Sorry Jews

We germans sinned yet again

Attached: Sorry Jews.png (1233x556, 1.33M)

what'cha doin' rabbi?

That's excessive.

>hastily done and washable
hale hortler

No such thing regarding swastika.

U sure that werent arabs when they played against makabi berlin (jewish club)

Let me show you my knife collection

Attached: Nazi knives.png (930x484, 1002K)

When I visited the Ukraine I saw Helmets with Swastikas being sold and SS Uniforms.
Really surprised me that they did that openly on the street

found the kike

I'm not a jew

They do the same in Italy too. It's nice and how it should be.


Nonsense. Keep it up.

midnight jew crew working over time.

Actually at first I thought that the official story was overblown, but with the situation in China now I'm sure that nearly everything that is claimed, happened.

I don't think Germans should be guilt tripping, however we should make sure to never support socialism again

Lolbergs get the rope too, Hans. If you want, it can be a privately owned one though.

Capitalism like in America under Trump seems to work the best

I remember having commie grandma and I was drawing these everywhere just to piss other people off. dude that felt good

How big was the fine?


A reason to never forget what happened

6 million swastikas

>Capitalism like in America

Attached: coman.jpg (590x720, 93K)

Actually go to China and then we can talk leaf boy