Ban all drugs

Would it be possible to get alcohol banned again?
Can we vote this into reality?

Attached: about-alcoholism.jpg (900x600, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread: smoking psa

>Ban all drugs
then you wouldn't be able to eat food any longer because all nutrients are drugs.

>Would it be possible to get alcohol banned again?
Prohibition 2.0? No thank you. Organized crime got really bad because of it.
>then you wouldn't be able to eat food any longer because all nutrients are drugs.
American education. Tragic!

5 days sober here, feeling great
Alcohol is a hellava drug man, it makes me sick thinking back to all the excuses I made and it's almost humorous acceptance in our society.

I wouldnt ban it, but man it can really hold you back from being your best self.

>Organized crime got really bad because of it.

you mean unregulated industry, you dirty fucking bootlicker

Sandnigger detected.

>American education. Tragic!
>as he posts from an american flag
guess your education was too shitty for you to understand how the body processes chemicals.
you live in a flyover, don't you?

Fuck you. I just started a t break after learning my dermatitis was caused by fructans and cutting out all fruits and veggies. Ive lost 2 lbs in two days because i cant eat, im now 115 llbs at 5'10. i fucking need a smoke to settle my stomach and get an appetite. but first i need to make sure my new diet is working. Fucking 5 more days to go.

Congrats man. I’m trying to get sober again. Longest I’ve gone was a year.

Alcohol won’t be banned, but we should promote a culture that doesn’t revolve around drinking and doing drugs.

I agree in principle but is it practical? Not likely.

Why not, agorism is pretty cool and could use a boost.

No and no.

Prohibition doesn't work. Social stigmatization of alcohol might work. Something similar to how people shame cigarette smokers.

Yes, converting the entire country to islam.

I have literally never seen anyone who isn't a cunt bully looking for an 'acceptable' target shame someone for smoking
People stopped smoking because the industry and paid-off doctors were forced to stop lying about how dangerous it was.

Drugs and alcohol are the reason you and I are able to commune.

Drugs started the civilizations and alcohol continued it.

Happened constantly when I was growing up. In person, on TV, on the radio, etc. smoking psa

> give the police state infinite power of everyone
yeah, fuck off.

What do you recommend then? What could have prevented you from becoming a smoker?

>implying that as smokers we give a shit about social stigma


I would literally go on a killing spree if you take my alcohol.

I don't really know what's true, but the CDC thinks PSA's are effective.

Alcohol lobby is too powerful. Never going to happen.

Ban all drugs. Be like Singapore. Clean and amazing. Rid the world of low IQ niggers.


Can we vote antisemitism and antimuslimism to be mandatory? Can we vote this into reality?

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Yeah worked so well last time

>alcohol banned
If you want booze banned people will automatically call you a muslim. Same if you want homosexuality/atheism banned.

I agree... ban it all. Drugs are a total waste of time

>want's to suppress symptoms rather than addressing the cause
kys nigger

nutrients ARE drugs. we learned that in 7th grade

but why?

Every alcoholic should just do shrooms, you'll be sober after that.

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>Would it be possible to get alcohol banned again?
No. It's impossibly easy to make and you will never force people to be sober.

Congratz. I managed to quit and then I went to a memorial for a friend who an heroed and started drinking again. Withdrawl hits me hard so I'm basically stuck drinking smaller and smaller amounts for nearly a week to become sober again.

>Would it be possible to get alcohol banned again?
no it would be a stupid idea to try

>American education.
he's right moron, anything that changes the chemical composition of your body is a drug including oxygen

the so-called "black market" is just poor cops who want to give their family a good life

they are easy to bribe

happens all the time.

you will never stop drugs.

What about things like music and radiation?

>Would it be possible to get alcohol banned again?Can we vote this into reality?
The short answer: pic related.

The long answer:
People will always drink what they can get. Europe and North America are moderate, continental or alpine in climate, which means that certain amounts of alcohol are necessary to make it through winter. Russians, Finns, Norwegians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Ukranians, Czechs, Brits, Austrians, Germans etc. drink so much because it's damn Cold where they live, French and Mediterraneans don't drink nearly as much because they consume only wine during or after meals, for the taste and the healthy effects.
Many people have traditions in making their alcohol.

You could and should ban alcoholic fruit-mixes, gin tonic, canned beer, cartoned wine and similar, because these products have unhealthy, non-alcoholic side-effects ad shitty design that encourage guzzling it all.

Historically, beer and wine have had very low alcoholic content, spirits had below 40% and were rarely consumed, mostly for purposes of medicine and digestion.
Drinking (such beverages) were common and considered normal, children, pregnant women etc. all used to lightly drink back when alcohol was mostly low-percentage.

I would also add, Americans lack the beer-brewing properties and rules of purity that Germany, Czechia or Austria have.

Otherwise, the only way to fight alcoholism is by traditionalizing it again and letting licenced brewers make quality alcohol., the overall production must be lowered.

Ideally you would create an awareness, a culture and atmosphere where drinking is seen as something usual that is to be done moderately.

Bavarians for example see beer as "food".
Seeing alcohol as that makes sense, it's culinaric; it tastes good, it's also a drug; it has medical purposes and calms the senses, which means it's no fun, thus nothing to be done to an excess.

Those who fall to alcohol are weak, strength and purity should be promoted

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i stopped drinking this year and heres the perks you degenerate fucks (who ironically judge other degenerates)

1) No depression while sober
2) no face and body bloat or chubbiness
3) no hangovers
4) no dependancy and need for drink as a coping mechanism
5) money saved
6) Im not a fucking pussy hiding behind a bottle finding every excuse in the book to justify my alochism ( example : oh alcohol has been involved in all of white man history its okay for me to indulge in my jew advertised alcohol)

keep coping faggots

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Probably not, in fact, a lot of places are on the path to decriminalizing a lot of stuff. So, the opposite direction.

Anyways, people will just bootleg it, which only leads to bad product, severely adultered product, or downright fake product (like in current illegal drug markets) that gets people killed on occasion despite many recreational drugs being relatively safe on their own.

Keep in mind they also watered wine down to shit pretty much until the 1800s in a lot of cultures, so wine is probably even lower abv in the past than you might think.