Americans think they will escape it.
Cannot wait to see /iran war general/.
Why do americans keep serving their jewish masters ?
Americans think they will escape it.
Cannot wait to see /iran war general/.
Why do americans keep serving their jewish masters ?
we escaped the war in syria. Maybe kikes can get the chinks to fight this one. USA is done with that shit.
It's not like we have a choice when it comes to our Jew masters. We're slaves but we're just comfortable enough not to make a fuss. It torments me daily.
Fake and gay, Mohammed.
Hahahahahaha.. does it hurt being that stupid?
Iran will be a sandlot by the end of the week. We'll hit them with so many bombs that even their sand gets obliterated into tinier pieces of sand.
Yes. Still though, americans disinterested in more bullshit kike wars. Actually leftists are going full anti kike these days it's hilarious--legit turning into muzzies those lefties are.
oh fuck off. Iran is protected by Russia who has enough nukes to make USA one giant sheet of glass. Plus they're one ofthe most populous muzzie nation it would be a fucking quagmire of epic proportions
Your mutt blood is (((their))) currency. The more it is spilled, the wealthier they become.
>MFW greasy burgers can't do anything but submit to the vile designs of the (((chosen))) people.
Donald retard and his Jewish masters dont really care
Fuck off nigger. France doesn't even exist anymore hahah irrelevant fucking rapebabies.
calm your tits
Trump is not stupid enough to start a war, it would be bad for business.
of all places, you should be the least likely to talk shit. how are all those rapefugees doing these days?
> Imagine unironically believing this
Start a war your mutts. So I may invest in Boeing and Lockheed.
> Free money thanks to the warmongering mutts. Their entire economy is based on the slaughtering of civilians.
>Free shitposts. /iran war general/ with mutts getting torn off
>Feels good to be a comfy european
>Why do americans keep serving their jewish masters ?
Not what is happening. The US is an empire, one which extracts tribute from its clients via the mechanism of the petrodollar. Because of the petrodollar recycling scheme, the US living standard is far above what its productive capacity justifies.
The whole scheme is premised on the majority of oil exporting countries trading oil in dollars, and using those dollars to buy useless US weapons systems, financial services, etc. However, because countries like Russia, Iran and Venezuela (all great oil exporters) do not go along with it and have started to trade in gold, rubbles, yuan, etc. in stead of dollars, and Saudi supplies are running out, the system is coming close to collapse. One of the reasons Ghadaffi was toppled, by the way.
Russia is too big of an opponent to take on. Iran and Venezuela, though can be brought to heel as new petrodollar linchpins. That is why we are seeing the warmongering. It's all about the perceived self interest of US elites, not some silly Jewish conspiracy.
You leave out the fact US elites are jews and Iran is Israel's biggest enemy. Not saying you're wrong just there's more factors involved.
There was a time when America was run by WASPs and we successfully resisted getting involved in Europe’s Wars. Then the Jews moved in and it’s been downhill ever since.
But why? What have they ever done to us directly besides having their own central bank and a lot of oil?
Every day might be your last in algerian occupied france.
I don't think someone that stupid can even process pain
>all of our problems are due to the jews
Isn't it just great to never take responsibility for your own actions? Americans are no different than niggers.
>It's the jew that forced americans to join the military willingly, as if it was a free amusement park
>It's the jews that forced americans to vote for warmongers
>It's the jews that forced americans to blindly support israel
>It's the jews that forced americans to bend over the private corporations
The only way you're right is if jews = the average american. Stop blaming all the problems present in the united shitholes of america on jews. We for the most part, manage to be doing pretty well for ourselves, until you faggots drag us into your pointless wars
The ultimate redpill is that there are no jews, just retarded americans.
I hope Iran has nukes, or they've got a few stocked up from Russia or China.
If it torments you so bad start by attacking that which makes you and others comfortable. Stop watching porn, stop doing drugs stop watching talmudvision and gtfo Jow Forums. Maybe after you are no longer entranced by distractions you'll get angry enough to do something in the real world. And yeah.. I'm talking to myself here even if I'm replying to you.