detroit. You also assume that the entire world has some kind of means of communication to interact with everyone, everywhere, simultaneously. This is not the case. Although means exist, not everyone has access to these means. The money paid to reconstruct Notre Dame was private. The American public funded the servicing of Flint, Michigan. The mayor of Flint also stole and embezzled most of these funds, tore up existing infrastructure, and shut off utilities around the city, further deepening the crisis, not to mention millions more funneled in after the fact.

Get your head out of your ass before the next time you take a shit. Make sure it doesn't hit the street on the way out.

Pic related. Do you guys poo in the water in India?

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Because its a black city and the water problem took a long time to fix so they were able to milk it for a long time. On some level they also wanted to keep the narrative going otherwise the truth would start to get out. The blacks never had the lead pipes in their houses replaced. That was the core of the issue. If they had upgraded with everyone else decades ago the problem would have been avoided no matter where they got their water from. One thing nobody talks about is that the lead pipe issue probably exists in every black majority city in the country. I mean, streetview new Orleans. You think the niggers living in those houses payed for new pipes since they were built? As long as the water supply doesnt get slightly acidic everything will be just fine.

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Why don't you ask HRC, who made clean water in Flint "Her Personal Mission"?

Niggers can pay for their own water


I am from Michigan and nothing disappoints me more than expecting anything to come from the one great cities if Flint and Detroit or the town of Saginaw. It is a festering sore in the state. It would be better if they were gone or if we had never accepted those that now love in these hell holes

Millions of dollars have already been spent on Flynt, the niggers in charge their just keep embezzling it.


who cares about flint michigan

If you give niggers food and water, next year you have 2x the amount of niggers.

Suddenly these niggers start migrating to the West. Does this sound familiar?

> white
> people

Notre Dam is a symbol of white heritage and pride, which is worth untold amounts more than drinking water for niggers in Flint.

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Fippity bippity

The government gave Flint millions to fix it's water supply. They returned the favor by funneling that taxpayer money to corrupt subcontractors and nigger politicians

Pick two

why do white people need to support niggers

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Why should french people pay for water in michigan

You forgot the 2b into the pockets of corrupt nigger politicians, who then said the budget was 55m instead of 2.1b to get more gibs.


the reason why Flint's water is poison is because the dumb niggers wouldn't pay their water bills.

the reason why Flint's water isn't fixed now is because the dumb nigger mayor has been embezzling donations and taxes.

that's why white people would rather donate to preserve their culture instead of bailing out irresponsible retards.

Holy fuck is Saginaw a mess. I went through there from the east on 46 about 5 years ago and it looked like a set from the walking dead. Never seen so many abandoned gas stations and at least one that looked like someone had made a last stand. Barbed wire all around and all shot up.


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Not knowing the historical importance of that church is the reason why these niggers should die of thirst.

based nippon.

Sounds like locusts

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So obvious that your JIDF or some looser faggot jew. Get a life.


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It's hilarious the same niggers who complain about the white man keeping them down will literally kill each other over the newest Nike Niggerball shoes. They listen to "music" that literally (re?)programs their brains and eat fast food almost every meal which doesn't help their naturally low IQ. Then they scam SS and SNAP benefits while voting for the same niggers in their local elections every year while complaining the white man isn't doing enough.
Jews are clearly enemy number one but fuck man, I hate niggers.

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We tried to pay for it, niggers in office stole the money

>abandoned water bottles found on peurto rico runway
why do ppl act like its trumps fault for this


Fuck niggers, that's why.
Also notre dame is older than flint.

flint is niggers. who cares


>Historical, iconic church that is one of the most visited tourist sites on Earth and has stood for centuries
>Shithole decaying city full of niggers that looks just like every shithole nigger city in America that should be forgotten in a few ore decades

Was that so hard?

>Helping brown people
What's the difference?

H8 niggers
Indians too, cocksucker

notre dame is priceless
niggers are worthless
poo do the math

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>Things that are the local governments fault because they neglected it and don't want to fix it AND REJECTED THE OFFERED HELP FROM BILLIONAIRES


>A literal beacon of history and transitional faith that some fucking sand nigger lit on fire because muh Allah.

Yeah I'll go for fixing the church 10 out of 10 times.

Pajeet you are retarded, niggers lived free for milleniums in Africa and they didn't build shit, they have been free for another century and they still can't build shit.

White people already hand out money to minorities. Its called taxes