What the hell happened?

What the hell happened?
>tonight after work decide randomly to go have a few drinks to have a go talking to strangers a bit
>leave the pub and go sit down in the cool for awhile to get an uber
>hear a guy behind me arguing and swearing in Hebrew
>have watched Israeli movies so recognize the language and accent
>turn around and he's on the phone
>he hangs up the call and walks and sits down next to me
>he's drunk as hell
>i ask him if everything's okay
>he says his girlfriend is pissed and they're going to break up, he calls her a whore
>we talk about women for a bit
>ask him what he does and he says he works for an Israeli intelligence company but hates it
>i laugh and say he's bullshitting
>he says he can prove it by discovering my full name
>he takes out his phone and asks me for my phone number
>i think i'll test him but give him one my mate's numbers
>he types the number in
>then shows me the screen and it has a website displayed with all my mate's personal information, name, email, address, etc. attached to his Optus phone account
>i'm stunned
>i get him to try another number of my old boss
>he does the exact same thing, this time it shows my boss is with ALDI mobile
>i ask how the hell he did that
>he just laughs and just says that all information is up for grabs
>he says he works close by and comes to this pub all the time
>then says thanks for the chat and gets up and walks away

so hopefully i'll see him later in the week. Was he just bullshitting and working for a mobile company or something?

Attached: 1kvs1p.jpg (460x397, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>and then everyone clapped

He likely is kike intelligence if all he needs is your phone number, he couldn't do it without a database like the NSA has

You should've gotten his girlfriend's number since they were breaking up anyways. :^)

Chad mode on, you failed.

Imagine not using disposable phones of payphones.
>Pic nsa

Attached: 40C00418-A580-4E23-A731-FE87D03FB6EF.png (600x761, 336K)


nah, all jews have this app.

It comes pre-installed on JewMobile phones along with the false flag warning app.

I believe it. I had one of these kikes refer to me by name, in the middle of a thread the morning of the christchurch shooting.

Been looking around, seems that isnt easy to do -linking an ip to a name. So they had to be fairly high up, just to have access to that sort of info, on top of that, he 'doxxed' me in the timeframe of one Jow Forums thread, so he had to have ready access to that information.

Hey kike -say hi!

Pay phones in America have gone the way of the dinosaur

Unless you gave up your IP that's impossible, unless you're not using HTTPS

go to bed daniel.

kys retard

is pub culture still alive in Australia?

You're fucked.

Attached: 1549430531923.jpg (1138x1136, 63K)

pubs are shit, get a better hobby

Screen or didn't happened.

do you remember what flag they had?
did they make other posts in the thread?
post a screencap if you have it.

Attached: 457247.jpg (509x339, 18K)

>its impossible, unless you are not using https
you retard, if the server it's self is compromised, https does nothing.
we are talking about an intel agency here, not a lone basement fag(with that said, even for him it is possible)

they just looked used simple inference by quicksearching your language patterns and mage hashes.
I'm fully aware of what I post on Jow Forums but a simple inference wouldve linked my real name and all the info easily.
Jews just do this systematically so I'm 100% sure that they have my full info as well and that they can recognize me anytime and reply to me.
It's really not that hard. just takes time and personnel

Apparently not.

Not daniel..but nice try

See this just proves my claim -out of the millions of names -what are the chances that the riht one was guessed?

More over, the context of the conversation that was taking place, was such that:

>>I was not the one who started the conversation
>I was not the one giving out information As such...
>...I was not the focus of the conversation.
>if it were a larp/guess -why target me and not the one providing the information?

It felt oddly personal, for him to single me out and not the guy with the redpill.

>if the serfer is compromised
that goes for he's pc/phone too

>Implying I can't do that from my work desktop(insurance company)

Except it isn't you absolute fucking retard, the guy is baiting and you're fucking falling for it. Way to be a newfag newfaggot

Post screencap or thread, you smelly larper

is your name common like pete or john?

i remember seeing this actually happen in a thread about 2 years back.
some poster got referred to by name, and was freaking out (or at least pretending to).

I think I believe OP now more than ever.

I suspect his name is Dick.

>his name is nigger.
mystery solved.

Holy shit i have a friend in australia right now who is exactly what you said wtffff!
Was he brown skinned with a beard, black hair and eyes? Very dark guy if so its my friend lul his name is yaben zona


>Except it isn't(1)
>the guy is baiting(2)
About (2): I never said that he is telling the truth
About (1): there is no way for you to know that(THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT, YOU RETARD)

Damn, OP actually isn't lying

Heres the thing -thread ended shortly after and It didnt dawn on me what had happened, until much later, because, he didnt call -me- by name, so it flew right by me, but the tone of the comment urked me, so later it clicked -he called me by the name of the guy who I live with, whos name is linked to the IP.

Heres how the conversation went:

>user -"1488 in jewish gematria means goyim are slaves"

I went and checked it out, and replied "thats fascinating"

At which point our hook nosed glow nigger -makes one comment in the entire thread -"yes , hes a smart goy, isnt he (name of IP holder)... "

Could be a lucky guess, but it feels legit. This faggot wanted me to know that im known.

I had one say my name before too.

I have a friend from Austria, he told me he has a free train ride for you.

Also, the flag was the big ? mark

i was gangstalked for a while... crazier things have happened to me, but in real life.
i dont have any reason to doubt OP at all.

Then post link to the thread.

holy fuck I actually know the same guy and he told me the exactly same thing!!!!

>live in nanny hellhole
>wtf how do they know my name

Attached: 1540781365522.jpg (657x527, 40K)

Actually there is because I'm friends with the mods, doesn't matter though believe what you want

>mfw you probably got your housemate polonium'd

also 1488 = goyim are slaves is creepy as fuck.

Did you ever think Israeli intelligence goes around dropping redpills to see who replies? Sounds like you were baited into revealing a personal interest in antisemitic rhetoric.

WHy would they reveal it though?

and no the IP holders name is not common. Ive known 2 and hes one of them.

I saved the thread, but it 404'd. I dont know how to screencap, thought bookmarking it was enough.

Not larping, but I should have screencaped. Wont happen again.

How did the conversation go?

>>then shows me the screen and it has a website displayed with all my mate's personal information, name, email, address, etc. attached to his Optus phone account
so you met a real estate agent pretending to be an intellgence officer?

just shut the fuck up kevin

It's not even that hard. For each ID in a thread I could assign a list of social media accounts probably written by that person. The more he posts in the thread the more I could be sure.

That is the exact reason every time I post on Jow Forums I make sure to use different syntax, grammar, and writing styles. They probably have like 4 different profiles on me

You realize the database that you'd need to cross reference all the posts that happen here with posting styles from other sites right?
The program would have to in fucking sane

i think the one shill baited you to google '1488 jewish gematria translation', and you went to a third party site (first google result) that logged your IP.
he was working with the second guy who mentioned your M8s name.

that is how they got your IP at least.


I have brought this subject up in every thread that I think might 'get noticed', I want them to know:

>they have the wrong guy. Dude in question is as normie as it ets -his favorite movie -no shit- is stepbrothers...
>that they are stupid


Makes sense.

This is called honeypotting.
You drop a link to a site that you made and then you database all the IPs

sometimes i post on here in swahili ran through an enigma machine.

That's because they killed them, I don't go to them, they are all gastro pubs with middle aged women and £6 pints

Loose lips sink ships. Even in handling the most top secret documents in the multiverse, the weakest link in the chain is the human handling them. A breakup and inebriation can make one reveal way more than you'd ask him to.

Not convinced? How do you think your nuclear ops in Dimona got exposed?


But an IP isnt linked to your name, right? Also, woldnt it take more time to find the name, then there would have been in the 10 or so minutes between posts?

Also, if it is possible, why go to that much trouble, anyway? Just to reveal it?

Nice try faggot

IPs can show geographic locations though, and pretty down to it. It wouldn't take much to figure out who's behind it.

For instance you can do this right now if you know your IP. Type it into google with " " around it and it'll show if the IP has been blacklisted and the location if they have it and it isn't a VPN

Another user showed me how to do it. It came down to like 40 square miles. So, how would you be able to zero in on an address and then a name?

Absolutely laughable BS

What's my name then?

Lynch that kike

How do I find my IP?

There's various widget but you can do it through command prompt, type ipconfig

Re -read the post to which you are responding...

Modern computers are insane and the posts would only be used as training data, you don't need to store any of the posts.

I've never dox'd someone myself but I'm sure by now there's a program for that.
Generally speaking though it's through public information that you get dox'd not really zeroing down.
Revealing things about yourself make it really easy, that's how they caught the lulzsec guys

>that response time

Attached: kek mein sides.jpg (700x700, 98K)


What now? There are 3 sets of numbers

Funny how all it takes to prove a story true is an jew saying it isnt, hows that world dominance, subversions, plots and schemes working out for ya m8?

look at the ipv4 or the ipv6 not the default gateway shit or the DNS

Ok, so that means its even more complicated to name a dude...in 10 min, no less.

And again, why let me know -that they know...?

you need to delete system 32 first.

in all likelyhood user he got a lucky guess on your name, /b/ used to do threads where if your name was posted you went to bed.
Knowing the demographic that browse this board you're bound to guess one right

>mfw the kikes can find out I actually have XX chromosomes and will expose my secret to the chans
>mfw the answer is relentless schizo-posting so they can't find a language pattern
heh, that will throw them off

You are being watched, this was a planned encounter.

IP is linked to the name of the subscriber. Back in the day you could "social" an ISP worker by calling them up and pretending to be a private detective/cop/server admin and simply asking them to hand over the name and address of an IP belonging to some one you don't like. Doesn't work anymore cause they got wise to the human failure, but yes IP is always linked to name and address

What am I looking for on google?


It shows things like if the IP is known for spamming for phising, or if it's been black listed by other sites. Sometimes it shows if it's attached to a company. You can learn a lot from public information about IPs

Any of the sites you see after typing in your IP have information about that IP

Everything's in place, you just have to give the sign

you guys keep up this level of banter and things might change around here

Attached: 1557423678953.jpg (996x682, 64K)

Something tells me I shouldnt follow this advice...

Its possible.

I get that, but it isnt as easy to uncover it. Let alone in the time it takes to post some shit in 1 single thread.

So either
>It was a good guess
>I have been on the radar for a while
>they have access to shit, you dont know about

The latter two, still beg the question -what point is there in letting me know that I am 'of interest'?

For real though; Israelis don't get drunk and share trade secrets with random goyim.

Its just a bunch of ip "look up" sites.

Screen or GTFO schizo

Where in aus are you? I’m going t keep my eye out for israelis on weekend nights out

Has anyone noticed how often Jews show up first on Jew related posts? I’m new to Jow Forums and it’s actually scary often.

He's bullshitting, you can do this with online services. Learn to code noob pro.whitepages.com/about/

Those look up sites though will tell you about the IPs they have tracked though.
So like if you look up an VPN IP it'll show that its seen malicious activity.
One way you could figure out who's behind it is trying to social engineer the ISP but this is really risky.
I know this is how people used to get into xbox accounts is they'd social engineer tech support for xbox and they'd just give them access.


lol make an Ohio thread

Kek Op was right

its not showing anything pertinent

Dude I wanna be as cool as that. Not even kidding. Should I convert to judaism or something ? I wanna join mossad intelligence

This is a random IP I typed in and there's actually a fuck ton on it, this site even shows the range it's in

Checked. The only sure fire way is to astral travel and commandeer another anons body.

"sure, right this way user sir"

" and now that youre one of (((us))), here are youre complementary yamaka, spyphone and khazar milkers, welcome to the club"