Why did this guy get so much hype?


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Well, he's gay
Blacks don't like gay men though, and certainly not gay white men

What nigger is going to vote for a guy with butt in his name lmao.

Because he's a faggot. That's it.

Peter Buttigieg. Peter Butt. His name is literally Dick Butt. dickbutt.

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>Why did this guy get so much hype?
It's almost like our 'democracy' is in fact an oligarchy controlled by the bourgeoisie. It's almost like the people have no genuine power of their own except to choose between candidates chosen by the elites.

Because the left worships the broken, ie niggers faggots and women

As I’ve said repeatedly, social progressivism is pretty much exclusively white.

nigs only vote for the gibs

Regardless of race we can all agree nobody wants a faggot president. If Buttplug gets the nomination, which is very unlikley, Trump will win guaranteed.

The same reason Beto got so much hype - the press loves to jump on a new and novel candidate instead of publishing yet another article about old hats Biden or Bernie.

Buttgoy is simply their golem of the week

alchemic programming
they put dick jokes in things so you pay special kinds of attention to other things

Shhhhhh. Niggers and spics hate faggots. And kikes love Democrats. Don't tell.

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>Rhodes Scholar(Anglo-American intelligence services recruiting pool, think Bill Clinton)
>Father from a British Colony
>Military Intelligence
Buttigieg along with Kamala are blatant New World Order candidates.

>Rhodes scholar
Tfw too smart to carry out the most basic human instinct, reproduction.
They give Rhodes scholarships to the likes of Corey Booker. All it means is you are easily controlled, see Maddow

>Blacks don't like gay men
I think they are good with traps though.

The Left *can* meme.

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>Buttegig has 0% black supporters in South Carolina
>Buteggieg: uh, I'll decriminalize all drugs, abolish mandatory minimum sentences, and you can buy fast food with ebt
>Buttigieg has 100% black supporters in South Carolina

blacks dont like gays

everyone knows this

Because Gay Jews run Hollywood and the media and they are the ones supporting him and astroturfing the shit out of him

Because he's a fag and libs get to live some strange western fascination of "firsts" fantasy by having the first fagged married president just so they can shit on this countries grave

It’s sad. I think he has good credentials and an appealing personality and charisma, more even-heeled than Bernie’s unlikable ferocity. But this kind of candidate just doesn’t appeal to non whites

This. Pete has made it this far only because the oligarchs in control want a gay man as president for total subversion. He is symbolic for them.

News reports PeteButt is polling high with the elite white female urban vote.

Dems literally cannot win a state with a black population over 9% without taking the black vote by AT LEAST 3:1.

He's a lying, disingenuous, a moral sack of shit.
He's not full SJW, but he's depending on them to do his leg work.

You can even watch the E Micheal Jones video where he talks about living down the street and going to a gathering at Buttigeig’s house and it being all rich looking fags in tight suits and one lesbian couple.

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It's why they're all in on Joe "Commie Biten" Biden

because he talks good, but it's nice to see the "muh black vote" used against someone else this time

Because hes big gay.

Well fuck that sounded better in my head

Spotted the low iq retard.

All that stuff is bullshit now. You tow the line, you get. Fucking Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for absolutely nothing.

white guy named butt and black voters lmao

I saw that. Lol
EMJ was sent by god to take this faggot out. Buttigieg is a fraud in every sense imaginable.

Joe "Grope them Commies till they cry for their mommies" Biden got their votes instead.

buttigieg more like buttigay lmao

Blacks won't vote for a faggot.

Southern blacks are not voting for a white faggot. Especially if a black woman is in the race. And no democrat can get the nomination without kissing black ass in the southern primaries. White people in the South are all republican. So blacks are the majority of dem power down there.

Further proof: the same black voter surge that elected Obama also passed a ban on gay marriage in CA.

Buttkrieg 2020!

Because he's a literal faggot and the white progressive queers love that shit but niggers don't.



This. Most blacks will not vote for a rosy cheeked fruitcake.

In addition to being a faggot, as I said before, this dude is a CIA spook


Pete should go back to judging booty.

thats a prosthetic ass right?
the arm just goes into a hollow foam space near his thighs right?

Niggers hate Asians and vice versa.

This. They’d vote for Daniel Carver if he promised them all an extra $1000 a month and their community leaders told them to.

Because he's a globalist Manchurian Candidate and globalists are boomers who still consume their own lying media and Hollywood and think the gay card will give them early 2000 era "hip points".

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God that was hilarious.

Because Tulsi is the real redpill.

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Tulsi is polling worse than Pete.

Literally who?
Is this another Fedtrick Shittle?

Wow, fucking BASED Carolinian niggers!
Who would have thought the negro would be our greatest ally against the globohomo menace?

The MSM and Establishment have put everything into supporting Buttgash, whereas they try to ignore Chairman Yang and Mommy Tulsi.

the media is intentionally giving him a push and other status quo democrats. they are desperate since their standard dems have no soul when one is needed.

Fuck gayor Pete. Mommy Tulsi/Yang 2020.

>Believing polls ever
Nice try kike

OMG this
Moarpenis, we know you can change you flag.

buttgang talks awfully well. i saw an interview that based mummy tulsi did, back in 2014 and she was saying the same things she said recently on morning joe. i hope to see more mileage from her, and i would like to work her through it

The fact that EMJ lived down the street from Buttigieg is proof that God is the greatest comedian.

Keep faggots out of politics

>implying you, a leaf, haven't seen this every month while going to get your yearly pound of cheddar.

The interaction between Tulsi and Buttigay will be awkward af because Tulsi and her dad ran a conversion camp beating the gay away from teenage boys and the MSM will use it against Tulsi.

from what i've read from his On the Issues page, he's a faggot cucktholic who supports banning guns and doesn't want to pull out of Syria.
Fuck you, commie cuck.

Mommy Tulsi just named the Jew on Twitter.
“Trump says he doesn't want war with Iran, but that's exactly what he wants, because that's exactly what Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu, al-Qaeda, Bolton, Haley, and other NeoCons/NeoLibs want. That’s what he put first--not America.“

>implying all the hype any candidates on the left are getting right now is real

Dems think they can keep playing the game of making up bullshit and hyping gay retards with no charisma to win. Do you honestly believe there's a chance any of those DUDE BIDENS WINNING GUYS LMAO polls are legit? They're going to go full retard again and give the nomination to their chosen candidate rather than the one that's actually the most popular.

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Yeah no matter what she says, I don’t think she actually “changed” her views on LGBT. Which BASED


Still has my vote desu.

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Beto reposted with questions of Israel’s policies, so powers elevated Buttgeek to overshadow.

I just went to look at a video of emj talking about Pete and saw this video youtu.be/_X17xoQbV5M
EMJ wrecks him in 35 seconds. anyone reading this take the 35 seconds to watch the video lol.

There are more black gay men than white gay men.

America’s Macron minus creepy grandma wife.

This is true. 1.3 billion blacks globally and higher proportional rates of it too. It's just whites are in positions of flaunting it more. Pic related is what polling looks like in liberal society sampling.

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with being gay he has ZERO appeal

Cuz he's gay

The obvious answer is to invest more power in to the state.

Such a punchable face

I don't understand why the Democrats refuse to run anybody who even PRETENDS to be normal. You have a schizo wannabe Indian bitch, a half black half street shitter hooker, a guy who is such a rapist he can't keep himself from publicly molesting women and children, a jewish communist, and a proud faggot.

>gay man
>Named dick booty gig
What did he expect?

Why does the media push losers with no natural support? First Kamala and now Buttgieg. He's a completely artificial candidate, the media pushed his "feud" with Pence for no reason.

People realized he'd only be the second gay president after Obama so the magic vanished.

Hello gayness, my old friend.

Black women won’t vote for fags.

He never had any support outside of Jow Forums trying to meme him so they can easily rally against a fag. Exactly the same as yang but it's his sexuality instead of neetbux.

It's Sanders or Biden. Everyone else has already fallen off the cliff or clearly only announced be for publicity.

How do you poll 121,000 then decide that those numbers apply to 350,000,000?

Niggers are gay.

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What the fuck. I don't even know what to say.

Sampling has been proven quite effective. We know this because many studies have used small samples and then fully counted populations later to double check. The results almost always coincide. The times it doesn't is because very bad assumptions are made for the sample.

Beto is coming in full swing. I think he has a good chance of winning the democrat nomination. He's been in the shadows for a few months, but his PR team has cooked up some magic recently.

because he polls the worst of any democrat against trump. we need to meme this faggot into the general.

Black men rather be gay then fuck their sheboons. Average black woman is 190 lbs!!! They are basically gorillas with a wig on. Disgusting. Im surprised people fuck those things, you gotta be low IQ to actually fuck those hideous things!!! Eeeeewwwwwww


hahhahha I called this shit and none of the identityfags at my school believed it.
it was always hilarious to me that ppl thought southern blacks and catholic hispanics in So. Carolina and Nevada would ever elect a faggot with no name recognition.

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This desu
Blacks are homophobic as fuck, deeply christian at their root.