Hate white people

>hate white people
>move to white country
why do browns do this?

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Because white people are dumb enough to give them free shit

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Same reason nigger slaves do...... whiyes are the ones sending them here so they can start a new in they country.... and it is easier to kill what hates you.

one of the most obnoxious people that did this is that pakistani greens senator. she hates white people and thinks islam is great and is very outspoken about it when she could have just stayed in pakistan and never had to see a white person and everyone would be muslim.

Because they love withe's money


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Old decrepit boomers hire them because they want to retire 15 years earlier than normal and they ain't getting a second house if they have to pay benefits to their employees. Have faith in Generation Zyklon.

What if...
they dont hate white people?

incel niggers

because whites are cucks who will give them free shit and hand them a demographic majority

Money. /thread

we dont hate white people though. also, we were here first.

>passively Invade a white country and conquer them. Loot their resources
>obligated to give a fuck about what white people think. Strategically exploit their sympathies in the culture war anyways.

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Because they like white society and culture, just not white people, so they are all uniting because they think they will literally replace us, and not destroy eachother trying

>hate indians
>move to india
why did angloids do this?

Jews too, european countries expelled and did pogroms on us countless of times but every time we wanted to come back. never understood that.

A lot of beaners still think a good portion of the U.S still belongs to Mexico.

No you were in Mexico, American Indians would have made things simple and just shot you with arrows.


Please go back spic.

but they didnt want to live with you. they wanted to colonize you.


to annoy the fuck out of us. if any of you guac goblin morons are reading this: we loathe you, fuck off back to your third world llama riding shithole.

Anglofags are moving to India in 2019 ?

You people deserved every single pogrom that ever happened.

>No you were in Mexico

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It's called an invasion. They would gladly open fire on border patrol if they had the backing of their pathetic home states.


Yeah I don't read Mexican so I don't understand that map, nor do I want to.

The US should’ve gunned them the fuck down, every single fucking spic. I fucking hate that their starting to turn up here, why the fuck didn’t the US genocide the fuck out of them?

America Canada and Australia aren't white countries, they have every right to be there.

If you meant Europe I agree with you.

free stuff

Same here /bro/

>It's called an invasion
But if you ask people mexicans if they want to live in mexico they would prefer to live in USA.
Just like no black man would want to go and live in africa.
They came for a better life. so whats the point to make USA a 3rd world shithole as well?

just like jesse lee peterson keep saying that he prefer to live in white society because every place with black people become a shithole.

kill your neighbors as you wish to be killed.

This is Native American land white boy
We will replace you

This. Success breeds envy and they flock to successful countries.

this. we should have done this.

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based spas12 poster

That was Spain's conquest not yours you inherited it when all the people who would have squashed your revolution went back to Europe. Notice how the states have Spanish names and not Aztec.

wasnt that a spanish ruled territory?

Envy leading to hate, it's really simple. If you were brown and you looked at the world, and you looked at history, then you looked at your family, culture, and community, what would yo see?

Well would you grow to hate yourself? This would take quite a magnanimous and wise soul. A few Jews have done it, Marx, Glenn Greenwald. A few niggers have done it, Sowell for example. Generally though no, they hate that which they should love, because they naturally love what they should hate. It is only natural for them to love themselves. It's us who are unnatural.

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No brucey cheng, it was Mexican.

thats my point.

>move to white country
This picture is in Mexico you stupid kangaroo...

Wrong, Mexico was simply a part of the West Indies. It was Spanish ruled territory for centuries before your short-lived revolution.

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They hate us cuz they ain't us

Cope nigger.

My unfortunately gene'd friend it is you who has been doing the coping for the past 180 years.

It doesn't matter fatso its all coming back.

where will you go once you've destroyed the US?

You know how white people spend their time accomplishing shit like civilization and personal growth? Brown people don't do that. They fill that time slot with hating white people. How better to do that than being right next to them.

I will stay in my clay where nooone asked niggers to come.

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I can personally tell you that one my koala fucking friend. China takes over Canada and the Chinese to the north enslave the mexikikes. They'll wish they were back in their cartel run shithole once that happens.

They just want welfare. Its more affluent to be on welfare in white countries than work in brown countries

I'm just fine with getting rid of tghe niggers that destroyed LATAM.

>Well would you grow to hate yourself?
I am posting on Jow Forums
What do you think?


>why do browns do this?
To make it brown, duh.

See You filthy murinigger.

We don't hate you. We just think you're degenerates. Had most of you been living conservative we wouldn't mind at all.

>t.Religion that is totally ok with child fucking


The ones who appear to be living a normal, conservative lifestyle are housing illegals. That's why they're all smiles and overwhelmingly friendly, they don't want their neighbors to suspect anything. Lefties fall for this bait hook, line & sinker which is what makes it so difficult to get them out.


>En Perú, Lina fue considerada como un virgen, pues se decía que concibió sin el pecado original, por lo cual los pobladores creían que Gerardo era hijo del dios Sol.

>Lina comenzó a menstruar a los dos años y ocho meses de edad y se presume que su hijo fue concebido cuando ella tenía cuatro años con ocho meses, pero aún no se sabe cómo sucedió; el padre de la niña estuvo preso durante varios días, pero se le dejó en libertad al no demostrar que él hubiera sido el responsable, así que la sospecha recayó sobre uno de sus ocho hermanos, que tenía retraso mental.
Top kek.

Nobody said it was ok. Unlike shitslam

Which white country? Lamoooo you delusional cunt

>be shitskin
>flood country to steal white man's wealth and land
>all the white people disappear
>you're a shitskin
>can't run a functional society

>Oh no no no no

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>yeah we might cuck out and die without a fight but africa bro

white people are honestly too stupid to understand this

Blacks have never created a single decent civilization in the entire history of their existence.
It's probably because they aren't fully human and have undeveloped brains.

>why do browns do this?
it's what humans do


It's not our fault "native" Europeans are weakling pisswesals. Look at me; We are the natives now. What do you do about it? Nothing.

You just give us more power. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

>t. Paki conqueror.

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It's not about hate or envy or running a "functional society" you idiots. It's about competition. At the end of the day all groups are in competition with all other groups. Competition for what you might ask? Resources, living space, and reproduction. It's about who's genes get passed on and who's don't. That's it. You don't need the luxuries of the West to survive. The fact that all you retards keep pointing out the degradation of society after Whites are gone is ridiculous, and just goes to show how decadent all of you really are. You have no idea the type of war this is, that's why you're losing.

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“Jealousy is a form of hatred built upon insecurity.”

The Clovis people were here first and you killed them.

>Resources, living space, and reproduction.
this doesn't exist in Mexico?

No, they are native and white lands. We had a deal with them. We don't have a deal with the shitskins.

It does, but like I said groups are always in competition with one another, and they will seek to displace and weaken rival groups whenever they see that it is possible. Humans are also greedy and will take more than they need. Jow Forums is stupid.

The Clovis people were Brown.
>Inb4 muh Hyperboreans and Huwhite Wakanda!

White peoplendon't compete to that point. Only power hungry shitskin do that

Nice body shaming roast.

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Then Europeans lose. Just because things are done through ballot and not bullet doesn't mean it's not happening.

Just checking out of the game means you lose automatically.

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Free gibs.

White people used to compete to that point, but then they became decadent and lost all racial feeling. They lost the "will to power" necessary for a race to survive.

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Also, pic related

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I hope to be dead before white gods are dead then

Boss = abuses workers, still wants them to work.

The world we live in today is so.. soft. If you can't survive without it you deserve to die.

yeah that seems to be it

oh okay so it’s cool that they were killed. I agree, browns don’t have a right to exist anywhere.

Maybe you are dumb enough to not get free shit yourself. Every boss, every politician, every Jew, they get free shit for millennia. Anybody stupid enough to work when Norway princess marries a nigger is just that, stupid. Stop supporting them, stop working. Time for USA-wide strike, until all banks bankrupt.

They call it democracy, but it really isn't, since people aren't asked. Maybe they will ask them when Mexicans take over, but i doubt shitskins will be able to be as generous as whites.

this. i wish it would just all fall so these faggots die