And why do they hate white men so much? This sure looks like racism against white people. Can someone explain?
What is wrong with these people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because we work hard, we are on top, and people are jealous of our position.
the woman cries out in pain as she strikes you
If their were a superior race, would anyone but them defend them when they were criticized or mocked? Would lesser races lust after their women? Would secret agendas be installed to undermine their sovereignty?
>why do they hate white men so much?
american tv in the 90s.
Every time.
Every fucking time
These women are fucked in the head.
Wait til the smooth brains find out the whole thing was written by a fat mediocre white man
Jew. The two showrunners are also Jews.
I sent her an email
Come at me, kikes
>writes anti-semitic e-mail to some literally who jid to stir up controversy
How do I know your name is Schlomo?
That's yourself, isn't it?
Are you promoting yourself?
Femcels. They would cut off their own legs for Chad
watch her most recent tweet you'll know my name
she's my type gotta admit
And redpilled. Heil Honkler.
i dont get it..
>How dare they assume women are overly emotional
>Proceeds to get overly emotional over a TV show
They truly have no self awareness
>And why do they hate white men so much? This sure looks like racism against white people. Can someone explain?
White men have been designated class enemies. We are like the kulaks in Stalin's Russia. Watch this documentary if you want to understand what is going on:
oh the irony.
>so the writers say woman are too emotional to be in power.
As they freak out over a fictional tv show. So they take a step back and realize any of this?
That's what this world gets for picking the wrong side.
We know it's you Mia, nice try.
i think both of you will be happy in an oven together.
I doubt a single one of these dipshits could write a decent story with interesting characters.
Nobody cares.
>pic related
You can do what you want anyway. These people hate your guts.
Rich = Evil, patriarchal White male
Average = mediocre White male
Poor = loser redneck
You cant win and they dont leave you alone. Personally I decided to self-segregate and tear apart as many as possible of them in the upcoming civil war. Peace.
no bitch the writers are simply saying that you, women that is, are *ahem* "on the WRONG side of HISTORY"
the future is female...and fire...lots of fire...for a short time...
mia i don't know if you are reading this but i will hatefuck and hatespoon you all night long baby girl
you cute
almost cured my yellow fever
>>women are fucked in the head
Fixed that for ya
a nigger-loving kike whore.
I thought the commentary was absolute unchecked power in the form of Monarchic Autocracy corrupts. Why are they making this about gender?
The way I've seen this show. Those that want to rule become corrupt, those that don't want to rule and are put in the position to rule for the good of others are the ones with the clearest minds.
SJWs grasping at straws that their matriarchy isn't as utopian as they thought.
All this has shown me is most women have such lonely pathetic lives they have emotionally invested themselves so much into this shit soap opera its turned them manic. This is why I'd never vote for a woman.
I guess making all tv shows and commercials feature a dumb oaf of a white man worked.
>Why are they making this about gender?
Because they are vapid outside of their vaginas
What's funny is that this is the plot that has been setup for the show from day 1. Only an absolute retard doesn't realize that, the problem is they tried to make the show so mysterious and full of twists when it's just a simple story of a bastard child.
Shut up you cuck this is funny.
Bitches thought dragon slut was going to be the girl power character and self inserted themselves, they all saw themselves as her because they are idiots. it was obvious arya was going to be the female badass all along, in fact it was extremely obvious this is how everything was going to play out.
How dank is that pussy vape?
>Men get Jiminy Cricketed by women during almost the entire last 3 seasons. They give strategical advice even though they've never been in the battlefield, they gather allies through diplomacy to save lost battles, they beat men in hand to hand duels...
That OK, yes, yes.
>One woman goes berserk
People need the other to hate, to rage against, to view with disdain in order to make themselves feel better. Quite natural and has been so for thousands of years. Recently there are not many others left. It is socially unacceptable to mock gays, different races, different cultures, fatties, the disabled, retards, etc. yet that primal urge to hate still burns. Due to years of propaganda and slow frog-boiling methods there is one target remaining which it is OK to denigrate, demean and despise - white men. Anyone who says that this is also unacceptable is immediately set upon with claims of being weak, of having no spine, of deserving the ill treatment. Think of it like a Two-Minute Hate except it doesn't require uniformity, doesn't have to last only two minutes and can be initiated by anyone at any time.
Never forget that every person who rails against whites does so in an environment and age where everything around them is due to the accomplishments of whites. Virtually every positive in their lives is due to white men. They know it deep down which makes their rage all the more seething.
>This sure looks like racism against white people
Are you just now learning about the double standards?
sthat why u keep hating gaijin? Don't tell me that you backwater alien looking motherfucking insects don't because i for a fact know that this is the truth.
You can go to hell for all i care along with all the enemies of the truth...
they don't understand foreshadowing. something foreshadowed this much isn't even foreshadowing, they're just stupid people.
>isn't even subversion
this turbo Chad is mediocre white guy? no wonder shitskin men are so insecure. How deluded are they? i bet she is 2/10 ugly cunt
Should I expect someone to come and kill me in my sleep tonight ?
>Because we work hard, we are on top, and people are jealous of our position.
They always talked about "keepin the black man down!".. it's that with white people now, specifically males.
Racism & sexism rolled into one, yet we prevail like always.
Women. Mankind's punishment from god.
She speaks about Euron, which is still over her by the way.
you guys literally go out and search for this shit. poltards are the new SJW.
Because pic related. Their whole lives revolve around shallow trashy propaganda.
go back to /tv/ you teen girls.
Where's her ear?
oh my bad. based euron impaling semitic trash, ye that actor is actualy 10 times more attractive than her jewish ass
It explains why so many of these freaks spend hours a day on social media bitching. Their lives are so hollow from consumerism that it's meaningless. Shows like this and places like Twitter are the only thing that give their lives purpose.
imagine getting upset over fiction
I am white. Perhaps you should have read all the way through.
>Oven dodger
you should adopt a black israelite persona and antagonize him
You should spam her with migrant violence gore.
because for years white men have showing their peacefully side so to woman this is weakness in they eyes
That worked so quickly I bet you did it yourself so someone can write an article about how Jow Forums are a bunch of Nazis.
>inb4 It was just a prank bro!
Turns out the liberal bloggers were larping on here so they can generate their own stories, attention and clicks. It's impressive really.
I wouldn't bother with "pointing out the obvious" posts but i perceived you're some jap insect.
After fucking 8 seasons, these dumb liberal women still don't get the theme and tone of GoT.
>It explains why so many of these freaks spend hours a day on social media bitching. Their lives are so hollow from consumerism that it's meaningless. Shows like this and places like Twitter are the only thing that give their lives purpose.
Basically explains any liberal city dweller
Absolutely this.
remember when she burnt a merchant because she didn't like the bargain they just made?
or when made slavery illegal, felt good about it, and the whole city almost collapsed into chaos?
or when she burnt 2 POWs?
Women in general have turned into a hot mess. This social engineering is taking a toll on them psychologically, eventually they are all going to completely lose it. We already see SJW females shaving their heads and going full crisis mode Britney Spears. They don't understand that they are being subjected to a psychological war and their emotions are being targeted. This is why they yell out at the sky, completely lose their shit when something goes against the social programming they've been injected with.
The millennial generation is already pretty much ruined and full of worn-out cat ladies, single mothers, and cool wine aunts
A number of gen z are ruined too, but enough are getting redpilled by their male edgelord peers. Being conservative leaning promises a sort of sanity that the constant crisis-mode liberal left can't offer
Because even "mediocre white men" do better than they do, and the men weren't given leg-ups like women are today.
That's the reason for all the hate.
Being right wing is the new counter culture, young people typically rebel against what ever the prevailing social norms are. Some of my younger peers are even more right wing than I am. My mother is a teacher who is required by law to teach trans garbage to her students(something she does not agree with) many of her students think that it is either disgusting or ridiculous and do not hold back on stating their disapproval of such nonsense.
muh patriarcy
muh systematic racism
Yeah, the best part is that they still want to live in your neighbourhood. And when offline they act like shit didnt happen. But it did. Thing is I dont ever forget. I am not a giant success. I just make low 6 figures, have a normal family, have average looks but am above average in intelligence and have an engineering degree. These people always leech. Either they are direct welfare leeches, work in the media or non-value-added areas like HR. It is important to document all this shit so your children know whats up.
Another thing, the so called sex strike does not mean shit if you have got a big dick. My girlfriend is significantly more left wing(has books on feminist theory) than I am and she rather willingly lets me fuck and cum inside of her. I have even gotten to point where she is in agreement with me about the dangers of mass migration, political Islamist trickery, and the disgusting unnatural ways of trannies. She gets hella jealous when other women flirt with me, but I love her and treat her nicely, in part because she let me bust her hymen when we were younger.
That said I am not fully white, and am something like 1/512th Mohawk and part Slavic, which according to some here Slavic people are not white.
A lot of females are like "punch Nazis in the streets and ride Nazis in the sheets" I have a childhood friend who is an actual public and open Neo-Nazi & it's funny to see some of his sexual conquests proclaiming their SJW rhetoric on social media while knowing that they willingly took a Neo-Nazi's dick for significantly long periods of time.
They are lonely, bitter, old, angry, cunts.
Atheism is a religion, all the more so to people that pretend it isn't.
All GenZ females have swallowed up the far left propaganda and believe that everything bad that’s ever happened to them was caused by white men. They truly all hate us and only interact with us when they want to take something from us. None of them will ever love you, all of them will subconsciously hate you and celebrate your pain. This is true for 90% of zoomer girls honestly.
Sloppy job mossad
dox him
"A woman is primarily a reproductive cell-organism, a
womb structurally embastioned by a protective, defensive, osseous
network; and surrounded with the antennae, and blood vessels,
necessary for supplying nutriment to the growing ovum or embryo.
Sexualism and maternity dominate the lives of all true women. To
such an extent is this so, that they have little time left (or
inclination) to 'think' and therefore they've never been fitted out
ab-initio with reasoning organs. Probably this is what Mahomet
alluded to, when he sententiously affirmed that "women have no
soul." (Even in man, the soul is probably a fiction, but in women its
absence is an absolute certainty). Women are made sexually
attractive to equilibrate their lesser masculinity."
- Ragnar Redbeard's "Might is Right"
>What is wrong with these people?
They have delusion of grandeur and entitlement, they're not willing to accept their delusions are just greed, so when they don't get things their way that they think they're entitled to, they get upset unreasonably.
Such is the effect of the illusion that leads to the delusion.
Tricked to the point of thinking it's a rational point.
It is the same basic pattern of the psyche that leads to Stockholm Syndrome.
Everything really is projection with them. It isn't a meme.
It's always funny when white men created the technology they use to post their worthless, fucking opinions on