Is there ever a reason not to hit a woman?

Attached: Punch.webm (320x566, 1.1M)

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That guy is an asshole. Take it to /gif/ and post your sadistic shit in a rekket thread

if she's some dumb roastie then pretty much any reason

Like, maybe she's a cunt who deserved it but why the fuck knock her out. The guy is a piece of shit

post tits

First and foremost, that - Russian? - girl needs to have more respect. Look how she throws the cigarette at his jacket, as if she is free to do anything. Maybe in America or Britain she is free to do anything. There are repercussions if you act like a dog.

waste of time to hit chicks.
they don't learn.
they will cry to the cops.

>sucker punching a weaker person
there's no reason to hit a woman, but then there's no reason to pay attention to them either! stop letting them get under your skin user!

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The guy asked her name or something like that.

>The guy asked her name or something like that.
I always thought that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but do you think they just met and she disrespected him, so he clocked her?


>get decked
>resets into T-pose
NPC confirmed?

That's no excuse if you started it.

shot to the face knocked her out, hitting her head on the ground killed her.

no matter what they were fighting about the guy deserves the saem fate she got.

I'm not that smart and somehow I managed to find it on Google.
I'm sick of doing it for free. Someone should send their daughters to my house to suck my dick to thank me.

>Wife beating is ok
The absolute state of Jow Forums. You fucking retards

Where's the rest of the video? Did she really die?

transferring the bottle to the other hand before he clocked her was textbook stuff. Notice how the fag stayed in her mouth after she went down aswell lel.

hahaha she dead

user, are you a doctor? Or are you just making shit up?

shut up female
based King

Equality is a bitch.

Pretty much. Before the hit she was mocking him, literaly "are you gonna hit me?"
The girl is alive. Probably got a concussion if she has something in the brain cage.


He blew out the lit match then she threw the unlit cigarette at him and he punched her.


If you've already hit her in the last several minutes.

Guess she wont throw shit at people now

Why is it worse to hit women than men unless you're admitting we aren't equal?

Sure it wasnt a trap?

Wait, that was the unlit match she threw at him. Or maybe it was nothing.

Everything caught on tape but.
>The extent of the woman's injuries remains unknown. Russian police are not believed to be looking into the incident.
>Russian police are not believed to be looking into the incident.
>Russian police.
What do we say Jow Forums Based or not.

Horrible attitude. Don't act like an unapproachable god and don't treat strangers like shit.
Nice hit based thot patroller.

only if you do it with your benis in her bagina

Jow Forums shows once again that they're a bunch of violent niggers

ebic gaymer moment brenchie

r/hapas BTFO

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Women should not be beaten, they are weaker than you. You should protect your women, and in turn they should be yours. When women become misaligned and step out of this paradigm then they are free game.

Russians are violent niggers, calm your tits nordcuck.

Anyways stop defending women. They want equality, this is what it tastes like.

I would have done the same but I wouldn't talk to a whore in the first place

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Finally, true equality has been achieved. Tell the feminists they can go home now.

People are frustrated, they get banned for posting pictures of little girls on Jow Forums.
Sexual repression leads to violence.

Here's how I feel. If you hit a woman and feel bad about it later, then it's okay.

Yeah this
He should have just hocked a fat loogey on her face

Could at least grab her from the waist with other hand so her head doesnt hit the pavement, thats the usual way your street fight ends up being an accidental homicide.

dude is a hero, end of story.

that was a love tap elbow

A sucker punch is too much but a good ol' bitch slap is exactly what must be delivered if a woman disrespects a man in a such way. After all, if you wait a male to act like a gentleman, at least try to pretend that you're a lady.

What the fuck is this? A rape? An attempted rape?

Unless she hits you first or threatens violence there really isn't any excuse. That goes for all people tbqh

r/hapas BTFO.


There's more to the video. He blows out her match she's trying to light her cigarette with and she throws the match at him.

Thats just bait (on their part). Everyone knows that they have the full force of the state behind them.

Attached: Women dont listen to em.png (643x341, 19K)

White people are so degenerate

tits or gtfo

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she doesn't even hit him, why go that far?

He deactivated and T-stance'd that thot

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Yes. Because a based man like myself sees you do that to a woman in front of me and its your ass.

Unless of course she is masked up in antifa assaulting innocent civs. Then punch away

yeah sure whatever lady kys

Attached: yeah sure ok.gif (113x131, 254K)

sure, if she hit you first, but it should be with no more force than she hit you with

Russia invented a new way to quit smoking

>be in relationship for 7 years
>girlfriend is extremely jealous and complains about money all the time
>have a bank account she doesn't know about
>she opens mail one day while I'm at work
>finds out I spent over a thousand dollars this year alone on twitch
>she assumes twitch is like chaturbate and looses her shit
>come home to literally hell
>all my possessions are either destroyed or thrown out
>she confronts me in living room with a knife in her hand
>starts swinging knife at me and telling me I'm not a man and I can't satisfy her
>starts slashing at me cutting my arms and chest
>screams if I'm a real man I should fight back
>I sit there and take the cuts and stabs while holding my ground
>as she goes for a stab I grab her close and hold her telling her I'm sorry
>she drops the knife and just starts crying
>like a man I never retaliated and now were even more in love

Women can be crazy but there is NEVER an excuse to hit them. I don't care if they have the intention of killing you you either run away or hold them til they get over the rage fit.

>like a man I never retaliated and now were even more in love
>until occasionally she'll stab you in the chest while you're sleeping

Women are trash today because of gynocentric men. From birth society tells them they’re “equal” to men but pussywipped faggots never hold them to the responsibilities and standards as men get held to, and whiteknights are always there to save them from the same consequences that a man would endure for similar actions. As such they all grow up to be big, emotionally unstable children with no selfwareness at all, who fly into aggressive fits of estrogen-fueled rage when men don't kiss the ground on command for them, because that’s what they’ve been raised to expect. Men who have the balls to keep women in their place with their fists are the true redpills because they know how badly society has been destroyed by our fathers letting the talking-holes run amok

But women are equal to men in every way and should be treated in exactly same way.
If you are the kind of man who like punching people regularly then not punching women would be kinda sexist right?

>There are repercussions if you act like a dog.
No free speech for you

>I'm a cuck living with a cluster B psycho

you're a fucking fool, and either gonna get killed by her or locked up when she fires up the false allegation machine.
Enjoy your hell.

Why are you spending $1000 on twitch?
I'd stab you to faggot

>Flicks a match at him
>Gets floored
Tell me what the problem is? If it was a guy doing that he would have got the same treatment. I thought you women wanted equality?

say la vee, ehh moe namee? han han han

You’re one of those gynocentric ruining society for me, stop that

*gynocentric men

that's a complete over reaction whether it's a female or not


That guy is indeed a cunt

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Hitting a woman is only ok as a form of discipline. Arbitrary violence towards women is bigger behavior.

Fucking kek

>roastie detected
If not, that roastie still won't fuck you bro

She probably let him smash when she woke up

A nut-punch wins the day

>rekket thread
is that Arabic?

I never thought an attempted rape would be a good fit for Yakety Sax until that webm.

Good shot, nice seeing them get a taste of their own medicine getting sucker punched straight in the nuts.

>all the soi boys here saying this isn’t acceptable behavior
>yet they bitch and moan about not getting women and being incels
You guys are betas and you actually deserve not to get pussy at this point. I’m willing to bet my fucking soul this whore went home with him after and gave him a blowjob with a black eye. Don’t you know women respect men who express their frustration?

Full video pls?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hitting women. Women want to be treated like big girls then they will learn that they are not above an ass whooping.

>Women: We want all the positives of being treated equal without the negatives. #WomenAreEqualExceptForTheNegatives

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If woman doesnt understans your wore you rape her