Should I practice sex with prostitutes? I will start next month with the university and have no sexual experiences yet. If it comes to sex, I would like to be prepared and therefore consider practicing with a prostitute. In my country you can find very attractive women for 150 Euro an hour.
Should I practice sex with prostitutes? I will start next month with the university and have no sexual experiences yet...
cheaper here
This looks like Rob without the hat.
>I need to be prepared for sex, I need to fuck a whore to bea able to fuck another whore
Ultimate Bluepill
College is a shit
You shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage, but if you genuinely think literal whores are an option you're better off getting herpes.
You’re going to be very underwhelmed. It’s not worth the money or the experience. I don’t know why everyone treats sex as a learned skill that takes the same level of practice as an instrument, it’s pretty damn simple. It’s a million times better to fuck a woman who wants you verses some whore you paid.
You've got it the wrong way 'round. You shouldn't marry someone you haven't had sex with.
>t. unabashed degenerate
How else are you gonna know you're sexually compatible. When I marry I intend to make it stick, no divorce.
"sexual compatibility" is a fucking meme, something that degenerates tell themselves as an excuse to whore around without commitment. If it's so important that your partner tickle your pickle in just the right way, you can easily discuss expectations beforehand.
>inb4 reductio ad absurdum
If you wait until marriage, it's extremely unlikely a human fuck machine would be able to wait along with you, or that such a person would be a good marital partner. The same applies to someone who considers a fetish on par with, say, coprophilia an *essential* part of marriage. That's just deviance, which has nothing to do with standards or workings of marriage. To suggest morality be thrown out the window because of its obvious incompatibility with immorality is either shortsighted, deliberately idiotic, or pathologically evil.
More "mundane" expectations can always be discussed, both before a marriage and within it. If you've spent a decent amount of time dating someone without sex (a year minimum, usually two or even three), then you clearly find each other pleasant enough to be around and care about each other--which is a basis for discussion if you do decide to marry.
The stats don't lie; hedonistic behaviors are a net negative on marriage, and encouraging hedonism for the supposed sake of marriage is never justified.
Imagine having to pay a prostitute to have sex lmao
A lengthy marriage doesn't necessarily mean a happy marriage. People who practice abstinence are going to be more likely to stay in an unhappy marriage and avoid divorce.
I don't think you should only because sex is about exploration. It's awkward because your two people connecting for the first but, that's what makes its good in the first place
OP DON'T you will give your future qt3.14 gf an std from this. not worth it
Nah, just get a gf and learn with her, she'd probably be more understanding then some random one night stand kind of slag.
have sex
this meme is cancer
Imagine being legally aloud to pay a prostitute to have sex....
A man can dream...