What is the best country to create a business ? Lax work rules, no excruciating fiscal pressure, etc ?
What is the best country to create a business ? Lax work rules, no excruciating fiscal pressure, etc ?
america(certain states) or sweden unironically
See what I did there.
depends on the type of business. if it's a tech startup then israel
Unironically Macedonia. Low tax rates, high corruption, cheap labor and many privileges for foreign investors.
Not France
Think Balkans have some opportunity. Slovenia and Croatia are too expensive and EU cucked. Serbia is Serbia. Bulgarian and Romanian gypsies and MonteNEGRO/Macedonia may have a good balance.. especially if you can bring in Euros/Dollars to start up.
It's where you keep the money.
the EU is working hard to change that because having low taxes is unfair competition according to (((them)))
Money making money.
Coin of the realm collecting.
How did Ireland make it? It was one of the poorest and most underdeveloped European countries 30 years ago. Was it once in a millennium thing?
If you're planning to be an Entrepreneur use the bootstrap method and live with your parents to lower your monthly overhead.
As per your question, i think you should just stick to your own country as the birth of your business because you know the Supply and Demands, Trends more than the foreigners that come into your country.
You don't know how much France is fucked up when it comes to doing business. Soon they'll start to tax breathing
Investing in futures is still a growing
trend in todays market. Businesses
will benefit from securities in an
insecure economy.
Nah, France demolishes their little entrepreneurs that try to start and do something. The taxes they hammer you with are absolutely insane.
france is good if you want to milk subsidies from the gov for snake oil green energy products
Try looking up the laws in every white countries. Most likely Non-EU white country
But to answer your question, it's the countries that is joined in Belt and Road initiative unironically.
Here in my country Entrepreneurs, get big tax break but only start-ups then Big corporation.
I didn't pay a business tax until the 2nd year
Think outside the box.The best country is one where it's easiest to break business laws and get away with it.You will get nowhere abiding the law. Why do you think politicians are so rich?
Clean air is white privilege. You need a carbon tax. As well as the subsidised importation of more third world people to consume at first world levels. W Europe is cucked-fucked. Some countries are too hard to start a business in. You have to go where your opportunity is best. Global economy and maybe your location/country is depleted or ruled by mafioso/oligarchs/jews. IT's hard to get into any business generally. People have their niche and they all work together within it to better themselves and to keep other out.
its definitely canada:
>low cost of living: housing, energy, food prices are really low, same with tax rates
>high standard of life: low commute times, incredible healthcare and some of the best education in the world
there you have it no need to look any further
CroAnon is right. You need to figure out the rules and find the loopholes plus correct people to pay. May it be advisors or under the table 'donations'. Small amounts of 'donations' grease wheels. People are lazy AF and it helps things move. Western Europe, etc.. the 'donations' are generally massive and very difficult to set up.
t. Dalmo diaspora nigga
>food prices are really low
how's that cockroach steak tasting right now?
most whites in the west can't live with parents because the parents prefer to live alone.
Ixnay on the T A L K.
You clearly have never lived here. It's a terrible place to run a business.
Well then force yourself to live with them. Just tell them you can't afford anything.
Find a work while micromanaging your business.
Should we thank their parents?