what's the deal with liberals and fear mongering?
What's the deal with liberals and fear mongering?
Let me die in peace dammit!
Low IQ people are attracted to doomsday cults.
It's funny how much this shit resembles religion with all the doomsday shit.
It resembles a religion because it is a religion.
without religion there is no image of perfect good, so the only way to affect people is with the image of ultimate bad
It's a religion for progressives. In the same way a pastor tells his congregation they'll burn in hell for not following Jesus, progressive pastors like Billy here have to scare their congregations to keep them in line
I believe in risk managing the environment and that dependence on fossil fuels is a political and ecological mistake.
But then again I don’t think mass immigration, Communism or setting fire to plastic globes was that great for the atmosphere either.
Anthropogenic and possibly catastrophic climate change is real. Stop being total morons. We cannot fix it without a complete restructuring of our society and power structure so nothing will change and catabolic collapse is emminent.
The entire movement is a religion. All the components are there.
>mystical language
>rituals and rites of passage
>moral structures
>tells you how and what to think
>catabolic collapse is emminent
Just what do you think the post-global warming planet even looks like? Do you have any clue?
Sometimes I think liberals and conservatives oppose each other for the sake of it. The environment is everything. A based approach would be to just ask that the transition to greener technologies be paid for by the (((people))) who control the money rather than squeezing common people for fuel taxes on top of their usual tranny tax and decolonisation and he good boi dindu taxes.
>catabolic collapse is emminent.
like it has been for the last 20 years?
"Liberals" have adopted the religions doomsday/end of times approach to pushing their agenda. Either you accept and obey their commands or there will be Hell on Earth!!!
Don't forget severe punishments for questioning the doctrine or even asking to see the methodology of the sacred truths
If he's already dead let's stick him in a box and bury him.
Bill, "Ready to Die" Nie
Bill Nye is whippin' up his heard of cattle Henny Penny style. Whoooo weeee, Bill Nye has a big heard of cattle. Their so fuckin docile all they do is eat and shit. So he's gotta whip up his heard cattle, whooooo weee. Bill Nye has a big heard of cattle. He's gonna turn the whole planet into a feed lot. Whooooo we, Bill Nye has a big heard of cattle.
Nice attention span you fucking morons
the more fear you pump into lefties, the more socialist they become. Socialism is fundamentaly born out of a feeling of inadequacy.
This. It's the new state religion, the new method of control. It's easier to follow for the faggot masses too. I've watched sociopath psycho Christians flip sides overnight when they realize how much more control over people they can have with the new religion. Christianity controlled the body, but the new religion forces people to think a certain way to prevent "sin". Much more appealing to a sociopath.
Aren’t you suspicious that the governments of the world don’t do anything about climate change except try to establish slush funds? They could shut down industries, and force countries to build nuclear power stations, but mysteriously all governments do is tell us we’re all going to die while buying beach front properties.
There’s an international push been ordered by the plutocracy, it’s here too where they are sayin
>there will be no more debate with climate deniers who are all stupid and corrupt
Literally those words from climate ministers.
It’s obviousky ordered at Davos or similar.
>just ignore the people and do it
Because your government and media is 100% owned by them and has completely and illegally betrayed you for money
Should be easy enough to prove then. You're not just spouting crazy hypotheses as fact just because it's popular, are you user?
They know they will never be held to account for these lies because they told exactly the same ones 15 years ago and if they are true it means we are literally already dead - but we are not and there’s no problem with natural climate change that has not always existed and will not always exist. It’s not real it’s a complete lie.
>let's assume bill nye is correct
>average temperatures rise 4 degrees
what fucking animal on the planet is so sensitive that it cannot handle that? the biggest lie about global warming is that everything on the planet is a delicate flower that goes extinct the second it is taken out of its goldilocks environment. the planet and everything on it is way more resilient than fucking the media and al gore would have you believe.
>The ice caps completely vanished by 2007
>polar bears are extinct (except there’s so many there’s a cull on)
>London has vanished beneath the sea
These things and more happened over a decade ago. They had adverts on TV here of a class of children and the kids one by one exploded in a gory splash of blood and they said we were murdering children by not believing them last time 15 years ago. It’s a complete pack of lies.
Who even came up with the crazy idea that 1880-2000 is the optimal climate on Earth?
Of course it could be a big scam. It used to be the Ice Age. But y’all niggers is crazy if you think that 4 degrees won’t be catastrophic for some regions on the planet. Say hello to the Iraqi family skinning your dog.
I think the kikery is not in the problem, there are plenty of Koch funded ‘everything is fine’ initiatives and conservatives defend it as a non-issue with the same religiosity that the Left insists it’s real.
The problem is who will pay? In France you have massive protests because the productive classes just can’t subsidise another thing for another problem or group of people. They are balls to the wall.
That’s bonkers because the climate never stops changing ever. There will always be ‘change’ that’s nature.
They are crazy greedy criminals intent on crime against humanity and the cash they can snatch by committing it.
Satan = capitalism (liberty, chaos)
God = the state (authority, security)
Climate jihadis when?
I fixed it.
>But y’all niggers is crazy if you think that 4 degrees won’t be catastrophic for some regions on the planet.
there you go again thinking everything on earth is a pussy. who the fuck cant handle an extra 4 degrees? any creature on this planet that cant handle an extra 4 degrees deserves to go extinct. and going extinct isn't some terrible thing that rarely happens. it has literally happened to hundreds of millions of species since the dawn of time.
Here is my main problem with AGW. Let's say we know for a fact people are causing it. The west (especially the US ) has cut their emissions by over 70% since the 1970s, we now have ZEV's or zero emission vehicles, our coal plants are 85% cleaner than the ones we had in 1990. Diesel exhaust has been reduced on trucks by 95% compared to the unregulated mid 2000's. By all means we have drastically cut our emissions and yet... it's not enough. The truth is there is a hidden agenda of de growth going on. In all reality we could have stopped creating new emission standards in 2010 and have a clean environment but the government never stops. Just like with gun control the government never stops putting regulations on things. There is no point at which the government says "okay, that's good". It's because of this alone that I completely ignore AGW and view it as BS. Because no matter how extreme we get with laws it will never be enough.
bill nye is the embodiment of clown world
What is dead may never die
Collapse of agricultural chains, the societies dependent on them, acidity in the ocean, 4 degrees is a disaster. The results are exponential not linear. Right wingers are supposed to venerate nature and have good threat detection, I don’t see that when it comes to this issue. It’s very politicised, I get it.
>Because no matter how extreme we get with laws it will never be enough.
this. causes dont die when they achieve their goals. when they achieve their goals they look for new goals to achieve.
Climate change is a conspiracy theory designed to implement global austerity by taxing everything the little guy is forced to rely upon. No goy its not that we're ripping you off, we have to fix the environment.
If we are all already dead...
Why am I not raping women and pillaging towns?
>Collapse of agricultural chains, the societies dependent on them,
like what? you'd literally just do your planting at a different time of the year.
>acidity in the ocean
so what? i mean, it sounds bad but so what?
>4 degrees is a disaster.
all this doomsday talk....
>The results are exponential not linear.
that's funny because the heat-retentive properties for CO2 follow a log function and we've already hit the plateau
>Right wingers are supposed to venerate nature and have good threat detection, I don’t see that when it comes to this issue.
the USA is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes you could ever see in your life. hopefully someday you can experience it if you havent already. i would never want to see that destroyed and a rise in 4 degrees (the literal doomsday prediction) is not going to destroy it.
>4 degrees is a disaster
No it's not. The world was thriving every time in the past that the temperature was 4-8 degree hotter than now. You do realize we currently live in a Ice Age, right? The planet is currently colder than it usually is. Ice on the north pole is actually abnormal.
t. Al Gore
'We are carrying a virus - it's called democracy.'
(Nigel Farage, 2019)
Start by kill the whole african continent, left it to those wildlife there.
Then we kill all the chinese and indians, cause they give too many pollutions.
I think this fix 90% of the problems.
I was so looking forward to it and that faggot algore lied to me.
Who's talking about 4 degrees though? Even the extremist hysterics at IPCC have 1-2 in their projections over the next century.
>Start by kill the whole african continent
you dont have to kill anything. all you have to do is tell billionaires to stop keeping them all alive.
>Who's talking about 4 degrees though?
Bill Nye says 4-8 degrees in 70 years. That's just absolutely insane; this has never happened in all of climate history stretching back 70 million years
Ah yes, I forgot about the jews too.
And if we let them starve, jew will find a way to ship them to other country.
The conflict I have is should we kill those in our country too.
Nay, just ship them and their jews back to africa.
i didnt post video
nye makes a (((qualified statement))) that temperatures will rise 4-8 degrees.
You are unfathomable levels of retarded.
>Ah yes, I forgot about the jews too.
i think it's mostly white billionaires trying to save africans 2bh.
Ok, but that's just some number he's pulling out of his ass. I follow these things closely in the academic circuit, 1-2 is the actual projection and as we know by now even that is probably wrong because the models are flawed, the methods biased and everyone involved is a faggot.
some cucks have to go too.
>temperature rises 4 degrees
>everything on earth is fire
>calling me retarded
go watch more bill nye and cnn. also, get out more.
People have been living in extreme climatic conditions like the near the deserts or the arctic for tens of thousands of years. Civilization itself arose in the harsh climate of the middle east as far as we can tell.
jesus christ, and you will tell us to post in reddit too.
to produce loosh
Although the climate hysterics industry is the biggest and most profitable in human history, this might actually be the true reason.
i googled it, he didn't say it. Who said that?
>We are carrying a virus - it's called democracy
Sounds like something a chinese will say.
You act like conservatives dont do the same. There are prophets and there are wizards on all ends of the spectrum mate. Stop trying to kick up shit.
True. This is not a liberal vs. conservative problem, like most other. Both sides of the political establishment in all western states are equally corrupt. There is no voting yourself out of the problems we face today.
False equivalency. Climate conspiracy theories are ancient-alien tier conspiracy theories regardless of political leaning. If you're gonna do a bunch of dope, don't let it turn you into a dope.
what's the deal with boomers not identifying the actual problem?
Friendly reminder that CO2 is basically plant food and that increased CO2 concentration is, overall, very good for life on Earth.
Friendly reminder that over 98% of all greenhouse gases are naturally occurring, and that the most prevalent greenhouse gas of all, by an extraordinarily wide margin, is water vapor from the ocean.
Friendly reminder that the "97% consensus among climate scientists" comes from a debunked "study" performed by a professional cartoonist.
Friendly reminder that changes in global temperature occur in a pattern throughout Earth's history and that temperature increases *before* CO2 levels rise.
Friendly reminder that in prehistoric times during man's early days, there was about ten times as much CO2 in the atmosphere compared to today.
Friendly reminder that in the history of the planet, ice ages and permanent ice formations at the north and south pole are a rarity; a historical exception, not the rule.
Friendly reminder that solar activity is the largest driver of climate changes on earth.
you forgot one:
Friendly reminder that despite increased levels of CO2, some areas are either not heating up at all or consistently cooling. Doesn't sound very "global" to me.
Felt like I was missing something. Thanks, fren.
can you tell me more about those prehistoric times for men when there were 10 times more CO2?
Its a money grab, every idea they put out is a tax or fee. No one is even suggesting planting more trees, allocate more parks or cut down on private jets. It always about getting more taxes.
The short way to say this is
>we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system
Climate conspiracy theorists literally cannot into coupled non linear chaotic systems. This is why you don't listen to them.
Good job, youll be the last one raked, leaf.
You are absolutely retarded and I hate climate activists. Not everything handles temperatures the same way people do.
>humans are the only creatures on earth that have the ability to adapt
For a good source discussing the flaws in the mechanics described by AGW cultists, interviews like these are great.
William Happer is a pretty good source for this sort of thing. In this round table discussion, he brings up the higher CO2 levels in the early days of men.
And here is another interview with him on Freedomain Radio. I don't recall if he mentions the high levels of prehistoric CO2 in this one because I haven't watched it in a while, but I remember it being worthwhile regardless.
Cheers, faggit
Climate is going to kill us all! You must give us money and power or you’ll die!
Nietzsche was absolutely right about the death of christianity. The result was the invention of all ideologies we now know.
damn. great videos.
it's a cult. Although it claims to reject Christianity and superstitions etc, liberalism is still steeped in them and emerged out of them. The Armageddonist/messiah/rapture semitic ideology just replaced God/Jesus etc with climate/science and replaced the devil with human beings(white males usually).
Like white genocide?
fearmongering= more degeneracy because people develop a "fuck it the earth is gonna be dead soon anyways " complex
i was in a play once. guess im an actor too.
Liberals are all drama queens. They thrive on the attention and the virtue signaling they can get from fighting every new valiant crusade thay they can. They think they're heroes because this is all they can do. They're afraid to face the worlds real problems so instead they complain about the number of brown people in the newest capeshit or whatever the fuck else. Fuck liberal drama queens.
no point in changing if we are already doomed
Someone should create a fake liberal meme religion and propagate it to the masses for the NPCs to eat up. Kek wills it
Maybe the prediction of Armageddon from religious texts is about global warming. Flooding, fires, drought and famine are all core tenets of both. You retards can believe whatever you want but global warming is real and accelerating. There hasn't been this much CO2 in 3 million years and if you don't understand why that's not a problem then I suggest reading a fucking book sometime. It's still not a reason to tax the fuck out of us, and that's why I don't give a shit what liberals want. They can die first.
It's their religion.
The amazing thing is in the same breathe they'll say we need to colonize mars
Like the earth will become less inhabitable than fucking mars
4 degrees average temperature change. That means some areas will have significantly higher changes and others lower... At least fucking learn about the thing you are railing against you witless worm. It makes us all look better.
*Why it is a problem.
Adding to that, the only option other than taxing the middle class into a complete slavery class is to kill everyone else to preserve the resources and eliminate emissions. This isn't a joke, it's real and it's part of agenda 21. It's the reason the EU exists. The new world order is about the elites preserving the world for themselves by killing us and it not being the other way around. The carrying capacity of Earth is less than a billion humans I'm convinced.
I've spent hundreds of not thousands of hours studying this stuff. You can call me whatever you want, I'm trying to warn people what's happening in the minds of the global cabal. Even if you don't accept the science you can accept the agenda and plan accordingly. I just happen to accept the science.