Based italian police removing anti-Salvinin banners.
Goddamit I love this country!
Based italian police removing anti-Salvinin banners.
Goddamit I love this country!
All ''right politics'' are larpers
and the leftists are outraged because a fascist slapped an anti-fascist in front of the police without them intervening against the fascist. Indeed, the police identified, photographed and detained the young anti-fascist in the police van for a long time. The policemen are now accused of being loyal to Salvini and to pro-fascism
How to deal with this?
it's not ok to be leftist
what do you have to say for this?
>political censorship GOOD
This is as true as your country
Police always side with fascists. Why are they surprised?
all citizens have the right to tear down public posters
you have no right to tear down posters on PRIVATE land
who should I vote for in the euro elections
lega or fdi?
have you seen the british police?
I'll vote FDI but two friends of mine who voted M5S last March, now will vote for Lega.
I really hope soon or later (better asap) they will manage to form a govt without Berlunigger and his minions.
March on Rome when?
Big pussies
They’ve probably been (((instructed))) not to do anything in such cases, because it’s not that they want to look like racist pigs and lose their work, don’t they?
It’s sad.
Haven't decided yet but it will be one of the two.
I will see what happens in these last days before the election
they frequently post faggotry on social media and how they go after "hate speech"
Police officers obviously have to be loyal to their head honcho, no matter who he is. That's why, despite they privately hated the leftist ministers of the interior of the past they didn't hanged them from street signs. I mean, we are talking about ministers who cut police funds FOR 16 YEARS STRAIGHT, who ordered violent leftist protests to be left undisturbed and anybody who wasn't a commie to be detained at the drop of an hat, who allowed niggers in the country by the bucketload and ordered the cops to prevent them being denied decent food and shelters paid in full by the government while the cops themselves had to do with disgusting refectories and forced to sleep in barracks built before the italian unification and never restructured, who always refused to buy necessary equipment so the cops were forced to go do their jobs with cold war era tools and, i shit you not, to buy gas for patrol cars with their own money and, most infuriatingly of all, to side with journalists and antifa ANY SINGLE TIME some leftist asshat got their skulls cracked in self defense by a cop, causing mass firings and arrests of cops who did their jobs and endless media crusades. And people wonders why the average italian police officer is so right wing he would make the SS look like moderates.
The police is simply applying the law and following the lawful orders given by their superiors regardless of their private political ideology like they have always done, because you don't fuck around with a juidiciary who's completely left wing and is essentially the deep state like the italian one. Commies don't like it when they lose SOME of their political protections they always enjoyed because there is a minister of the interior who is conservative and is not a coward? They better pray their campaign for the removal of Salvini from italian politics works, because otherwise they will have to get used to the police kicking their asses and stopping them from doing crimes.