Why did this guy get so much hype?


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Well, he's gay
Blacks don't like gay men though, and certainly not gay white men

What nigger is going to vote for a guy with butt in his name lmao.

Because he's a faggot. That's it.

Peter Buttigieg. Peter Butt. His name is literally Dick Butt. dickbutt.

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>Why did this guy get so much hype?
It's almost like our 'democracy' is in fact an oligarchy controlled by the bourgeoisie. It's almost like the people have no genuine power of their own except to choose between candidates chosen by the elites.

Because the left worships the broken, ie niggers faggots and women

As I’ve said repeatedly, social progressivism is pretty much exclusively white.

nigs only vote for the gibs

Regardless of race we can all agree nobody wants a faggot president. If Buttplug gets the nomination, which is very unlikley, Trump will win guaranteed.

The same reason Beto got so much hype - the press loves to jump on a new and novel candidate instead of publishing yet another article about old hats Biden or Bernie.