It's already been tried several time. It never works. It's flawed from it's core. The majority of humans understand it's stupid and sh*t mentality. Only aggro losers adhere to it's agenda that will always fail. Why do "we" put up with juvenile tantrums from these cretins every 50 years?
Can we stop with the right-wing populism garbage already!?
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You mean communism? Yeah it never works!
define right-wing populism
Nobody wants communism. What they do want is "regulated" capitalism. The bankers and big business has corrupted the gov't and it's harmful to the planet and it's occupants. This model must be refined to be beneficial to animal and plant health and economically equitable to sustainability not optimized for profit.
>right-wing populism
There is no such thing. The Japanese have a saying: The tall stake gets hammered down. If that is your definition of "populism", then I guess you can use words however you want. Good luck with your tyranny.
Except the righ-t wing populists are the tall stakes. The vast majority of humans don't agree with this flawed mentality.
Or you can get a job.
I'm good.
GFYS for assuming.
>Good luck with your tyranny
beneficial to animal and plant health and economically equitable
>majority of humans understand
>appeal to insult and emotion
Kill yourself imbecile
You multi-mongrelism socialist shithole is a dystopian failure.
Ugly, brown, dumb and violent, this is what you are importing.
Our social morals are rotten, our economy based on worthless fiat, artificial housing crisis, minimum wages constantly driven down by subhuman job-starved shitskins, woman are whores, men are faggots, the dumb parasitary shitskins feast on the hard worker law abiding tax money, public schools are garbage, public hospitals are garbage, public transportation is garbage.
Our cities are becoming third world, our crime statistics are becoming third world.
And the ones who benefit the most are mega corporations and politicians...
You subhumans are the enemy of humanity.
There's no bigger threat to environment than surging population of niggers and chinks. Sierra Club was overtly anti-shitskin before it got subverted. Every real environmentalist understand that only whites have sustainable birth rates, while everyone else will drain the planet and destroy all life spawning ever increasing amount of consumers until our planet is one giant barren dumpster.
You're a clueless monkey that parades socially acceptable talking points that came down straight from the mouth from the oligarchs who're responsible for the planet dying in the first place.
The world would be a better place with 90% of people dead. Especially retards like you.
>Literally no argument
>Good/smart believe like me
>bad/dumb disagree with me
>Cartoon strawman
Just screetch and say "nazi" more stupid fucking moron imbecile.
things are still too easy and peachy in america for people like that to get a job. millenishits are still living off boomer wealth
>>There's no bigger threat to environment than surging population of people.
You forget that the Catholic church is the one that decreed no contraception to minority populations since the 1200's so that they could breed cheap slave labor.
>You forget that the Catholic church is the one
On this board, we blame all issues on the Jews.
No logical retort from Trumptards. Typical... the Catholics can continue to diddle your kids and you blame the Jews and just look the other way. Smart move...
P.S. There's good Jews and there's bad Jews.
Never forget about the galgamex. We need to be inclusive in the current year. Francis is the lefty pope.
I didn't forget anything you retard. It has no relevance on the fact that the only way to stop planet destruction is eradication of all migration and embargo on all international aid to shitskin countries until their population reaches locally sustainable levels. China should be blockaded and all Chinese products should be banned.
Riddle me this. If the population levels were a tenth of what they are now, would you even notice a migration of 0.1%?
Focus on the problem not the symptom, dipsh*t. Typical right-wing populist retardation.
that would require you to actually make a logical argument yourself, which you didn't.
all you've done so far is throw out insults, and then you wonder why you've only gotten insults thrown back at you?
The right wing are the golems of israel. Who out there right now is wearing "dogtags" Conservatives or democrats?
>not a single argument or sauce in any post