Why did they do this? How does this serve The Narrative for them?
Why did they do this? How does this serve The Narrative for them?
back to /tv/ incel
Based GoT.
Oh no the biological passed on insanity we knew of since the beginning showed up
>implying Dany is anywhere near Hitler.
>totally forgets that Dany has literally degenerates as their army and even had a nigga consultant.
Dude. She actually is Hillary Clinton if she had Dragons. Indeed though, they showed us that Women definitely do not belong in powerful positions.
Should replace 'Hitler' with 'Churchill'
>Dany Killed hoards of innocent people
>Hitler failed at killing any significant number of jews
> jews or innocent please pick one.
She literally did what Churchill did
>win the war
>continue to burn small children alive
More importantly, who is taking the time to tailor all those avant guard uniforms?
after the coffee of Starbucks is nothing to be surprised not
It is funny how as long as she was killing people, leftards disliked and destroyed nations, they hated the working off, then she was a hero. And when she switched continents and did the same thing else where, more or less doing the thing her dad wanted to do, she is suddenly out of character, evil hitler and not my-K.
She did nothing wrong. The population of King's Landing worship the faith of the seven which is literally a fucking Star of David with one extra point added. Cremating them with dragon fire just saved them the trouble of building crematoriums.
This is true. Kings landing was surrounded
>8 years cheering for Hitler
lurk more
To be fair, she also tricked most of the main characters too.
Fucking lel
i hated her all along
>talks about people being free and working together but is actually tyrannical
>Firebombs and nukes cities
pretty sure she is the allies.
>tricked us
You are only angry now because she targeted the "wrong" people to genocide.
This. SJWs now crying like little babies now that their favorite character is about to die. lmao.
she just got good!
I came here to mention Dresden
>front hole
pick one cunt
That short-haired roastie queen killed our QT dominicana character, that city deserved it all.
Tricked? who didn't know she was hitler-chan?
Kingslanding got nagasakied
user don't watch big commercial shitty series. You are wasting your time.
Watch something more grounded and indie. ;)
'The firebombing of Kings Landing'
my based wife went on kikebook and made fun of retards who named their kid after the character
Here's how it ends
Dumb phone poster
Pretty damn funny. Dumb twats.
>he doesn't post from his phone to create maximum butthurt from fags who actually give a shit
There's a pc literally right in front of me but fuck you.
Based danny boy.
really? for once I want to watch GOT now.
Dude went big dick like asmongold and pinksparkels.
And that's a good thing.
>believes Hitler mass murdered his own people.
Your problem goes far beyond a stupid fantasy show, Op.
can we meme Dresden to be kingslanding?
>the TV show that is most known for subverting your expectations subverts your expectations
leads an army of subhuman eunuchs to conquer an all white continent...literally Hitler
It's all because she was sold to the Dothraki and raped on her wedding night isn't it.
It doesn't, (((D&D))) fucked up because they're the most incompetent Jews in Hollywood.
>Bronn is part of the council in the end
How based and redpilled can one guy be?
Fucking seriously?
She was a shit character from the beginning. THe only thing she has ever had were one-liners and dragons (props). Shes garbage.
Just makes me laugh. A used up roastie in her 20's loses her beta orbiter, her alpha fucks, and her looks all within a short timespan. She doesn't have that feminine, girlish look about her anymore, and now everyone else is condemned to have to deal with a toasty roastie that has a dragon.
>literally just doing what was super-common in the pre-modern era
Wow it's like the show isn't set in 2019 liberal society or something whaaat
True it may be the effects of too much caffeine.
I hope he got a thick valley girl as a waifu on top of that. You know the kind that looks like they go to church, and maybe they even do, but at home they turn nympho.
person who hasn't watched anything since season 5 here.
idgaf, tell me what happened, how bad is it?
>pic related, /tv/ went apeshit
Nope but wih Trump and they would go really mental.
season 2:
>well done, my lord. You play the game rather well.
>Thank you. I do rather enjoy it.
Season 8:
>They say every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin. Should we not side with whoever is best for the kingdom?
>hurr durr...loyalty>innocents massacred. Imma gonna grass on u!!!
>unelected absolute monarch with people devouring monsters for pets is actually bad
imagine my shock
>can't have a white woman on the throne because white
>SJW-laden council
>crippled autist puppet king
>competent men need to sacrifice themselves so crippled midget faggots and eunuchs can rebuild a better world for everyone
>cashing in on surprises as well as tying it to current political shitshow
>totally forgets that Dany has literally degenerates as their army
so like the third reich then
This was the sexiest she's been in like five years, though
Arya killed the Night King using the little Valyrian Steel knife that a guy once tried to kill Bran with, and all of the White Walkers and zombies instantly dropped dead.
Jon and Dany fugged, then discovered they were aunt and nephew, causing Jon to dump her and Dany to go absolutely fucktarded and fly across torching Kings Landing, killing everyone including Jaime and Cersei but also literally all of the women and children out in the poor districts. Grey Worm, asshurt at Cersei's execution of Missandei, willfully led his men to cut down civilians alongside her.
The Hound and the Mountain had the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, ending in Hound tackling Mountain through a wall of the Red Keep and out into the giant fireball spreading across the city.
Next week Jon discovers his real destiny was to save the world from Dany.
if this is how it ends, with white man on throne and ruling council of whites, and mother to the foreign hordes killed and all on her side killed too......oh my the salt shall flow like never before. thank you GOT showrunners for creating the most epic butthurting (but this could be a fakeout)
>The Hound and the Mountain had the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny,
This is the only part I give a shit about, did /ourguy/ the hound win?
One death is a tragedy. A million is a statistic.
they both died. no explenation regarding the mountain. also qyburn had a pretty good death at the hands of the mountain
WTF! Bran will be king?
More like the Allies still.
Reminds me of how American soldiers raped French women despite them being our allies.
That's basically Dany's Army.
It was a pyrrhic victory.
He won every time their swords crossed but Mountain was literally invincible. He cut him to ribbons, ran him through. Then Mountain started trying to crush his head (and actually managed to pop one of Hound's eyes out) but Hound pulled a dagger and shoved it straight through Mountain's skull - which still didn't fucking kill him. When Hound saw him take a step back and start pulling the dagger out, he started laughing hysterically and just tackled him straight through the crumbling tower wall and into a river of dragonfire that caused them both to instantly disappear.
Also in the first second of the fight Qyburn made the mistake of getting between them and Mountain just tossed him to the side SPLAT
I honestly enjoyed watching King’s Landing burn. I thought they were going to change the characters into 1-D generic ((good)) [danny and Jon incest] vs evil [cerci and Jamie incest], but watching Dany gas the degenerates laid a new layer of human emotion onto the plot.
>liberals shown the truth about foreign invaders and womyn leadership
>roasties named their kids after GOT Hitler
>expectations officially ((subverted))
Bravo based Jew writers
It's 100% real. Next week is going to be fucking hilarious.
Am I the only one that thought [techno blast] Cleganebowl was lackluster? Maybe it's just been so hyped that nothing can live up to that
The political influence of the show on normies and npcs is bigger than most pol posters can imagine, we should discuss it very detailed. The ending might break some of their conditioning to embrace change, foreigners, beliviening in simple good and evil pattern
Just watched the scene on youtube.
What the fuck is this shit, the direction is just not at all what it was in the seasons I watched.
I can't quite describe it other than it looks like it was done by a midwit college student who was trying too hard to make it look cool and edgy.
Do it again Bomber Dany!
>tricked into cheering for Hitler
Game of Thrones plot
>Be Dany
>pumped and dumped by several foreign Chad's
>devotes her life to social justice but ends up making things worse and annoying everyone
>extremely entitled
>no kids, becomes a cat (dragon) lady
>career woman
>Finally meets a nice guy but scares him off with her career ambitions
>ends up going crazy and ruining society
Were the writers secretly redpilled?
Where are the Big Dragon Dicks?
They are just so incompetent they can't do even feminist pandering right.
keep in mind that this was basically the coolest part of the episode
>based Jew writers
They can't help their nature. Wherever they are, they must subvert.
Got is a victim of it's own success.
Season 1-4 was basically a niche market for autists who thrilled at the accuracy of the portrayal (the armour, weapons, costumes, castles, etc). But as the plot devolved into a medieval version of Dynasty, all the normies came on board.
As more money rolled in, HBO threw their original fanbase under a bus and started catering to the "stonk wyman" crowd of basedboys and other fantasists who, as we are all aware, will narcisistically insist on having input on where this all goes, as if it's a viewer vote reality show or something.
tl:dr/ HBO just stole 8 years of everyone's life, and now I feel as if my life is pointless if I don't watch the last 3-2-1 episodes, but also feel as if my brains will dribble out of my ears if I do.
At the end of the day, she was blond first, female second. Therefore, all blond females deserve to be raped, like she was in S1, remember?
then suddenly, for no reason at all, they appointed Hitler as Queen
did they forget all targaryens are genetically predisposed to mental illness and eventually go mad with power ?
Pretty good meta-example redpill about the Jews, too
>one of the most popular series in recent memory
>devoted fanbase
>massive Cash cow
>writers could literally shit out a script and people would devour it and beg for more
>but you are a Jew
>and you just can't help yourself
>even when things are going the best they possibly could, and all you have to do is not Jew it
>you still can't stop yourself
>even in the face of overwhelming success, with nothing and no one else left to subvert
>you subvert yourself
Truly an allegory for the entirety of Jewish history and culture
I think I see now why some older creators say listening to fans is a bad idea.
I'm just amazed HBO would be that dumb, the fans have come because of 1-4, you see why they're there, so keep doing that and you are golden.
Now I don't want to watch, the buildup was so good the payoff can't match it. I'll just let it be a dream.
Eh. I came on board around season five, binged it,read the books, and stayed current with the show. The final two seasons have been a dumpster fire,but I'll watch the final episode just so I'm free of it all
It sounds like they were just trying to tell a story while being reasonably true to the characters they were given. Dragon girl comes from a family of insane tyrants. She's spent her whole life wanting to take back a throne she's never seen just because her crazy brother told her it was hers. They could give her all the grrl power moments along the way that they wanted, but ultimately she was going to be crazy.
And the thing about storytelling is that if it's any good, it has to reflect reality, otherwise people can't connect to it. So a well-written fictional crazy woman will be a lot like a real crazy woman. That attracted real-life crazy women (feminists) to her, but also means they're not going to like what her arc says about them.
Bronn arc was completely pointless screen time they could've used to turn Euron into Euron. Very sad.
Where's Jessica Hyde tho
The fucking soys spilled over onto Jow Forums too. Blatant off-topic threads, hundreds of replies, hours old. Jannies don't do shit. Very few calling out the bullshit. Can't believe I share this board with you gay fucks.
Well thought out explanation. I watched this show before discovering /pol, might as well see how ends at this point.Last episode was better than most.
It's honestly not that bad of a season, I've discovered that whatever normies group hate generally is something I'll probably like. My brother was super into the show, the week of episode 3 these were his words "this really is a great show" then this week he texts me verbatim copy paste of negative comments about the show as they though they are his legitimate opinions. Unthinking normie confirmed.
>Jon stabs Dany
>Doesn't temper Longclaw into Lightbringer and wake the stone dragons
drink bleach, faggot
Believe it.
yes user
>Takes the black again
To guard a broken wall from a threat thats gone, yeah sure
>I'll just let it be a dream.
This is the only way HBO can finale this and have people crowing about it being the most epicly epic show af all epic shows in the epic hall of fame.
>season 8, episode 6 scene 37...
Little crippled Bran wakes up to the sound of old Nana's knitting needles clattering, and the howl of wolves through the open window.
>"did the little Lord have nightmares about packs of pale spiders as big as hounds?"
Bran's sweaty head flops back onto the pillow in relief.
It was all just the pew pew slash hack fantasies of a feverish boy of 2 long summers with no knowledge of how the world actually works...
Im glad the vegetable knight survives the show