What are some disadvantages white people have?
overly empathetic
Overly empathetic
Overly empathetic
Being seen as walking ATMs in some countries
Too compassionate.
It's a good thing, but also a bad thing
Supportings pocs, nation building for them
I always saw whites as the D&D "humans" standard issue, no bonuses, no penalties, with the other races being variants with various bonuses and penalties based on their stereotypical attributes.
too nice
Overly empathetic
>white man asks for directions
>wanted by police
so privileged
the feelz are to strong
having to pay taxes to keep niggers alive
While we are overly empathetic, niggers have no empathy.
I mean yeah I guess you're right it is kinda like D&D
Having a humaniod parasite that only feasts upon white societies.
autism, underwhelming dick size, superiority complex
Being the target of all socially accepted forms of racism, and future targets for the primitive, ghetto dwelling shitskins in the inevitable SHTF moment coming to America
Idiot non-whites thinking op pic happens
Whites have to conquer everything. Doesn’t matter whether it’s dumb self destructive shit or not. Centuries ago, we were discovering and colonizing foreign lands. Now we’re discover new genders and colonizing rap music.
>disadvantages of being white
You can still be a Jew
It pretty much is like that.
Whites dont even have to lock our doors if there are no niggers around.
I'm actually taking that colonizer shit to heart.
I'm working on a project in which I "colonize" the poetry of various PoC through parody. It's about as gay and as cringe as it sounds but some of the stuff I'm writing isn't complete garbage.
We let our empathy run amok and in the process became second class citizens in our own nations that we built. We are viewed as walking ATMs by our governments and lack a sense of people. Here are some rights granted to non-whites that whites can't have: legally forming groups to further ones own race, protection under discrimination ordinance (the courts ruled that whites do not get protection under said laws), openly advocating for ones race, race restricted scholarships, race restricted spaces, affirmative action, ect. Non-whites have far more rights in society than whites do, yet we get called the privileged ones.
But the cashier is Jewish.
non-white reporting in
not being able to really be proud of their race?
because as soon as you do, it's racist?
My bunkmate while deployed was from the "south" and he had a confederate flag but was a pretty cool guy desu, while another one grew up in a ranch in Georgia. Both really great guys. We never brought up race, if we did, we all joked about each others stereotypes but in the end we we're all "wearing green".
When I completed my contract, honorably discharged, I met another "white boy" in college that I keep in contact with to this day. He is a pretty cool guy too. Our conversations sometimes revolve around race issues but we keep it cordial. I actually have felt bad for him sometimes because I could see how he almost carried some shame for being white, and like, he couldn't really counter claims against POC because he'd be automatically assumed a racists, whereby i would jump in and call bullshit.
He married a non-white girl btw.
>in b4 ad HOMOniems
>yes I'm gay
>yes, he's gay cuz he married non-white
>yes, I get it, i'm an idiot, faggot, etc...
pathological altruism
>Now we’re discover new genders and colonizing rap music.
LOL. This guy fucks.
Hi hapa
White peoples’ opinions are instantly discredited as being clouded by their own privilege.
Feel the need to try to turn 68IQ subhumans into productive members of society..
>that pic
>the flag in pic
>calls it hi-cap
>the standard os 30
>calls it military gear
>gear pictured is a lot nicer than what our military currently use
Im calling it, euro using a vpn.
overtly pathetic
Can you stay in /ptg/ you boomer faggot. Yeah I just made that pic from a Terrorist attack that happened 5 years ago or whatever.
Are you mentally handicapped you retarded cunt.
Uninstall your life.
not being allowed to say nigger
being too nice
being too kind
way too much creativity with problem solving
very desirable as a mating partner people feel left out
creating civilization from out of nothing but the elements(very hard work)
having the most diverse hair and eye color people get confused which country we come from
Being too nice
We go over the top when we lose our shit.
Equality Rights
Marginal note:Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
Marginal note:Affirmative action programs
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. (84)
The law implies that disadvantaged groups are the non-whites but by implying that and having historically applied it that way, it has made the disadvantaged group whites. I think there was a CBC ad the other day here explicitly for non-whites and that is illegal. 10 years ago every single government job ad had disclaimers saying they would not hire whites give any other application and last I knew they do not openly admit this any more but I haven't looked recently.
If you're in the US then all of them
There are black nations with organized military's user
White people go over the top with engineering and science and its practical effects in wartime
>nigger armies
>In some countries
Even in our own countries fren. Local unemployed nogger immigrant keeps asking me for cash because he can't hold basic trade jobs. Poojeet stole my backpack the other day, nothing valuable in it luckily. Koreans try to double charge me at their restaurants. Change-begging 'charity' worker nogs hastling for spare cash. It's all so tiresome.
They came here for the lifestyle and then murdered it :(
What else can correct the course of a nation that's willfully spiraling downwards due to corruption but an over-the-top reaction?
I'm not asking rhetorically, I would really love for there to be softer ways of fixing shit. I'm a fan of voting for the change you want, but I also realize that not all countries get that choice. Sometimes the people's actual will cannot be expressed because there is no party who will take their side, only soft half-measures.
So what's the solution?
Of course there's also considerations beyond that: mass immigration muting the voice of natives because fresh-off-the-boat immigrants don't want to stop their friends from coming over while natives see their services and infrastructure being overly taxed by a population increasing much faster than systems to handle that population are.
Would it be inhumane for immigrants to have to wait 18 years before being allowed to vote? Natives wait that long to get ingrained into the culture and learn the problems facing their country, but it's also mostly taken up by childhood. Would 5 years be enough or too much then?
They're perfect
>we're doing the stereotyping
>look at this, we're perfectly balanced
oh brother
You sure do, most of the time ends in (((em)))pathetic yelling
Who else would you use as the standard but yourself?
I mean, sure, if Europeans placed people from Equitorial Guinea (avg IQ 59) as the standard of 100, the world would be filled with geniuses, but would that reflect reality to Europeans surrounded by Europeans? Would they look at the 100 iq person and think to themselves 'that man's a fucking genius!"
>thinks it's rational for an adult to ask a child,
Could just be a sloppy kidnapper who had second thoughts.
Have sex incel
A race of manipulative demonoids who share the same skin color and pretend to be working in our best interests.
Would they look at the current-100 iq person but New-Guinean-140 IQ and think to themselves 'that man's a fucking genius!"
My bad, fixed for clarity.
They didn’t come here for a lifestyle fren
>thinks it's rational for an adult to ask a child,
Isn't it?
You ask someone in the area about the area you're visiting. Presumably a local knows the local geography.
Cool story bro, except the part about you taking it in the butt. Faggot.
Our main problems are:
>we’re too nice and empathetic, which causes white guilt and allows other races to walk all over us
>we are one of the only races that lacks racial consciousness/identity
>What are some disadvantages white people have?
Being under constant assault by jews.
Melbourne? I ditched the city for a coastal town. Cannot recommend it enough. All the problem people follow the gibs, and the anonymity so they get drawn into the cities. Hardly any issues here by comparison.
This, but you chose D&D instead of literally any video game.
Whenever games give you a choice of classes, the default character is either neutral in everything, or a little above average in everything.
There will be a smaller, weaker, faster, smarter class.
There will be a taller, stronger, slower, dumber class
Then there will be a couple classes that are variants, and maybe have a special skill like magic/stealing/healing etc
White people are the default class in games. We have no weaknesses, but are above average in areas, with available room to improve in all categories until we reach our final form.
>see a white person smile, talk and help them
>see a black person make pic related face because they know they dont belong here
god i love the south
Asking someone who is obviously a student on their way to or from school about the immediate area would be a decent way to figure out where things are. Buy yeah, any adult male that talks to a child nowadays is just asking for trouble
Pathological altruism. Prone to wishful thinking and often capable of producing desired outcome, despite reason or logic. Belief in fair play, fairness in general. Too intelligent for own good, just smart enough to be dangerous. Believing it'll all work out. Neo-philic.
i actually do this, i give a discount to my own people, specially to the elderly and young startups renting or buying their first home and i tell them why and why everybody should do it, although as a compagnyowner you should be neutral in politics, that time is long over
and overly trusting.
Nordics are not used to dealing with liars.
which is why jews can lie so successfully.
>t. Meme flag kike
>deus bult memeflag
>asking things about whites
And you still wonder who's behind christianity shilling posts
Genderless. The men are not like men and the women are not like women.
Overly socialize. Obsessed with abiding by popular opinion, general consensus and social norms.
Hyperempathetic. Speaks for itself.