USA is no match for the Red Dragon anymore
China already has surpassed the US in science, technology and economy
the US is going to lose the trade war with China, which makes China the new superpower nation ruling the whole plane
USA is no match for the Red Dragon anymore
China already has surpassed the US in science, technology and economy
the US is going to lose the trade war with China, which makes China the new superpower nation ruling the whole plane
Other urls found in this thread:
I love how when you zoom in the plane is obviously not real
>which makes China the new superpower
There must be a real war first.
Exactly what happened to Germany (who was on it's way to become an economic superpower)
except it's not the same as China already has surpassed the US in economy unlike the third reich at that time
The F22 is being replaced by the F35 and unlike China we don't have to use CGI to show the F35 flying.
After ww1 Britain and Germany had the same GDP.
In 1939 Germany had 2x the GDP of Britain - then Britain declared war.
So yeah, it's the EXACT same scenario.
J20 is a derivative hangar queen . Chinese can't do anything but copy us and the second tier Russians
Also, Britain was "the US" at that time (world police)
>no match for F-22
>a drawing
exact copy of f35
China’s GDP doesn’t compare to the US at all
Not even remotely the same
F-35 is replacing the F-16 retard
Nice cartoon. China has never done anything in war besides throw an insect army of conscripts at its immediate neighbors. They’ve never exercised military power beyond that, and never will because China is a paper nation with massive internal problems. Remember Tiananmen Square!
and the US had way more total GDP literally more than that of those two countries combined
> Britain was "the US"
this is a meme
what the fuck are you even talking about
The U.S. was never supposed to be a "superpower", but a self sufficient free state for the white man. Now all we have to do is deport the spics and reinstate slavery.
lol this is the ultimate cope lel
China's been using a Jap flag lately. They seem to hop about. You'd have to be a moron to not see it.
>and the US had way more total GDP literally more than that of those two countries combined
uhmmm... the war had nothing to do with the US
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
This except slavery. Slaves were the spics of their day brought in by Jews who shit on everything to make the money.
Cope with what? We're already line replacing the jet you're comparing to the Chinese J20, which has been a known factor for a decade.
Beat me to it
not gonna work mate
The Dragon's belly will drip water
even our CGI is better.
There it is. Let’s see if OP is a chinaman with proxy, or just a trolling engrish teacher.
But seriously China is fucked.
They are a parasite nation utterly dependent of the international debt system. When that comes to an end (and it always ends because that which can’t go on forever, wont) China as we know it will end with it.
Ur funny....................
Ok so if i buy all my shit from you because it is cheep as fuck........
And then slow buying from you........
And then what again will acually happen.........
Would that be .......... like putting taxes on something and ............ I stop buying it..........
And then what happens again.........kys save us from your stupidity.
Last I saw the J-20 could barely stay airborne. The engines are shit.
>They are a parasite nation utterly dependent of the international debt system
you're exactly describing the US mate
>what the fuck are you even talking about
For some reason some people will use GDP at (PPP) and unironically not realize that paying a rice farmer 2$s a month (and thus cheap rice) isn't a strength when it comes to international conflicts. It just means that in that economy, that farming rice for 2$s a month is a worthwile endeavor. Not to mention the allies the US can bring to bear.
you seem to have no idea
dude educate yourself
Go away mossad.
>"Not to mention the allies the US can bring to bear."
Israel and Saudi Arabia? Nobody else gives a fuck about your stupid imperial adventures. Well, maybe Britain might issue a supportive press release.
Battlefield 4 looks more realistic than this.
I know that China has been having to crib Russian engines because they can't make one domestically that doesn't melt.
Didn't even need to read it fully. It is as I said.
" Its analysts discovered this new status by surveying countries' purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates and nominal GDP."
Read the damn graph in detail. They are just playing games with words and statistics my fren. You might know this already though. I'm not uneducated on the subject. How much food does the US export, and China Import?
I want to see Asia copyright everything and sue every American company and person.
What has America really invented ?
Lies, war and mentally illness
Honest question, since the topic of the thread is air warfare: has China EVER shot down any airplane? I’m not trolling. I can’t think of a single time a Chinese pilot has scored an air kill. Maybe when they failed to invade Vietnam? Bonus point for a single air victory against a western nation.
Sloppy job Mossad
Mutts fear the China
>China already has surpassed the US in science, technology and economy
is that why their entire army is copied russian equipment? With add of some stolen western
Don’t you dare. Too soon.
Korean war, Vietnam war etc.
the US couldn't even win these wars
>I can’t think of a single time a Chinese pilot has scored an air kill.
They rammed an old spyplane of ours once, on accident. They seem to get real close when intercepting our planes in international airspace. Kinda sad, really. They mimic pilot error as a deterrent. Really.
kek posting webms that already has been posted here hundreds of thousand of times really doesn't change the ultimate reality that the US is losing mate
>Be burger
>Chinese built 5th generation AWACS killer
>General orders to counter it
>Go to area 51 floor -78
>Tip the floor security guy
>Get a coke
>Waddle to the 1964 aisle
>Dust off a random darpa file
>Pic related
>Scan it and send to lockmart
>Bill the treasury 5 trillion dollar
>Waddle away to McDonald
With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
t. Amerimutt
Have a (You) Chang.
United States of Islam
The burgers still think there free Americans
The exodus since 2000 expatriates
Don’t forget India Russia Middle East and Europe
Better living then under America Islam law.
Burger tell us how free you are .
What’s the story here?
Looks like a gas explosion in a sewer. Lighting the world's biggest fart essentially.
Then sep 11 happened and you needed money
Who help you China did
Now your with alquada in Syria
Isis working at subway
Stop burning bridges
Yeah totally
>I think
>I want
Chinese restaurant needed more gutter oil, chink dives in to get it, gas explosion, meat delivery.
That’s funny because how can you be sure they even wanted to ram it? I do not accept side-swiping an unarmed recon flight and forcing it to land as a “kill”, but that probably is the best they have. That pilot is their all-time greatest ace! A real Red Baron! Sad, to be honest.
You will love paying higher prices for goods
Welcome to Venezuela
America is Islam
Look at the constitution it has been changed
hope they invade so we all get chinese gfs tbhfam
The average Chinese male is a low T cuck. Not happening.
>India over half the size of US economy
Yeah nah mate
So when is China actually going to test the USA?
All I hear is bullshitting from both sides.
Square up already.
>this kills the nip and his tiny penis
>also his girlfriend cheats on him with white tourists
Money for September 11
China need to ask for America to pay all debts back
Sadi will help America
Purchasing power parity lmao.
Yeah have fun with that, it’s irrelevant to what your GDP accounts for globally. Things are cheap in China, because guess what? It’s poor and overpopulated.
motor bike: 2
cars: 0
How's that human development index treating you dirty chink faggots lately?
You last Vice President did what in Ukraine and caused a anix ?
No not America
Your America Islam
Europe doesn’t even like you there trading with Iran still
PPP is much closer to measuring the actual productive capacity than raw GDP. Petrodollar is an artificial boost of US economy, just hot air.
How much of a concern is China in Indian media?
Is a confrontation ever discussed? You guys had a skirmish once which is more than most people have had.
You pay, you go! Tianjin times 10!
And probably Russian trained. Its obviously Russian made. And its was one of a couple times the Russians had the advantage over the US. The we hurried up our roll out of a new plane by a few months. The polite was probably Russian too. Jus saying, lol. No need to get all pedantic. Russians came up with the HUD display and thrust vectoring first as well. They had their moments in the Cold War in technology. Mostly in stealing ours, but I digress. Jow Forums is a board of peace.
no im brewing something dont worry
It’s not a war of invasion the policy is nuke
It’s a economic, war
And no one wants over priced American Islam goods
We really need to let Japan have a true military. They would be a great ally in that part of the world
2 to 1
What's it like not having a soul?
China occupies the strategic ground. No need to do anything except watch Merica spend a trillion a year maintaining a toe hold on the periphery of the strategic ground.
what's so funny about it mate?
the Eastern civilization is going to rise again in the name of Genghis Khans ruling the who world
Go India
Show the Americans how sad they become
The with Pakistan you know who was hiding there in a house so big you had to know it was osama bin laden
What is wrong America Islam tell us your freedoms.
t.(((chamber of commerce)))
>On China's side
what kind of ruse are you pulling on us
Pinkoid bois such as yourselves love to claim we Mongoloid Bulls can't innovate but only copy what you've already done yet historically speaking it's you Pinkoid bois who had to steal the greatest inventions such as Gunpowders, Papers, Compasses and Printings from us
Educate yourself, we're superior
When the Americans decide
No one starts wars except America
Be careful visiting America you my get shot
America Islam
American Bible has changed over the last ten years.
Tell us your freedoms America Islam
It used to be a huge concern because we thought China would defend Pakistan. But during the recent skirmish they stayed away so it's kind of back to neutral at least in my mind.
Based schizo poster
>Mutts talking about souls
is this a meme?