I am a white European man reincarnated in the wrong country and a white nationalist. AMA
I am a white European man reincarnated in the wrong country and a white nationalist. AMA
Samm here biradar , kaun jaat
Why is backyard one word and front yard two words?
why the fuck are Pinkoid subhumans so disgusting?
Coz you're a nigger
It's the juice
I can use the loo, can you?
That's a bad thing , brahmins are big bad my dadu tell brahmins used to enter his grandada house and then procede to beat his grandma and rape his grandpa , those were tough times but now everything goo because nathu killed Gandhi.
Whites are not reincarnated ...we don't do that shit streetshitter
I can , I also have a bidet do you or do you just wipe your butt with a piece of paper like a medievel serf.
Wanting to fuck white women doesn't automatically make you a white nationalist.
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
>Whites are not reincarnated
Only Judeo-Christcucks believe this
Reincarnation is retarded belief designed to support caste system. If you have no memories of your past life you are not the same individual.
Jokes on you niggers tongue my anus
Everyone is reincarnated , hell and heaven are a Jewish lie , I would have banged your insert female family member if I wasn't an incel and pizzagate is a Jewish conspiracy to keep us away from lolis.
Wanting to fuck a blue eyes blonde qt3.14 and having blue eyed blonde sons doesn't make me a white nationalism then what does it make me huh , a cuck , huh ?
Cause the juice , they make us di shiet cause big nose they have and muh deek this bik shiet
>Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.
Bhagavad gita 8:6
You did this to yourself.
You are the only one i feel genuinely hurt when they insult us
I dont care about what the rest say but not you japan chan
Plese lets be friends?
I am BLACK NATIONALIST incarnated in the wrong country.
im now a tripfag as well
God, I fucking love this
Kys dalit