Why is Trump so afraid of them?
Why is Trump so afraid of them?
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Good, fuck yellow chinks.
>fuck chinks
Agreed, but don't underestimate them. That was a mistake of the Soviets and a mistake we've long made under the panda-hugging ((Kissinger)) approach to Chinese policy and aid.
Sure would be nice if any of our leaders thought along similar lines
China doesn't bow down to the Jew like Zion Don does.
Fortunately, POTUS Trump touts Dr. Michael Pillsbury, the author of that book, as the foremost expert on Chinese policy, rather than Kissinger.
Insular, xenophobic China has Eastern European jews as senior politburo members who helped establish the regime, pic related.
A lowly fire ant can be crushed without effort by a single boot, but a billion of them crawling through your house up your legs is something to be concerned about.
Not with a flamethrower.
A flamethrower in your house? On your children?
Do not let the marxist bug bite.
>the Chinese used the Jews and disposed of them
Good argument
based colony
>disposed of them
Try "gave them positions of power." CCP is the epitome of a globalist organization.
He's "afraid" that they're ripping us off with shitty trade deals okayed by moron Democrats. That's the long and short of it.
>CPP is a globalist organization
You mean nationalist?
There are no bad deals. You just buy more from China than they buy from you. How is this unfair? Make better products then.
Luckily I have a handy dandy list of why our current trade deal with China is bullshit.
>economic aggression
Sounds like some Orwellian speak.
Nope, just modern warfare.
They wage economic, drug, ecological, etc. warfare against the West and we do nothing. Now we have an administration willing to break things without doing it too quickly.
>top spender in foreign aid, outspending the US
>exports culture and engages in economic colonialism to bring lesser races into the imperial fold
>civnat cucks (their policies so favor minorities that some Han believe their government has been subverted by Manchu to the same degree ours has been by jews)
>international big business mecca
>etc. etc.
>it's China's fault American capitalists shipped their factories to China
Makes sense.
Chinese strategic thought considers military might a mere 10% or less of a nation's strength.
>is the same as imperialism
Are you mentally retarded?
Can you elaborate?
Oh so you admit we need to do something about the current arrangement?
Why should we feed a nation of yellow jews intent on enslaving every single other nation on the planet?
It is to an extent when the deals that allowed this to happen were pushed by subversive CCP-funded politicians.
Of course. Why are you blaming China and not the American capitalists who sabotaged the country?
Everyone should fear China. They are growing in geopolitical power
Why do you believe that I'm blaming China for outsourcing?
The problem is multi-faceted, with economic warfare being one leg of the yellow Jew beast.
I thought you burgers love the free market. Seems like not so much when you have real competition. Then you scream for communist laws to regulate capitalism.
Mutts fear the Red Dragon
The weak should fear the strong
You're more amusing than the other shills if you truly believe this arrangement is a "free market".
the Western civilization wouldn't even exist without the East
Read the rest of the post, faggot. They don't consider lesser races (Africans, South-East Asians, etc.) a threat so they've already started bringing them into their fold like Britain did once upon a time--we all know how that turned out. If they were conquering outright and replacing natives for lebensraum it'd be different, but they're creating African mischlings and are beginning to import them for education.
good one
The same reason why Britain was afraid of Germany
No one is afraid of the Chinese. They’re just an economic adversary who’s not playing by the rules. They have the second largest economy while still demanding to be treated as a developing nation. They also manipulate their own currency and use military hackers to steal trade secrets from American companies.
Trumps just the only US politician willing to take the beating necessary to bring them back in line.
You know the people who shipped all of the favorites to China are still in America subverting our system?
Focusing on China isn't going to solve our problems, sorry dummy.
Mutts are the lowest lifeforms to have ever walked on this planet in its entire 4.6 billion fucking years history
You didn't pass high school.
>Focusing on China isn't going to solve our problems
Odd, the exact opposite is the reality by every metric.
They eat people, man.
some source material
>American capitalist subversives send factories to China
>put tariffs on China
>American capitalist subversives still opsubverting the country
Great plan you fucking low IQ braindead fuck.
>implying western gunpowder is the same as eastern gunpowder
One of the reasons the Qing got rekt in the First Opium War was the fact they were 200 years behind in cannon technology, Roger Bacon having developed a Western recipe for gunpowder centuries prior that developed into something more suitable for war fighting.
know your place Pinkoid boi
OY VEY not CHYNA?!?!?!
Whatever shall we do about a totalitarian mercantilist mafia state?!?!
You appear to think Capitalism is a bad thing, yet you support literal slavery in China for capitalists?
No ones falling for your Schtick idiot.
>capitalism good
>outsource all jobs to China
>it was communism that's bad, not capitalism
Kill yourself subhuman
>implying they teach about globalism in high school
>implying neo-imperialism isn't globalism
>implying you didn't suck ten microdicks this morning
Indeed it was.
Economic, ecological, drug, etc. warfare perpetrated by Chinese Communists using a capitalist system to enslave the Chinese people.
>How is this unfair?
It's as fair as we say it is.
The world's our bitch, Fritz. That especially applies to the EU.
Yep, you didn't pass high school.
no u
>we're worried about the Chinese people now
Stop moving the goal posts you idiot.
If you had been paying attention, you appear to fixated on "capitalists" and capitalism in an unusual manner, yet you promote a system that enslaves millions of chinks for the benefit of capitalists?
Your shilling could use some work, goy.
>Chinese are enslaved by capitalists
Is that why the living conditions have been rising in China and decreasing in America?
You're making no sense.
Because after around 200 years, the Mandate of Heaven has finally been restored, and it is no longer tied to a dynasty, but to a party, the Communist party of China, and now prosperity awaits them. They are bound to surpass america as the world's largest economy within the next decade, their military is advancing incredibly fast and they already have more manpower than the U.S. plus they are friendly with Russia, the second best military in the world, AND, they are slowly turning America's allies against them, or rather, America is doing that work for them, and they all gravitate towards China. China will be the dominant world power as soon as 20-30 years from now, and america will drown in the river of shit they attempted to unleash upon this planet.
you do realise Qin wasn't even actual China right it was Manchuria
always amazed by you Pinkos claiming Chinese history is just got conquered and ruled by nomads getting mixed and mixed but at the same time also claiming Qin got rekt by the West as a some kind of proof that China is shit
literally wut
gilded chains on a slave doesn't make them not slaves
Tienanmen square massacre protests
>Chinese are slaves
You pay taxes don't you?
He just wants to bring about a huge crisis and possible war which he would be able to blame on outside force.
He knows it's his only hope for reelection.
>be china
>get btfo by manchus
>become manchu slaves
>your manchu superiors get btfo by a half-assed british campaign
>somehow this redeems china
>be united states
>alternate timeline where a civil war breaks out between each and every single one of the states
>texas as the strongest state wins
>country ruined by civil war, 1/10th of the population (texas) rules the whole thing, only does things to benefit itself, everywhere else is even more shit
>stronger nations come and establish their own spheres of influence so long as texas is left untouched because they cant oppose them
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
the fact that China got BTFO by Manchus that also got BTFO by the West just doesn't blur the brightest history of all in the entire human history at all mate
Han dynasty, tang dynasty, Song dynasty and Ming dynasty were all actual Chinese and each one of them had great history, especially the first three
pic related
>confusing the first and second opium wars
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
>t. brainwashed brainlet
Keep blaming China while capitalists continue to rape American society and pillage the working class
Jewish Globalist Henry Kissinger is the worst traitor of American history.
This garbage has grown up ugly commie China.
Trump stands at a turning point in history.
If he fails, America is over.
>Keep blaming China while capitalists continue to rape American society and pillage the working class
kek okay goy, now run along and play
It is all gone now wang.
Chinese history is pretty cool and a lot of fun to read, but that doesn't refute my point that the independent Western invention and development of gunpowder starting with Roger Bacon was superior to and of a different evolutionary origin than the earlier lackluster and lagging Chinese attempt.
All that Trump desperate crying for attention on twitter say otherwise.
Capitalists need a convenient scapegoat so they created the illusion of Chinese economic warfare when it was the "American" capitalist who was committing economic warfare against the American people.
The tariffs just went up another 25% chingchong.
China's going full transhuman , biotech , ai, they don't have the reservations of the west, so they will supersede the west in 10 years
The only way to break them is not to beat them at tech it's going to be impossible
We need to spread libertarian ideas to them so they will start rebelling against their govt
The internet is our only weapon and hope. Fortunately they haven't banned it, we need the ideas/memes to spread to China
scapegoat lmao, chingchong commie government deserves every bit of it and more
>China's going full transhuman , biotech , ai, they don't have the reservations of the west,
oh good so they will finally manage to make themselves white, or perhaps the AI will kill them all.
Then why are chinks so desperate to have US citizenship?
if china didnt steal IP, make it literally impossible for foreigners to invest, enslave ethnic minorities and political prisoners, claim land and ocean thts not theirs, build up military so quickly, support oppressive regimes, create a massive surveillance state, theyd be pretty based like korea and japan.
>China capitalist
>China communist
You know the real enemy is still operating within the US borders?
was Germany afraid of the jews or where they tied of being fucked by them?
Oh now you're getting it, move the goalposts to a different topic.
Retarded fucking kike.
Why are Mexicans?
They want to invade and subvert white society like every other non white, especially the Jew.
>Fortunately they haven't banned it, we need the ideas/memes to spread to China
Good luck on convincing ancap shitposters to learn mandarin well enough to influence chinese normies on the other side of the Great Firewall.
People are delusional if they think nuclear weapons are still relevant.
The only important thing is who will get to artificial general intelligence first. Literally nothing else matters. Like Putin said, who gets to AGI will rule the earth.
His words.
So far US is ahead but China has a chance of beating them they're progressing at a staggering pace and accelerating.
>make it impossible for foreigners to invest
You mean make it possible for Jewish capitalists to enslave the Chinese people like they enslaved the rest of the world?
China is so weak in war.
But China is good at lies and steals.
AGI is the opposite of ruling the world. It will rule itself.
To be fair so are Russians.
We need good enough translation software.
We need to spread ideals of personal liberty AND BITCOIN.
Like thiel said, AI is communist and crypto is libertarian
Crypto is our only hope to retain freedom from surveillance capitalism and future algorithm ran communism
That's been the primary mode of Chinese warfare for millennia, armed conflict is just to solidify a victory that's already presumed to have been achieved.
That is one possibility, yes. But we don't know for certain. Maybe general intelligence is possible without self ownership.
Of course. That's why the Jewish Capitalists in America want us to wage war against China. The Jewish capitalists shipped American factories and the entirety of middle American manufacturing to China and profited off it for decades.
So now the Jewish capitalist wants us to believe that they are benevolent and the Chinese are the enemy when it was the Jewish Capitalist who destroyed America.
America is not destroyed though. I have loads of relatives in the us they are all prospering and happy . Living the American dream
It's hard to escape the demographics shift.