Seriously, Indian shitposting has reached peak levels in the last months.
How come?
Indian shitposters
Oh no no no
Indians are subhumans lol im gonna google that sinking
They still keep those colors
Please tell me that this is some kind of joke
Made in India is even worse than made in China lmao
They are cheap poo shills. Ignore them
It’s totally real. Dead serious
Call it a lesson learned for the Indian navy, which managed to put the country’s first nuclear-missile submarine, the $2.9 billion INS Arihant, out of commission in the most boneheaded way possible.The Hindureportedyesterday that the Arihant has been out of commission since suffering “major damage” some 10 months ago, due to what a navy source characterized as a “human error” — to wit: allowing water to flood to sub’s propulsion compartment after failing to secure one of the vessel’s external hatches.
Water “rushed in as a hatch on the rear side was left open by mistake while [the Arihant] was at harbor” in February 2017, shortly after the submarine’s launch, The Hindureports. Since then, the sub “has been undergoing repairs and clean up,” according to the paper: “Besides other repair work, many pipes had to be cut open and replaced.”
It’s hard to articulate how major a foul-up this is, but Kyle Mizokami does a good job at Popular Mechanics: Indian authorities ordered the pipe replacement because they “likely felt that pipes exposed to corrosive seawater couldn't be trusted again, particularly pipes that carry pressurized water coolant to and from the ship’s 83 megawatt nuclear reactor.” For context, a submarine assigned to Britain’s Royal Navy narrowly avoided a complete reactor meltdown in 2012 after the power sources for its coolant system failed.
The incident is also quite an embarrassment — and strategic concern — for the Indian Armed Forces. A Russian Akula-class attack sub modified to accommodate a variety of ballistic missiles, the Arihant represented a major advance in India’s nuclear triad after its completion in October 2016. (India in 1974 became the 6th country to conduct a successful nuclear test.) Indeed, the Arihant’s ability to deliver K-15 short-range and K-4 intermediate-range nuclear missiles was envisioned as a powerful deterrent against India’s uneasy nuclear state neighbor, Pakistan.
It probably took a few hours to sink
So they just stood there and watched 3 billion slowly fall into the ocean
I thought shit was supposed to float
Well you're not wrong
the submarine isn't even lost lmao, the Arihant conducted a patrol recently.
why do wh*Tes keep distorting facts to suit their narrative?
I think it’s subtle outsourced shilling, one Indian posters suggested that he had classmates talking about wanting to sample BBCs. Totally blew his cover
Dont you have a street that needs fertilizing
We should nuke India as soon as possible
One and a half billion subhumans is just too much for this planet
Solves two problems (Indians and overpopulation) with a few bombs
Found the subhuman
Please fuck off, your presence makes the whole thread dirty
>that damage control
Don’t leave the seat up you dirty poo
Just wait for 2020.
BBC threads literally everywhere
Indian tech support having slow periods (AM in America).
yeah those fucking pajeets are spamming
Lol maybe they'll finally have learned how to poo into the loo by then
But I think it'll take a few decades more
Lmao guess it won't take long until Indians start scamming people here on Jow Forums
Fake news Paki. Next time you post this I'm going to cross the border and tie you up and fuck your goat in and out while forcing you to watch
>fuck your goat in and out while forcing you to watch
You could have said anything but choose this
> happy ramzan
Indians are bro tier
When will there finally be a war between Pakistan and India?
mean while there are five threads whining poo invading pol and one retard poo thread
gives your leopard 2as
We're getting Rafale and Apache. Modi's second term will be Pakistan's last term
im going to post in this thread just to trigger Jow Forumstards
bing bing bong bong bing bing hello Jow Forums it's me your friend Raj!
I call it poo posting.
when you can shit in the street, your shit-posting can increase. you can shit-post everywhere
you are literally the shit-posting master..
Indian Kung Fu > Chinese Kung Fu
k, just know that it still isn't 2020, which means india still has the chances to be a superpower even now.
Not buying tech get ready for cia niggers getting all poo from your anus
hello this is rakesh im calling from dell tech support . oh your street is broken just shit inside your wife haha
It's a submarine, not a subhuman, you fucking mong
Love the part where the faggot police turn up and run them over for being faggots
Greek philosophy and mythology were fundamentally Indian. Which leads to the conclusion that the Roman Empire and later Western Civilization were Indian.
Says the low-caste Indian
Indians getting access to Internet
Das rite. I be pajeeticus and shiet know tam sayn
Fuck you for making me laugh
>mein fucking sides
I feel like we're just going to have to start range banning India at some point