I can't imagine why there are so many empty comments about her on pol.
Tulsi Gabbard calling out Netanyahu and other globalists
Other urls found in this thread:
she is woman so makes sure you vote for daddy trump instead.
if bernie or tulsi would start talking about at least slowing down immigratio or looking into illegal immigrants they would win in a landslide
Bernie couldn't be elected no matter what he says. He's too old and his accent is too weird for middle america.
But they won't because they're open borders leftists
I'm interested, but the DNC will just bury her regardless.
america first = bibi first
For me its a matter of whats most important. At the top is war and human trafficking
Trump was a better choice than Killery. But things have changed and he has been exposed. No wall, and he is pro immigration anyway. Anything bad about Tulsi can be said about Trump plus him and most every other politician are hardcore zionist shills
I meant to say Trump is the bad things plus much worse- zionism
She has more balls than anyone else running
If she wasn’t all for civilian disarmament she’d be a fantastic candidate
Zehut should've won
the question I keep asking that never gets answered - how much aipac money has she taken during her political career?
Why are democrats so antisemtic?
true, bibi is the second best option
Trump is just so fucking dickless, people were willing to accept a fair bit of compromise when you get down to it and he just has no fucking balls to push his agenda.
He enthusiastically spends billions on foreign misadventures and his base is asked to cheer when he gets nothing for a wall or ending immigration. So fuck'him.
oh shit wrong pic
>implying she wouldn't be forced to do the same fucking shit if she was in office
Sorry sweetie, nobody wants Mossad to start causing accidents for their loved ones.
I'm a one issue voter. If you support Israel, you are dead to me
> you have PoC like Ilhan Omar and Tulsi Gabbard putting kikes in their place
> Meanwhile Trump is completely AWOL on the JQ
Fuck Zion "The Jewish cocksucker" Don.
She knows the price. That's why she doesn't have children. I'll bet she and hubby know they could be JFKd and are ready for it.
DISCORD TRANNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
I’m supporting Israel now because of your stupid pic. You asshole.
you kikes aka satanists are not going to last much longer.
fuck you for supporting Israel
Doesn't matter. You can campaign all you want but on day 1 of office it is explained to you who really runs the show and what the actual extent of your power is. Look at what Obama campaigned on vs what he did. Not a single campaign promise came true.
How can Feiglin lead a libertarian, cannabis legalizing party and have so radical comments on Arabs, gays, Hitler etc...? I mean, he is far-something at best, certainly not libertarian...
You Tulsa Gabb shills are pathetic. She's a lefty. A baby killer. A neurotic emotional woman cannot be our lord and presmident.
Never forget: It's the christ-cucks that have put America in this position. If it wasn't for your foaming-at-the-mouth evangelical imbeciles, the conflict there would be as ignored as Yemen, Sudan, and Pakistan.
she isn't
globohomo liberals hate her
Not bad. Damn. Too baby it doesn't mean anything. Not as things are.
>. A neurotic emotional woman cannot be our lord and presmident
But we can have a child fucking egomaniac faggot back to Kikebart bye
Is this seriously how they are going to go after Tulsi?
She renounced this opinion fucking ages ago, only actual shills who are actual hacks who *know* they are lying will push this shit. But they'd do it with a faux concern in their voice. Holy shit fuck these people.
She is pro gun regulations but it doesnt matter because republicans in congress would block anything that forces severe change plus they still have control of the sc so pretty much anything can be contested on grounds of the 2A IIRC.
Pete Buttplug is there to attack her as a homophobe in the debates. Screencap this.
She has my vote. Anti-Zionism
That idiot is literally cut out of cardboard.
He's basically Beto but he's gay.
weird flex, bruh
Bump. Has Ilhan Omar also spoke out?
WTF I love Muslims terrorists now!
He's not gonna win. He's there as a cruise missile, to damage Tulsi, to help prevent her getting the nomination. That's his only purpose.
Is gabbard that Hawaiian ladyboy with fucked up teeth? Cant stand the bitch..
he's a right wing libertarian ,wants to remove pointless regulation, close unneeded goverment ministries, debloat the whole goverment and remove mandatory service.
if that's not a textbook libertarian i dont know what is , did you expect an ancap or something ?
But does he want Americans to die for Israel? That's all that counts.
Iran has been fucking with you guys this past week, why not slap its shit in?
Its only a matter of time before she ends up suicided. Mark my words.
If it was Saudi vs Iran in a stand up fight Saudi would get smashed.
Based and redpilled
Is this true?
*hacks your bank account*
What now, round eyes?
You do that, and I'll get SerpentZa pull some strings to have you hanged.
I honestly believe there would be less Mexican immigration under democrats. Here’s why:
1. They are just better at running things. They don’t run massive budget deficits like the GOP. They can arrange funding for border patrol.
2. They would legalize marijuana. Marijuana is still a huge source of revenue for cartels andnif cartels have less money and power, there’s less people fleeing Mexican cartels.
3. Perhaps most importantly, Democrats have always believed in strong borders. The Jow Forums obsession with “open borders leftists” is not in touch with polls of the Democratic Party that show most support for centrist candidates and poor support for leftists like AOC. In fact most democrats disapprove of AOC. But she’s memeable so she gets overly represented on the right-wing Internet.
4. How the fuck did Trump let in that many fucking illegals every month?
>My hatred for Israel is tremendous!
>The biggest!
>You're gonna say "Mr. President, I sure hate Jews, but you..., please stop!"
>That's how much we will gas theses kikes, let me tell you...
>The Holocaust will be forgotten...FORGOTTEN!
I'd imagine it'd be like that.
She named the Jew. Tulsi gang
War is exactly what I want too. War with Iran, war with anyone, just so long as there is some war to entertain me. I don't care if it benefits Israel, I just want war. I want death, destruction and chaos. Real men love war and violence. War is good, peace is for faggots.
>Perhaps most importantly, Democrats have always believed in strong borders. The Jow Forums obsession with “open borders leftists” is not in touch with polls of the Democratic Party that show most support for centrist candidates and poor support for leftists like AOC. In fact most democrats disapprove of AOC. But she’s memeable so she gets overly represented on the right-wing Internet.
I agree but this is bullshit.
The Democrats *did* believe in strong borders, but essentially all of then now want to eventually give illegals citizenship.
The reason it would be lower under Dem is that Trump made immigration a battleground, but is completely unable or unwilling to fight it. So now NGOs are funneling as many illegals north as they can, and Trump is doing nothing to fight it.
I mean that's all fine (except for mandatory service, as Israel would die without it), I just don't know why he has so harsh views that (if true) is totally radical and far-right. To me, Milton Friedman is a staple right wing libertarian, and I never can imagine him saying shit about Arabs, gays, mentioning Hitler of all people etc...
Also, no wonder he failed to get into the Knesset, the above things would be attractive without the vitriolic hatred.
Based Mommy Tulsi!
Gabbard is cute, but could and never would match the true queen of Jow Forums
of course, who wouldnt want another nation to fight for yours.every politicians everywhere in the world wants this but feiglin wants a strong and militarily independent israel as trusting other nations in matters of war is a recipe for disaster.
>Israel would die without it
israel wouldnt die without mandatory service, most would enlist if it wasnt mandatory and there's plenty of low motivation soldiers that are a net drain on the army.his plan is euro-style military service where you enlist,do basic training and then go into the army reserve instead of serving 2 more years. the law made sense when it was made but nowadays we could make the switch and in many ways it would even improve the army and save money by cutting needless bloat.
>he has so harsh views that (if true) is totally radical and far-right.
on what , everything he says seems complexly centrist to me , he's only far right economically.
>no wonder he failed to get into the Knesset
he's actually gaining popularity pretty fast for someone who isnt an ex-famous person like benny gantz.and while his campaign in the recent elections was pretty bad i highly doubt that he wont get seats in the next election unless he merges with likud again.
had a dream last night that Tulsi was an ISIS sleeper cell
strange because she is my choice for the dem nominee
Poor working class people didnt ask for immigration = competition for labor.
Rich people are the ones pushing the agenda. Rich people from outside the USA. With money to spend on propagating this evil.
Poor folk dont advertise to foreigners to tell them to come to america to take jobs, healthcare.
They belong in thier homeland, not poor and on social services ina foreign land, never integrating.
Bernie called open borders a Koch brothers policy, Tulsi is smart enough to be friends with Assad and want to use (((foreign intervention))) money on domestic programs. Considering the progress Trump has done so far in immigration, I couldn't see them doing worse.
>Rich people from outside the USA.
No, it's American elites who want to drive down wages.
The Democrats were never the party of the working poor, they use them for votes while they do the bidding of their billionaire donors.
Why do you think that the left was able to normalize transexuality in a few years, but still aren't able to provide healthcare for the working class?
Because the wealthy elites that fund the Democrat party want one and not the other.
It’s nit possible to be as genuinely beautiful as ?Gabbard without being beautiful on the inside as well. Sadly she has no shot, but she’s amazing, and watching her on msm warmonger kike shows is top entertainment. When she was on Colbert the entire interview was him (supposedly a “comedian”) insisting that she basically say GOVERNMENT GOOD.
>kikes aka satanists
Nice try schlomo but Satan is literally your adversary along with kike and pedo worshippers.
Didn't Ron Paul endorse her?
audit the fed
Based mutt
>israel wouldnt die without mandatory service, most would enlist if it wasnt mandatory and there's plenty of low motivation soldiers that are a net drain on the army.his plan is euro-style military service where you enlist,do basic training and then go into the army reserve instead of serving 2 more years. the law made sense when it was made but nowadays we could make the switch and in many ways it would even improve the army and save money by cutting needless bloat.
I suppose you know this better than me, I have thought about it myself a lot when reading about conflicts (e.g. Bar Rafaeli's refusal to serve) and hippies refusing to "fight and kill" charmed by Betselem probably, creating difficult legal cases. Wouldn't it be better, if these people would have the option for community service like: taking care of pensioners and homeless people. This way, they can't use the 'apartheid' and other bullshit excuses. As for Europe, don't wanna use it as a sample, as it is a dying continent, due its naive and weak policies of the past decades so please... don't copy. Serving in the military also created unexpected bonuses for Israel e.g. being the primary reason for start-ups, better decision making and responsibility in youth etc... so I think its not that easy.
>on what , everything he says seems complexly centrist to me , he's only far right economically.
But are the rumors true? Or not? I think the opposite, he has libertarian economic ideas, but otherwise far-right rhetoric. I don't mind him hating on Arabs, but at least, he should try and be less open about it. But I don't understand what possible problem he can have about gays...
>he's actually gaining popularity pretty fast for someone who isnt an ex-famous person like benny gantz.and while his campaign in the recent elections was pretty bad i highly doubt that he wont get seats in the next election unless he merges with likud again.
We shall see, just don't have too high hopes about him.
nothing he says about the arabs is that radical. He said that he changed his mind about gays, but i don't really buy it. but since he is a libertarian he doesn't believe the government should get involved with that.
also if you think he is radical, try Kahane, who actually been in the Knesset.
also i love it how she avoids saying that its what Israel wants by blaming it all on Netanyahu.
why can't americans take jokes
The jew fears Tulsi Gabbard
I don’t follow (((your))) logic. Are you implying she’s not against israel but rather Bibi?
when he mentioned hitler it was an example that bad people don't aren't always bullies, they can be very organized.
the quote of him praising Hitler is just ignoring the context.
a lot of democrats hate our government, but love us. which is really funny, because guess who elected them.
i just find it amusing
fuck you jew KYS
>nothing he says about the arabs is that radical. He said that he changed his mind about gays, but i don't really buy it. but since he is a libertarian he doesn't believe the government should get involved with that.
also if you think he is radical, try Kahane, who actually been in the Knesset.
OK Kahane is an entirely different level of radical, true.
>when he mentioned hitler it was an example that bad people don't aren't always bullies, they can be very organized.
the quote of him praising Hitler is just ignoring the context.
I believe that, and wiki said the same thing. Its just so bad behavior to talk about Hitler in any context desu... I mean, couldn't he find a better example or just stfu?
Anyway, so what do you guys think about the peace plan that will be released very soon? Does it have any chance of forcing the arabs to bend the knee finally? Its no secret that Trump & Co. is totally inboard with Israel, and the past 40 years of US policy was basically 'doing nothing just keeping the status quo'. Can he somehow, with the aid of sunni countries, strongarm the palestinians to finally accept their fate?
me too!
kys jew
>I believe that, and wiki said the same thing. Its just so bad behavior to talk about Hitler in any context desu... I mean, couldn't he find a better example or just stfu?
Hitler is the most fitting example to what he needed and the strongest one.
Anyway, so what do you guys think about the peace plan that will be released very soon? Does it have any chance of forcing the arabs to bend the knee finally? Its no secret that Trump & Co. is totally inboard with Israel, and the past 40 years of US policy was basically 'doing nothing just keeping the status quo'. Can he somehow, with the aid of sunni countries, strongarm the palestinians to finally accept their fate?
I strongly doubt that his plan will solve the conflict.
Oy Veh
A candidate for gen Z if there ever was one.
But why, can't you clarify a bit more? Imho:
>POTUS is finally onboard with a strong pro-Israeli policy
>Sunni world has its own problem against all the Shiite terrorist groups and Iran most of all
>Egypt, Jordan in peace
>Syria destroyed, not even a country by now
>Lebanon is almost a puppet state, with no apparent grasp on the region
>Turkey has its own economic problems soon coming to crumble back on the fucker
>Saudis are now 'the enemy of your enemy' thus temporary friend
>no one really supports Palestinians anymore, accept for far-lefties from EU and US
>Bibi just won again with a landslide, no real opposition against him
>If the peace were to succeed, one way or another, both guys would go into history as heroes, what else could they possible wish for at this age/level of success?
Egypt is also fucking opposed to the Gaza strip havoc, it would certainly help resolve the situation one way or another in exchange for some incentive. West Bank can be resolved by any number of ways, all can be achieved by strongarming Abbas.
Dem tig ole bittys
remember to vote leftist
> Saudi Arabia
The only thing the Chinese want from the jews is intel. they could give a fuck about them or their causes
arabs can only understand force. they don't want peace, they want the entire thing.
I think a Bernie and Tulsi ticket could be a good show
Same with you