Straight Edge is the final red pill. It is the ultimate anti degenerate behavior way of life. Have you taken the final red pill yet Jow Forums?
Straight Edge is the final red pill. It is the ultimate anti degenerate behavior way of life...
im stoned rn
Filthy degenerate
t. drinks 2 cups of coffee to wake up
I only drink water. Caffeine is a drug that's not good for the body
I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs outside of a morning cup of coffee.
Believing you are somehow superior to others for doing so, publicly showcasing your superiority, and trying to enforce such a worldview is vile. Such actions far negate the small amount of virtue gained from abstaining from simple pleasures.
Straight edge is pure cringe.
I never intentionally meant to become straight edge, but I naturally ended up there. I used to smoke, drink, weed, etc. But I never really cared for it or the lifestyle. Sure I had more friends, but being healthy is much nicer. Finding enjoyment and beauty in other places is much better for the soul. Also, building stuff. I highly encourage a hobby where you create something and explore your creative nature. There are some feelings that drugs and sex will never replace.
im impressed, for once a straight edge larper is actually straight edge
thanks to your tax dollars i get to smoke weed and shitpost on this board, shalom!
Lol. I hate your kind but that was a funny btfo at the mutts. I really do hope your golem turns against you tho haha
>Believing you are somehow superior to others for doing so, publicly showcasing your superiority, and trying to enforce such a worldview is vile.
Welcome to Jow Forums, I see you are new here