It looks like the same old kike tricks trying to imposh the slave morality denying objetivism and using minorities the same way slaves embraced cristianism in the roman times
Is cultural marxism a secularized version of cristianity?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes. everything is.
Yes but a lot of his ramification are only the direct response of the cultural fenomenom of nazism
Thesis nazism
Antithesis cultural marxism
Lets wait to the synthesis
Sinthesis race realism
Also this
Yes it absolutely is.
This is basically Christianity 3.0
You can actually trade a direct line from the Puritans to the abolitionists to the civil rights movement to the modern day sjws.
“Social Justice” is a actually a Christian concept that was invented in the high Protestant Churches.
Basically leftists are Christians who have dropped God and the Bible and all that shit but hyper-focus on Christian morality, the love and celebration of the weak, inferior, deviant, outsider, etc over the strong, superior, healthy, normal, etc.
How wonderful
You're on the right path
Look into slave morality
Cultural marxism is the complete inversion of nazism
Instead of the aryan supergod we have the negro elevated to the god status ( elevating to god status what was considered the represention of the ultimate untermench )
Architecture the same
Honour streng the same
Beauty non fat and healthy individusl the same
Literally this. Remember those freaky puritanical Christians who liked to tell you what to do and think? They have all become SJWs. My sister literallt went from being a hardline psycho Christian to a lesbian over the space of one year in college when she realized she could use SJW shit to force people to conform to her will. The sociopaths just have a new face now.
Also look to all the roman pagan statues destroyed when the cristians took control the same thats happening now in usa and is spreading to the rest of the west and ultimately any remnant that remenber the european civiluzation in all its native glory
This is the second fall of rome
>cultural marxists want you to be degenerate and progressive
>christians don't
>omg u gais dey r de same ting!
It's something much worse
We can even make an estimation of how near are we from the collapse
Rome give to every citizen the exclusive roman citizenship in the year 212 and slavery became nearly a thing of the past , in usa slavery all the citizens( blacks..) achieved full citizenship( in the year 1965)
So we are in the year 282 of the roman era only 20years away of the civil war that would destroy the western part of the empire irreversibly
Heil tarrant chan
Yes, been saying this for years. It's a perverted, inverted scion of Christianity.
Daily reminder
Marxism has nothing in common with the Bible, at all. And slave morality? People still actually take Nietzsche seriously? The dude went mad for fuck sake. So much for intelligent.
Most of youre dumbass bible Saints where fucking mad too.