When did you realize that diversity is a code word for anti-white?
When did you realize that diversity is a code word for anti-white?
immediately basically
i wouldn't have such a problem if "diversity" meant "we're going to hire 1000 more workers and some are going to be x, y, and z race"
what diversity means is "fuck the white dude down the hallway, we're giving his job to an incompetent neanderthal because it makes for good advertising to retarded white women"
that's pretty based what she said, did they force her out?
More people would get behind diversity if that's what it meant. As it is now, yeah, it's a code word for white replacement, gays, trannies, poc and women - diversity hires
Based and diversity pilled
Fired, of course, for not being nigger enough
You need to apologize RIGTH NOW!!
This is a classy and intelligent lady. So of course the Regressive left would ouster her.
If that woman actually said that, then I love her
Ready to make gofundme so she can write a book on diversity.
what she said was a HATE CRIME
I'm literally shaking right now
>diversity chief
is that a real thing? what a fucking clown world
Did you just come from Reddit?
By legal definition, she actually used diversity correctly. It is people who have had various life experiences and grown through different channels. It's only in the last 10 years that diversity is 100% about race.
pol won't admit that smart, strong black women are their saviours. They'd rather die in mud being stomped on by 'pure' white women ie diseased thots.
Im so tired bros...
i found it funny when people were saying how diverse the black panther movie was when it was mostly african actors. "diverse" does seem to mean "not white" now.
>Jow Forums is one person
Source on definition of diversity? Not doubting you just wanna know where to point people
Her quote in the pic is dead on correct. She sounds like a good person.
>i wouldn't have such a problem if "diversity" meant "we're going to hire 1000 more workers and some are going to be x, y, and z race"
Diversity is used to discern more rights to minorities. The government will increasingly give rights to non-citizens in hope of addressing globalism and the inevitable bubble that will be popped.
Think of it like this. Hate Crimes only protect minorities and protected classes. Therefore the average white person will not be protected under law at the same rate as minorities.
Hate Crimes only exist because of diversity.
Wow rare
post tits and you might be believed
booty + timestamp
Of course, she triggered most of california
If I could travel back in time and stop the women vote.
This is how the left keeps blacks in their clutches
Anytime an Aferican America speak common sense like this (Thomas sowell rice) the left drags them through a wood chipper
Fuck the left
And they wonder why we call them the plantation owners. Democrats haven't changed in over 120 years.
They just make you feel good about being a house nigger.
That's the most reasonable thing I've ever hear a black women say about white people.