If the USA invades Iran, I say down with the USA. Iran dindu nuffing. They are not even a shithole country, you can go there and have a great time.
If the USA invades Iran, I say down with the USA. Iran dindu nuffing. They are not even a shithole country...
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Hey OP why did your family leave Pakistan?
Fuck zion
Iran has been posturing for a long time. They still deserve an ass whipping for the hostages they took during Carter.
Dont worry Muhammad, I'll give her my food rations to keep me warm! ;D
t. zog royal marine.
Iran doesn't steal from me via taxation, nor does it try to manipulate me via its control of mainstream media.
Know who does?
Das rite.
این رژیم منحوس پرچم شیطان است
مرگ بر امریکا
No body wants to live in pakistan.
t. paki
Before the Revolution Iran was ( almost ) a super power
I tried to book a Iran holiday when I was working in the UK and I couldn't because you have to personally go to the embassy in London and get a pass to go. Fucking stupid.
Too many niggers in the world. Need a good cull right now. I'm ok with mass murder of shia niggers. Kill them all.
Yea honestly we should just leave them alone. Let Israel deal with Israel's problems.
In this conflict the USA is again just a good goy puppet. I rather have Iran as local power then fucking Saudis.
Everybody's with Iran.
It would end up as Americas 2nd Vietnam
Itll probably drive them closer to the next civil war so its good
You could have at least used
>Having to go 40 years to justify an ass whooping
We probably deserve one too for helping the US smuggle some of the hostages out of there
Yay because Iran has so many forests to hide in..... No once me & the lads are on the ground those faggots will have no where to hide, to say Iran is fucked is a under underestimate!
>t. ZOG Royal Marine
give her a bunch of biscuit browns so she will be extra fluffy
It's a legit cassus belli IMHO.
Hey Canada wanna join us? We'll annex you then we can jointly invade and conquer Mexico, making us the first country to rule an entire continent.
you know damn well you'd split in a hot second if given a way out.
Everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together has already left. Anyone with a degree in anything remotely useful is sick of the corruption, insane currency devaluation, high taxes on imports, shit ass electric grid, natural gas rationing, you name it. They all want out. All they've got left is some misbegotten "national pride".
Pride in what exactly?
Lol is it a more negative kind of word? I'm still learning
Well, maybe not today, but I feel like Shaytan is a bit overused
>if given a way out
I'm literally from a family of millionairres. I can leave pretty easily. I stay here because i can't stand Western countries and I actually want to fix it.
Right. No forests. Plenty of mountains though, making hiding and ambushing just as easy, if not more than in vietnam. And the worst part? You stick like a sore thumb. Unlike vietnam, where you could hide in the foliage yourself, there is no where to hide when you're crossing across mountains. You also can't get heavy vehicles through as easily and are more easily spotted. Seems like americans haven't learned from afghanistan.
just fucking nuke them...turn the whole shit hole into a sea of glass
Mountains and hills, lots of forests, tunnels, mountain fortress
Iran has the population of California and the geography of Afghanistan, and Russia would be funneling them weapons
Fuck that
are the rumors true, though?
biscuit browns make you shit your insides out?
There's also دیو، dēw/dīv, meaning Daemon, I might be a biased, since i try to learn Persian with as few Arabic loanwords as I can
Most basic example would be nou/now instead of Jadid or Hāmingūne instead of Hāmintowr
Buddy I've been in two wars now so you'll have to trust me, no water, no food & no where to hide a army, once we take the cites they are done & it will be game over.
>i can't stand Western countries and I actually want to fix it.
so what are you trying to do?
liberalize the country? (Western values)
or conserve, (islamize)
which one is fixing?
> I suppose life is great when your servants do everything up to and including wash your ass
do you at least acknowledge that 99% of everyone there is looking for a way out?
Things have gotten so shitty that I dont even want to visit remaining family anymore. Every person I cross paths with is a nigeria-grade scammer, the fucking electricity goes out so much that the fridge is useless. Every goddamn city is now so over populated and crowed that it takes an hour to travel a few miles. Don't even get me started on the bearded freaks I see all over the place.
The best solution for the place would be take one for the team and nuke Bangalore.
they first need some basic fucking infrastructure then they can worry about bullshit like that.
the electricity goes out every fucking hour because they're too incompetent to manage their power plants.
Thank you for all the tips! It's a really interesting language and I'm glad there's someone on Jow Forums who can teach me!
!خیلی متشکرم برادر
>once we take the cities
The cities are all in the mountains up north. Pic related, all the relevant cities are surrounded by mountains. The few parts that are not mountains are desolate deserts with no cities.
Remind me how well the afghanistan war went again? We were fighting a bunch of talibans with ak-47s, not an actual military. 2k+ deaths, 20k+ wounded american soldiers, and still stuck there.
Any American who doesn't want to fight and die for Israel is a Jew hater.
Someone has to protect those CIA poppy fields.
Sepās gozār am/Sepās by itself, not motšaker, that's arabic
Can you recommend some good learning materials for Persian?
Also, here's a fantastic site if you want non-arabic equivalents
Iran has been at the center of geopolitics since the days of Imperial Britain with the great game. In many ways the situation is relatively the same.
Well, i bought a book written by a Czech woman, but I am sure you can find something in German, don't use sites, just buy a book with like CDs you can listen to, I found it was preferable to online "courses"
their central bank is not in control of the Rothchilds.
Something will happen sooner or later
Awww but then we could terrorize the world together! I wouldn't want to do it without our syrup and jalapeno cousins. Don't you want to spread democracy with us?
I've learned a lot from watching videos about Ahmadinejad
But books and CDs are a good idea
Also, once you get good enough at it, you can start reading shahnameh, because ferdowsi deliberately tried to avoid Arabic words and thus, only about 1% of the work has Arabic words
By that logic we should invade Vietnam again. Reason I don't wanna invade Iran (besides it being a stupid fucking idea to fight another god damn sand people war) is that they are NOT a global threat or major sponsor of terror against the west no matter what the stupid neocons and dual citizen isreali shills in Congress says.
Thank you! If I had a time machine I'd definitely choose ancient Persia as my destination
We stand with usa, give us some f22 and we nuke them for you. just abolish that 1999 act and share some love with chile baby.
Holy fuck this place is infested with sand niggers
Pls don't ruin our investments and trade deals, they just got good.
> Russia would be funneling them weapons
This. As well as intelligence and few platoons of most feral chechens to boot.
>Australia would like to know your location
This. Iran is a refuge from Jew Globo-Homo.
Millionaire in what currency?
Post your uniform insignia with a date faggot
Just like Iraq and Afghanistan right? Die in a fucking fire.
Merican with a VPN fuckoff
What is your current language level?
>USA decides to invade another sand country
>More refugees start running away willy-nilly
God. Fucking. Dammit.
too bad the iranian liberals are getting strong , they want women to be whores and homosexuals not thrown from rooftops , once america invades iran , its going to turn into a liberal shithole
Probably A2, I just haven't had enough time and the time I have i spend researching what native terms I can use instead of the Arabic ones
the languages got mixed , since arabs and persians live close to each other , there are many persian terms in the arabic language too
I've been listening to songs in Farsi (see link)
Music is good for learning too
why do you zogniggera always invade shithole countries in the ME and not somewhere like africa or russia? you snow niggers need a good ass whipping. fuck evil whitey
I know, like the important ones like Dēn
*Pārsi, Farsi is the Arabic term for Persian, since Arabic doesn't have the letter p
because israel doesnt exist in russia or africa , israel is in the middle east , you retard
yes they do , its ب , pronounced ba on its own
پ is p, b is ب
The only letter with 3 dots they have is Shīn ش
They are not niggers, they are whiter than your retarded nigger loving shithole
i guess thats true ب is pronounced like b , but they do have three dots in ث
Oh yeah, they do have that third S, it gets really confusing since Arabic has 3 S, 4 Z and 2 T and 2 H
It's not an S, it's a TH sound like you have to say every time you say English words like "with" and "both"
I know they sound different in arabic, but I am taking about Persian phonology where they sound the same
Mars bar Yazid, salaambar Pishi!
Durka Durga, Moohamhead jihad!
yeah its sounds like , THA
im a paki too and your spot on. btw are you an aryan paki?
Rare flag
You must be new here faggot. Fuck the kikes.
Also Thanks for that, never it sounded like th(θ), I suppose it makes sense, given how letters which have more added dots make similar sounds, neat though
it's not gonna happen, retards, but keep fantasizing
How new are you? German, UK, French flags are all shitskins lmao.
Was going to mention Chechens myself. If I am correct, the US has never grappled with Chechnya before, and they are in for a rude awakening. This will not be cut and dry. The real question is, what will this theatre serve as a distraction for?
Russia is a zog controlled state
Tell that to Chechnya/Ingushetia. They will arrive of their own will
Based and redpilled
Good goy
It’s bait, man
It's not like anyone is going to punish the US, they already destroyed the country multiple times and no one gives a shit. Burgers are just warmongering useful idiots
I wonder who will benefit from a war against Iran the most ...
Yeah they will, but it’s nothing