Thankyou lolcops for making the streets safe from pointed things that we use everyday
UK LOL-Cops episode 2
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how can this shit be real
britains used to have the right to keep and bear arms. even the police were not armed because citizens were expected to help in keeping the peace. each police station probably had 1 or 2 revolvers and that is all. fucking hell how times have changed. as we were disarmed we lost all respect for authority and to counter that they became more authoritarian and armed themselves against us. really makes you think.
>a spoon
>a fucking spoon
Mein fucking sides
finally they caught gordon ramsay
>Mein fucking sides
literally everyone thinks this. no public support for the lol cops and their bizarre kindergarten policing of adults, yet it continues.
that soldier getting beheaded with a kitchen knife in public really did a number on them
lol, Britannia
that was memory holed, and he use a metal weapon to cause neck injuries, nothing to see here
One less dangerous spoon on your streets, GSTQ
You think they're raiding non whites? Not at all
>knives and forks I can understand
They deserve this
Lee Rigby will never be forgotten here, they dun goofed
Can you guys get spoons banned for shits and giggles? Just to show everyone the absolute state of bongland?
I should visit England and beat the fucking shit out of every cop I see
What the fuck are they going to do?
when did you get disarmed?
not the dreaded sharpening rods
the classic bicycle wheel post
we can still buy guns but it is subject to the will of the lolcops. control has been a long slow process, but after WWI the elites were terrified that there would be a revolution because of Russia and the carnage of the war.
lmao do they just raid peoples kitchens over there
England has become the kindergarten of countries.
Lol they fear they're going to be killed by their own citizens when diversity gets bad. That's why this is happening. And they will. Historically traitors in police and federal agencies get it the worst when there's a regime change. Remember what Himmler did to the wiemar secret police who were still loyal to jews.
This makes me want to nuke britbongland. Fuck these mental midgets.
>tfw cooking bugmeal steak and have to take it to the police station to have it cut into bite size pieces and it gets cold on the way back home
Take your spoons that's what
If you're brown, suck your cock
Top kek
Lol that’s me
>Remember what Himmler did to the wiemar secret police who were still loyal to jews.
Himmler wasn't a nigger who purged people like the soviets did when they came to power
Is there a way I could buy these from the British government? I’m betting that there’s some valuable stuff being thrown out by low IQ Brit bootlickers.
>night of the long knives
Lrn2NaziHistory. Hitler purged unsavory elements like homosexual sodomite brownshirts before he even seized the chancellorship.
>all those kitchen knives
How do bongs cook? How do professional cooks do their work? I'm a chef in a big city, I walk to work and I carry my knives to and from work. How does a chef in London do his job without getting arrested?
"I am going to butter the absolute shit out of some toast with that knife bro. "
>whatever passes for SWAT comes thundering in and shoots everyone in the store only missing nog child soldiers anf muslim child rapists
do they also ID you for buying grinders/files/steel from local hardware stores?
>My ethnicity is irrelevant
lmao fucking called him out as a Muslim and he was actually right
Coppo here.
UK is a disgrace and should be wiped of the map
The true anglos left for the new world, England is rightfully ours
Holy shit, I think we've found the new queen (male) of England.
Someone please just nuke us while we still have a tiny bit of pride left.
i'm embarrassed to be around you anymore, uk. you'll have to leave.
i swear, five obese burgers with ARs in shartmartcarts could conquer the country.
It's the rest of the unicycle that makes the deadly weapon.
At that point you just have to face the fact you're in a prison camp.
This is all just bullshit.
For fucks sake a loaded shopping bag could be a deadly weapon.
Better not buy any fucking frozen sprouts, eh?
>when you realize it's inevitable that the UK will eventually have to fight a war and it's going to get the biggest bitch slap in recorded history
So, it would be unsuitable for consumption?
So you freely admit transporting waste without a license?
Not to mention that no health and safety impact assessment was made on the hot bugmeal steak, police officers could have been slightly burnt and interrupted from their duties due to an injury you caused.
Not only that, the loss of heat contributed to global warming.
You're some kind of unlicensed poorly documented ecological terrorist who burns police officers!!!
chek'd, and when Trump comes here and makes a speech I hope he makes a gag about spoons being dangerous weapons in the UK and being frisked at the airport. he could even mention all the knife crime in London but eating soup is illegal. I hope he is reading this.
When I was 18 I tried to buy a pizza cutter from Morrison's and couldn't because I didn't have any ID on me; burn this country
It’s crazy just look up #OpSceptre on twitter
These fuckers literally comb entire woods looking for knives
That will only happen a the royal family die out or find a back bone
It's designed to not harm people.
t. Foil fencer.
you can get tactical fixed blade knives for outdoors use right, like camping, you just can't carry them in town? there's a few uk knife review youtube channels so i'm a bit confused.
>there is a literal rusty spoon in the picture
ffs can you stop beeing such a meme already?
God bless constables Ngubu & Patel for keeping the UK knife free
I don't think it is meant to make sense. does 37 genders and promoting interracial / same sex couples make sense? does all the obvious hatred of the white race from those who literally claim race doesn't exist make sense? it's literally clown world, we are in it, and it needs to end.
Are kitchen knives banned too?
what's the chances of those two being hand picked for diversity reasons.
imagine being the UK police and thinking citizens will be pleased that this is what they are paying you for instead of rounding up Islamo dune hajis
cool. i've got over two shelves full but don't want to post them all.
TY...Randalls or knives in General? Randalls and CRKs are my thing.
No way this is real
we're gonna start biting people and they'll start taking out our teeth
>a literal spoon
knives in general. gerbers, ontarios, eka, mora, hk, cold steel. i try to get usa made stuff if i can.
Now that wad genuinely funny.
lamo even furries can get away with roasting your cops
>That model 14
All solid manufactures...too bad most of the morons here don't understand knives, they think Randall 18s are "chinese garbage". Extrema Ratio is cool too.
14 is a bad motherfucker. I've also got an Airman/15...same thing with a 5.5" blade. Can't seem to find a pic of it, see if I can get one. The 18s are my favorite though, this was my first Randall.
When you have to make shivs just to have a weapon,'re in prison.
>French and English
That's probably Canada, not the UK.
Nobody need assaults brooms.
Not even the military.
Swedish garbage.
Iisakki Järvenpää, Marttiini, Tapio Syrjälä, Poronvarsi, or Osmo Thetopicala (Laurin Metalli OY blade).
Mora is the Fischer Price of Nordic blades. If you insist on Swedish, go for Fällkniven.
If only you knew
those aren't cheap. i was kind of knife addicted for like two years. i want a cs trailmaster for my next one.
That's a cool knife, certainly as a collection item or as an all-purpose tool, but it's not a fighting weapon.
The ultimate fighting knife was made by the Brits for WW2
all my moras have been great. i broke a marttiini though. their epoxy isn't as good. the blade was crazy sharp though.
oh no no no hahahaha